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Aevaned Ponder Technolgy 32 (2021) 317-336 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Advanced Powder Technology journal homepage: www-elsevi r-com/locate/apt ELSEVIER Original Research Paper Design and modelling of a self-dispersing twisted pipe to mitigate ® settling in coal water suspension oe Harmanpreet Singh**, Satish Kumar’, Saroj Kumar Mohapatra* Mecho Engineering Department, Thapar ftut of Engineering Tecnology Pei Pani 147004 mda > Department of Mechanic Engnering Nana Insite of Tehnclegy, Jamshedpur Jarbhand #21014 nda ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT ‘rice ony Rectved 10 ly 2020 ‘The hydrotranspor of the industrial powders and bulk solids such as minerals, mineral alings, coal and ash is considered tobe an efficient mode of transportation. The pipelines ranging from 2 few meters to Ter klometers in length ace used for such transportation purposes if not well addtessed, the issue of par- tice settling in such pipelines can lead to blockage and even bursting ofthe pipeline de othe contined

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