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2. “What Common Challenges Do My Readers Face?


Golfers might struggle with slicing the ball.

Stay-at-home moms may find meal planning challenging.

Campers might struggle with packing light.

3. “What Character Traits Do My Readers Possess?


Serious golfers have emotional stability.

Moms are patient and have a sense of humor.

Campers are adventurous and resourceful.

4. “What Do My Readers Love About My Niche?”


Golfers love the challenge of perfection.

Stay-at-home moms love being a part of their child’s mental, physical and emotional development.

Campers love time away from the busy city life.

5. “What Do My Readers Hate About My Niche?”


Golfers hate playing with partners who complain all day long.

Stay-at-home moms hate being looked down on by others.

Campers hate getting eaten alive.

You get the point. Now that you have about 50 answers, you can begin dissecting blog post ideas from
each answer. The sky is the limit.

Here are a few examples you can extract from one answer in your list:
Cure Your Slice: The Foolproof Guide To Hit The Fairway Every Time

3 Reasons Why You’re Slicing The Ball And One Stupid Simple Fix

Never Slice Again: 9 Drills To Play Like The Pros

7 Training Aids For Dead Straight Ball Flight

How To Shoot Even Par With A Nasty Slice.

Try to come up with a catchy headline that will draw your readers in and then throw them a one-two
punch in the rest of your content.

Step 8. Write Your First Masterpiece

WordPress uses an intuitive editor, similar to your favorite word processing tools. New entries are
created directly from your WordPress admin.

Click on “Posts” in the left sidebar.

add a new blog to wordpress

This will populate a list of your blog entries in descending order. Since we’re working with a fresh install,
you won’t see anything here.

To create a new entry, click the “Add New” button at the top or in the sidebar.

add new blog post screenshot 2

You’ll be brought to the editor and you can begin blogging.

add a new blog post

Click on the + in the right corner to see WordPress’s Gutenberg blocks, which allow you to add headings,
media, quotes, and tons of other features to your blog.

blog gutenberg editor block screenshot

First things first. Add one of the titles that you developed in your brainstorming session in the title text
box. Immediately after, WordPress will create a permalink based on the keywords used in your title.

blog perma link

You can start typing the body of your article in the large text area and write until you feel happy with
your content.

You’ll want to add visual assets to your blog posts as well. Images help engage readers and can often
illustrate concepts better than words.

To add new images, ensure that your text cursor is in the place where you want your image to appear.
Click the blue + sign, then select the “Image” block.

blog add image in wordpress screenshot

Choose “upload”, “select image” (if its already uploaded to your site”, or “insert from URL.”

After your image has uploaded, you can resize it, and add links using the icons at the top of the image.

blog add images and resize

Your image will automatically insert into your post.

After you’ve completed your article, you’ll need to make a few last minute optimizations using the Yoast
SEO plugin.

Yoast has post specific settings that can be at the bottom of the main text area.

The fur main settings are “SEO title,”“slug,” “meta description” and “focus keyphrases.”

Completing these settings will generate a preview of what your post will look like when it is discovered
in Google’s search engine results.

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