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Dear Sir,

This is an informal application which needs your strong consideration. My whole future depends upon
the fact to continue my education in PhD program from AWKUM. Please read the whole manuscript as it
is important that you understand the situation on ground.

After yawning gap since I completed MPhil, I am expected to get an admission at AWKUM. I got passing
marks in test which was internally conducted at AWKUM. The test is equivalent to Gat Subject as per the
rules of Higher education commission (HEC). Furthermore, I also appeared for interview at AWKUM.
Now, we are awaiting the final results.

The merit needs to be displayed once the Vice-Chancellor signs the Merit list. It is being said that VC
seems a bit tight on approving the merit list related to PhD in Management Sciences. It also seems that
something is halting the process. Some people are making the process complicated. And we the
mediocre are at stake to lose this opportunity.

There are many open reasons to justify my points:

1. The ad hoc vice-chancellor is of the view that earlier students inducted in PhD program haven’t
shown any progress let alone the new ones. His authoritative attitude to not recommend any
student for PhD program in Management sciences is awful. He further his justification that
faculty is not exhibiting any clear progress in terms of their research work and output of their
students. My humble question is, do we need to bear the brunt of earlier students who are
pursuing PhD program at AWKUM?
2. Furthermore, the former officials of university are also applying for PhD program. The Vice
Chancellor by no means is inducting them. But does it make a sense not to induct anyone and
put their future at stake just for the sake of elements maligned the University in past?
3. Additionally, the university should extend equal rights offered to every PhD program. If they are
not offering the PhD program to students in Management Sciences just because of specific
reason, then students other than Management Sciences shouldn’t be allowed a PhD admission
as well.
4. If the University was not intending to admit students in PhD Management sciences, then why
there was a need to advertise, arranging test and conducting an interview? Moreover, other
than precious time the resources students earned at stretching hand will let us in misery.
5. Above all, if the right of taking legal admission is also grabbed which is not a good omen while
keeping in view the socio-economic condition of country. Also, the job market in private sector
has shrunk to such an extent that it pay less than daily wage upon the target set by government.
The above arguments emphasise that if the right to education is also captured where the
country will move ahead in coming years?

I request you sir, to please convince him to approve the list and give us the opportunity to serve
Nation in right meaning.

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