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Book review on the 60 second Leader written by Phil Dorado:

The very best leadership book Dourado is humorous, persuasive, and pretty stink in' smart. This
book's bite-sized chapters made it easy, but its relevant, approachable content made it a joy. This
one's a keeper; I've already ordered my hardcover edition.

Filled with stories of leadership and examples for thought, this is one of the better leadership
books that have ended up on my desk. The book reads like a solid discussion punctuated by
stories, sources, and citations. It is a quick read and in such may be its weakness. It is referred to
on its back cover as a reference work, something to go back to for review and clarification - and
that is fair enough.

A solid and focused book for those leading, managing, and/or working in any environment which
needs forward thinking, adjustment, and a culture capable of acknowledging failure as
opportunity for growth.

This book is the distillation of 30 essential elements of leadership into 60 second digestible
chapters. There are also 30 true 60 Second Leader Tales in between the chapters to help bring
some of the leader learning points to life.

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