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Cell is structural and functional unit of life made up of protoplasm

containing nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm and bounded by cell
membrane. Cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke as basic unit of life in
1663. He calculated over 1-billion of cells in a ‘cubic inch’ of cork of oak

Discovery of Cell
1. Invention of Microscope
 First microscope was invented by David Jansen in 1590.

 Then Jansen microscope was modified by Galileo in 1610

 Robert Hook in 1663 prepares its own microscope called

compound microscope. He observed slice of cork (piece of wood).
Their room like vacant Hollow structure called cellulae (Latin word).

 The term cell is used in 1665 by Robert Hook.

 In 1831 Robert Brown observed cell of orchid plant but contain

spherical structure called nucleus.

 Schliedon in 1838 he was German botanist (person who

research upon plants) and Schwann in 1839 he was German Zoologist
(person who research upon animals) proposed the points of cell
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
2. The cell is structural and functional unit of Life.

 Cell is denovo structure (it arises from dead). That point is

critised; this critised point of cell theory was given by Rudolf
Virchow German pathologist in 1855.
3. New cells arise from pre-existing cells by cell division.

Cell Theory
This theory was proposed by the German biologist’s Schleiden (1838),
Schwann (1839) and R.Virchow (1850).
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
2. The cell is structural and functional unit of Life.
3. New cells arise from pre-existing cells by cell division.

It is the outer-most non living (because it doesn't perform any chemical
reaction) of Bacteria (peptidoglycan) cyanobacteria (cellulose) fungi (chitin)
and plant cell (cellulose).
Plant cell is composed of cellulose fibers which are present in the criss-cross
manner and pectin material compound which connect the cellulose fibers.
Cell wall is composed of three layers.
Middle lamella
Primary wall
Secondary wall
Middle lamella:
It is the cementing layer between two cells or two primary
It is composed of calcium and magnesium pectate.
Primary wall:
It is outer most wall of plant cell.
It is thin and elastic in immature cells.
It is thick and rigid in mature cells.
It is composed of 50% hemicelluloses, 25% pure cellulose and some amount
of pectin.
Secondary wall:
It is composed of pure cellulose and can be modified by deposition of
At certain places cellulose doesn’t deposited in cell wall so gap is appeared
called plasmodesmeta. It develops communication among the cell.
Function of cell wall:
Cell wall provides supports, shape and protection. Cell wall is hydrophilic
(water to love / attract) in nature.
It is permeable in nature. It allows all kind of material to move
inside or outside cell.

It is outer most covering of animal cells while in plant cell it is
covered by cell wall.
Cell membrane is composed of bilayers of phospholipids and proteins.
Each phospholipid contains two ends.
1. Head [Polar (hydrophilic)]
2. Tail [non-polar {Hydrophobic (water + to hate)}]
In bilayers of phospholipids hydrophobic ends face each other while
hydrophilic attach with carbohydrates and proteins.
In some animal cells, cell membrane contains 50% cholesterol while plant
cell and bacterial cell lack cholesterol.
There are two types of proteins present in cell membrane.
Extrinsic (Peripheral)
They are found on outer surface of bilayers of phospholipids.
e. g. Antigen found on R.B.C’s which provides different groups A, B, and
Intrinsic (integral protein)
Protein which deeply penetrates in bilayers of phospholipids.
It provides channel to soluble ion (Ca++, k+, Cl-).
Intrinsic protein specific in nature. So cell membrane semi permeable or
selective permeable it give channel to certain substances to move inside or
outside of the cell.
Passive transport
When material move without consumption of energy. Material move from
higher concentration to lower concentration without consumption of energy.
Gaseous molecules move from higher concentration to lower concentration.
Special type of diffusion which occurs in liquids/water molecules which
move from higher concentration to lower concentration.
Active transport
Material move with consumption of energy.
Material move from lower concentration to higher concentration with
consumption of energy.
When material move inside in the cell in the form of vacuole.
I. Phagocytosis (cell eating)
Solid material move inside the cell in the form of vacuole.
II. Pinocytosis (cell drinking)
Liquid material move inside the cell in the form of vacuole.
When waste material move outside the cell in the form of vacuole.

