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How to Start a Blog That Generates $3817 a Month

how to start a blog

Ever wondered how to start a blog and make enough money to quit your job?

You can do it. Tons of people already have.

Want definitive proof?

The blog you’re reading right now gets over 2,436,100 unique visitors a year and generates well over a
million dollars in annual revenue.

Just look at my revenue stats for a 30 day period:

how to start a blog in 2020

$381,772 a month is a lot of money… especially for a blog. Now you aren’t going to generate that much
money, but it is realistic for you to make 1/100th of what I am making.

That’s why I’m going to show you how to make $3817 a month.

Making $300,000 per month is REALLY hard. Making $3000 per month is a lot easier.

And for most folks, an extra $3000 per month would change their life.

So, yes. Blocks of text and a handful of images can generate life-changing amounts of money.

Want to know something else?

I started from the same place you’re at right now. The only difference between you and me is that I’ve
already been doing this for a decade.

Look, I stumbled a LOT along the way. Fell flat on my face. Had tons of terrible ideas.
This guide shows you how to avoid the same mistakes I did. Not only will your path be easier, you’ll get
there a lot quicker.

Let’s dive in.

Your 2-minute quickstart cheat sheet

Looking for a barebones, quickstart guide to get started as fast as possible? In this section, we won’t
cover everything, only the essential steps.

First, you need an idea and a name for your blog.

From there, head to Bluehost and sign up for the Basic Plan. It’s $2.95 per month if you sign up for three
years in advance—I highly recommend it to get the best deal.

Next, follow the instructions to set up your account. Skip all the package extras except for domain
privacy + protection. The extra privacy is worth the investment.

Finish setting up your account, and now you officially have your own little piece of the internet.

But, don’t celebrate too hard just yet—we’re not quite finished. From there, you need to:

Install WordPress (your blogging platform)

Choose and install a cheap/affordable theme

Customize your new theme

Write and publish your first blog post

Stick to a regular publishing schedule

After you have your first few posts under your belt and traffic starts to flow in, you can start thinking
about how you want to make your first $1.

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