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Student’s Work Sheet

LK 2.
Rewrite someone experiences in the past.
Name : Narendra Ahmad Al Dharda
Class : VIII - J
Presence No : 22
Day, Date : 02 February 2021
Lesson : English (Signature/tanda tangan)
Materi : Simple Past Tense (When I was a child)

In the name of the Almighty God (Allah SWT for moslems)

Activity 1

Based on the dialogues on page 151-154 “When English Rings a Bell”, please complete the
following table with Dayu’s activities in the past!
These are Dayu’s experiences in Day 1 and 2
1. She Walked To Her Kindy with her Mum or her Brother
2. Sometimes she went with her dad on her dad motorcycle
3. She sang happy songs, coloured the pictures, and played with dough and colorful paper
4. She also played sliding, ran around, and played hide and seek


1. Sometimes She walked to school by herself, because her school was 200 meters from her
2. She went to her school with her brother or her friends
3. She learned to write and to read in grade 1 and grade 2
4. She have many memories and her primary school
5. She and her friends often helped Pak Min, The Janitor. Because Pak Min had so much wor to
6. She Learned to ride on a bicycle in the school yard in the afternoon after school
7. She and her friends often spent hours chatting in the small green yard near the Kelurahan

Activity 2

Based on Dayu’s experiences you have rewritten, classify the verbs you find in Four Verb Forms in
the following table as the example given!

to…. Present Past -ing Meaning

modal can could - bisa/mampu
to take care take care took care taking care merawat
to sleep sleep Slept sleeping tidur
to breastfeed breastfeed breastfed breastfeeding menyusui
To cry Cry Cried Crying Menangis
To carry Carry carried Carrying Membawa
To get Get Got Getting Memperoleh
To play Play played Playing Bermain
To learn Learn Learned Learning Belajar
To spend Spend Spent Spending Menghabiskan
To climb Climb Climbed Climbing Memanjat
To swim Swim Swam Swimming Berenang
- Tire Tired Tiring Melelahkan
To help Help Helped Helping Menolong
To start Start Started Starting Memulai
To walk Walk Walked Walking Berjalan
To go Go Went Going Pergi
To sing Sing Sang Singing Bernyanyi
To run Run Ran Running Berlari
To read Read Read Reading Membaca
To teach Teach Taught teaching mengajar
Thanks God for your blessing and Thank to my Mom and Dad for your
unlimited best support. Alhamdulillah.

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