It is region between cell-membrane and nuclear-membrane.
It contains water amino acids proteins RNA salts etc called cytosol (cell
Cytosol appear streaming movement called cyclosis, it is responsible for
transport of material.
It is center of metabolic activities and organelles (chemical factories) which
perform chemical reactions.
Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
1. Ribosome
It is so called ribosome because it contains RNA. It is composed of r-RNA
and 50 different types of proteins combine to form ribosome.
It is found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and they are externally
It consists of two sub-units.
Larger sub unit (dome shape)
Larger sub unit of eukaryotic cell is called 60s and larger sub unit
of prokaryotic cell is called 50s.
Smaller sub unit (cap on dome shape)
Smaller sub unit of eukaryotic cell is called 40s and smaller sub
unit of prokaryotic cell is called 30s.
Ribosome of eukaryotic cell is called 80s and Ribosome of prokaryotic cell is
called 70s.
s stand for sedverge
Ribosome is the smallest
organelle of the cell.
2. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Network of tubules from nuclear membrane to cell membrane is called
endoplasmic reticulum.
There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
It contains ribosome on outer surface. It is found in salivary glands and
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum or Agranulated E.R
E.R which lack ribosome so it synthesize lipid
1. It is found in liver cells (Glycogen store).
2. Adipose cells (Fat store)
3. It is found in intertial cells (testes male gland it contains E.R and produce
testosterone Hormone).
4. It is found in muscle cells (it is muscle cell called sarcoplasmic reticulum
stored and release calcium).
5. It is found in skin cells where it converts cholesterol into vitamin D in
presence of light.

Calcification => Deposition of calcium++ ion on bones in

presence of vitamin D.
3. Golgi Apparatus / bodies / complex
It was discovered by Cameleo Golgi in 1898. He said that their
Endoplasmic Reticulum like tubules but parallel and lack ribosome.
Golgi Apparatus contain flatted tubules with disc chambers to both side
called cisternae and they are surrounded by vesicle and Golgian vacuole.
 In the case of lower vertebrate and plant Golgi apparatus is said to
 In animal cell, receive, modify and pack and sent product of
Endoplasmic Reticulum to destination. So it is said to be finisher
of work (lysosome).
 In case of plants it is involve in cell secretion. (It synthesizes
products of cell). It synthesizes cell-wall and cell plate (middle
4. Lysosome ( Lysis=break down, some=body)
Lysosome single membrane bound originated by Golgi apparatus.
It is found in animal cell.

1. Function
 W.B.C’s engulf (pathogen disease causing) by Phagocytosis then
lysosome digest bacteria and provide immunity (resistance against
 W.B.C’s engulf older cell by Phagocytosis then digest by lysosome
so it causes cell death (warnoat).
 It provide enzyme for digestion.
 Sometimes its membrane reptuse so enzyme causes digestion of
protein of its own cells. So lysosome is called suside sacs and this
process is called autophage.
2. Lysosomal storage disorders
W.G.Hers of Belgium sometimes lysosome lack enzyme (α-
Glucosides) so substrate (glycogen) cannot digest it stored in lysosome
due which organelles of cell swell, so tissues are affected and ultimately
affect reach to organisms so such disorder is known as Lysosomal
storage disorders.
 About 30 disorders are discovered out of 3 are discussed here.
i. Tay sac’s
Mental retardation, blindness, death in 3 years
ii. Gauchers
Mental retardation, enlargement of liver and splean and
erosion of large bones.
iii. Krabbes
Mental retardation, loss of mylin, death in 2 years.
5. Cytoskeleton
Hard structure which provides support shape protection and help in
Proteinous fibers present in the cell in three dimensional networks.
a. Microfilament
Its diameter is 7nm so it is called microfilament.
It is composed of actin protein present in the form of helical and
sometimes it contain myosin (myo = muscles). Microfilaments are
involved in muscles contraction and formation of pseudopodia (false

