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Students: Daniel Alberto Merlo Ferrera

Javier Eduardo Santos Chevez

Class: Ingles (Vocabulario y Lectura Técnica)
Period: 3ero
Year: 2020
Section: 1501
I am in favor that human beings must act so that together we can protect and improve
the resources that the world of wildlife needs, for example avoiding the capture of
animals that are in danger of extinction. Parks or zoos are facilities that help protect
wildlife and are great tourist attractions.
If it is important protect animals in extnction because the ecosystem depends on animals
because when an animal is in danger of extinction that means that our ecosystem begins
to crumble, so to improve this problem is to protect all the species that make up wildlife
because human beings depend that our ecosystem remains healthy so that we can purify
our environment. The benefits that we can have from being able to conserve species in
extinction is a balanced ecosystem that maintains the health of the environment.


Extinction is something that has been happening since before human beings, it may be
sad and painful at the moment but in a couple of years almost nobody realizes that a
certain animal does not exist, the truth is that extinction helps to maintain the
ecosystem. that the resources last longer since there is an overpopulation of species the
resources are running out faster.

* The protection of endangered species is a problem because it covers a lot of lands that
could be used by humans for agriculture or personal development, something that can
greatly save money and lift many countries out of poverty.

* The use of endangered animals is something that can produce money for a society
either through zoos that have exotic animals in captivity that attracts many people and
produces income.

In conclusion, it is something that sooner or later will happen because that is how life
has been happening since the time of the dinosaurs and before and one day the same
will happen with humans.

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