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A Great Lakes Lamprey Invasion!

Nearly a century ago, sea lampreys Petromyzon marinus were first spotted in Lake Erie. Since then, lampreys have left a
path of ecological destruction in the Great Lakes region. Using the links provided, answer the questions below by
providing a minimum of three supporting details.

1) How were lampreys first introduced to the Great Lakes? (

 1. The Welland Canal linked Lake Ontario with Lake Erie resulting in the fish to cross over to the great
 2. They invaded most of the region which is how they were found and introduced.
 3. It was found latching on to fish as they are parasitic creatures.

2) What impacts did P. marinus have on native fish in the Great Lakes region? (
 1. The survival of the endangered Lake Sturgeon is being greatly affected by the parasitic lamprey.
 2. A lamprey could kill around 40 or more pounds of fish during its adult life which greatly affects the fish
 3. Around $30 million of dollars in economic benefits from the great lakes are lost because of the effects
the sea lampreys have on the ecosystem.

3) How do lampreys’ prey on their host? (

 1. It uses suctions to suck blood and other materials from your body.
 2. The rows of teeth are used for gripping it’s prey and holding on to them
 3. The “tongue” is used liked a piston and pushes up on it’s prey.

4) What methods are currently being used to control lamprey populations in the Great Lakes?
 1. Barriers are being made to block the lampreys from having access to certain areas in the lake.
 2. Lampricides are being used to kill the lamprey larvae before they have the chance to prey on the fish.
 3. Traps are constructed to capture adult lampreys and actually capture up to 40% of the population!
Sea Lamprey Control:

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