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Notebook 3: 8c

A resource that I found while doing my research was the US National Library of

Medicine National Institutes of Health. This source wrote an article titled “Dieting: Information

for Teens”. I thought that this article did a wonderful job of speaking to/focusing on teenagers.

They spoke about reasons why teenagers might start dieting. Which I believe to be very

beneficial to the teenagers, because the teenager will feel like someone understands them, and

understands why they started to diet. Another strategy that I liked that this source included were

facts. They had a long list as to why dieting is bad for your body. They also wrote a list of

healthier ways you can lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

This source used many different strategies that I want to include in my project. I liked

how they made the article just for teens. I feel that social media is truly hurting teenagers'

self-esteem daily and having an article that is directed towards teens will help improve this social

issue. In my project I also would like to include bulleted lists of how dieting is bad for your body

and ways you can live a healthier lifestyle.

Here is a model of how I will use one of their strategies.

Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle: 

● Listen to your body cues. When you’re hungry, go eat.

● Drink plenty of water

● Try new workout routines and find the one that works best for you

● Make a to-do list, this will help you feel more productive

● Eat a large variety of foods

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