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Republic of the Philippines Supreme Court Manila (OFFICE OF THE 2020/21 BAR CHAIRPERSON BAR BULLETIN Ni 16, S. 202 NUMBER OF BAR EXAMINERS AND MODALITY OF THE BAR EXAMINATIONS Upon deliberation and approval by the Court En Banc, each Bar subject shall have three (3) examiners. This is to maximize effcieney inthe ‘evaluation of answers, in light of the projected increase in examinees due to the postponement ofthe 2020 Bar Examinations. Moreover, the Court En Banc has resolved to explore the possibility cof computerizing the Bar Examinations under a localized and proctored setting. This would do away with the traditional handwritten examinations, Which have long been deemed to affect the evaluation of answers and distorted the playing field. This would also facilitate the expeditious evaluation of the answers of Bar candidates and the ealy release of the Bar Examination results. Within the next few months, a series of activities shall be commenced to test the viability of the proposed system. Among these activities include holding two (2) mock Bar Examinations in several law schools in the country. These activities will be done in partnership with the Philippine Association of Law Schools and other relevant sectors. Building on the knowledge to be gained from these endeavors, the Office of the Bar Chairperson can assess early on the most apt modality for the Bar Examinations proper. Thus, an announcement shall be made in the fist quarter of 2021 as tothe modality of the 2020/21 Bar Examinations in order to give ample time for Bar candidates to adjust. These innovations reflect the Court's leap toward @ more inclusive and fair admission to the practice of law. Such measures are not only necessary but also inescapable consequences of our current demands. The COVID-19 pandemic ignited the resolve to effect the much-needed reforms in a system long pervaded with inequities. Ultimately, they ensure more reliable and equitable Bar Examinations. Por your information and guidance. October 9, 2020, MARVI LEON! + Associate Justice and 2020/21 Bar Examinations Chairperson

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