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Elise Barker

The Bloody, Gory Slaughter of Rainbow Brite

The house I grew up in when I was young was small. My sister and I both did not have a

room of our own. We shared all of our fundamentals. We shared a closet that was bright yellow.

We shared a toy box. We even shared clothes. My sister Gina, who was four years younger than

me, was about my size. I was so short when I was small that I always had to wear hand-me-

downs from my younger cousin Krista who was taller than me because she would be finished

with them. 

There were many Rainbow Brite dolls in our room. In my personal opinion I thought

Rainbow Brite was the best ever because she rode on a magical horse on a rainbow in the sky

above the world. A great number of times I expressed my personal belief that Rainbow Brite was

better than He-Man to my cousin Travis. Travis was a boy who was very stubborn and single-

minded. He couldn’t disagree with me more. 

In this one particular instance, he tried to get his He-Man that was made of plastic type of

material to fight with my Rainbow Brite that was made out of soft cloth material with squishy

fluff stuffed inside. He ended up playing extremely rough and ripped and tore a hole in my

Rainbow Brite making her pass away. I was worried. The reason why I was worried was on

account of the expensive price of Rainbow Brite dolls. We both concluded that we would have to

hide her away from sight of my Mom. 

Then we went into the backyard of my house where there was a sandbox. In the sandbox

we buried Rainbow Brite in the sand. Then because we were hungry, my mom gave us grapes.

Then we planted grapevines in the sand. They didn’t grow the way we thought they would due to

the fact that we weren’t all that smart and were instead in actual fact quite dumb little kids. 
My mom came outside into the backyard and asked the question as to whether or not

Rainbow Brite was with us. We both of us answered in the negative in regards to her question.

At the time when she left to go back in the door to the inside, we began to dig Rainbow Brite out

of the sand. We were in the process of dusting Rainbow Brite off when my Mom came back to

the outside and subsequently saw and observed that Rainbow Brite was covered in dirt and was


Luckily, we did not get in trouble after all.

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