b. Intermediate filament
Its diameter is 8-11 nm. So its diameter is in between
microfilament and microtubules so called intermediate filament.
It is composed of five different proteins.
They never disassemble and assemble.
It provides shape and support to axon part of the neuron.
c. Microtubules
Its diameter is 25nm.
It is composed of tubulin protein which arrange in 13 columns to form
protofilament, it contain lumen so called microtubules.
It move chromosome during cell division, formation of cilia and
6. Centrosome
Two rounded bodies near nucleus present in lower plants (bryophyte)
and animal cells.
 Each rounded body is called centriole.
 Each centriole is surrounded by fibers called astral fibers / rays.
 Centriole is composed of nine sets of triplets of microtubules
arrange in ring form.
At the time of cell division centriole replicate. So one pair move
to opposite pole and form spindle fibers, spindle fibers movement
of chromosome.
7. Peroxisome
It is so called Peroxisome b/c it forms per oxide.
 It contains enzymes which transfer hydrogen to oxygen and
form hydrogen peroxide.
2H + O2 → H2O2 (Harmful)
 It contain catalase enzyme which convert H2O2 into water.
2 H2O2 → 2H2O+O2 (Harmless)
 It contains catalase enzymes which convert H2O2 into water.
2H2O2 Enzymes→2H2O2+O2 (Harmless)
It cause detoxification of alcohol in animal (liver cell and
kidney cells)
It is found in animal and plant cell.
8. Glyoxisome
They are special Peroxisome found in plants in seedling stage
It contains enzymes which transfer oxygen to fatty acids (lipid) and
convert into sugar (carbohydrate).
9. Vacuole
Non-protoplasmic fluid filled cavities surrounded by membrane called
 In animal it is small numerous and temporary formed at the time
1) Food Vacuole ( contain food )
2) Contractile Vacuole ( contain wastes or excess substance )
 In plants large one or few and permanent.
 In case of plants vacuole is said to be store house.
 Vacuole stored water (cell swell turgid) and provided support.
 Vacuole store toxic substance and provide defense.
 It store hydrolytic enzymes which cause lysis of food and dead
cells, so vacuole sometimes work as lysosome in plant cell.
10. Plastids
Double membrane bound organelles which contain pigments (colour
producer) found in plants cells. They synthesize storage.
There are three types of plastids.

a. Chloroplast
It gives green because its pigment is chlorophyll. It is a place where
photosynthesis takes place.
It is found in leaf, sepals, and immature fruits.
b. Chromoplast
It gives different colour to plants, part except green. It contains
xanthophyll (xantho=yellow +phyll=leaf), caroteme (orange),
phlycocynin (alage+blue) and erthrin (red).
It is found in petals, flowers and fruits. It is used mostly in pollination.
c. Leucoplast
It is found in underground parts like roots and rhizome (underground
stem). It store food in the form of starch (stored form of glucose).
11. Mitochondria
They are commonly called chondriosome.
They are oval, spherical, string shape depend upon physiology of cell.
It is composed of two layers.
i. Outer layer (is complete)
ii. Inner layer (is incomplete and irregular called cristae)
Inside the membrane there is a fluid like material called matrix. Matrix
contain DNA so they are semi autonomous (self replicating).
It is center of aerobic respiration.
Cristae contain enzymes and co-enzymes which metabolize
carbohydrates (glucose), protein (amino acids) and lipids (fatty acids) to
liberate energy stored and release whenever and wherever cell is needed.
It is known as power house of cell.
It breaks organic compounds to liberate energy.

Nucleus (karyon)
It was discovered by Robert Brown from cells of orchid plant in 1831.
Nucleus is covered by a membrane called nuclear membrane.
Nuclear membrane contains pores called nuclear pores.
Inside nuclear membrane their Proteinous fluid called nucleoplasm.
1. Nucleolus
2. It is site where ribosome is synthesized.
3. Chromatin Network
These fibers of DNA and protein present in the form of network so called
chromatin network. At the time of cell division they condensed to form
chromosome. Number of chromosome which is constant in members of
Chromosome contains two parts.
a. Centromere
b. Chromatids (two arms combine to form)
Chromosomes are of four types.

a. Metacentric
Chromosome in which Centromere at center.
Chromosome in which arms are equal in size (v-shape).
b. Sub-metacentric
Chromosome in which Centromere is nearer to center
Chromosome with unequal arms (L or J shape)
c. Telocentric
Chromosome in which Centromere is at end (i-shape chromosome)
d. Sub-telocentric
Chromosome in which centromere near end or one arm is short and
other arm is very long (rod shape chromosome).

Prokaryotes cell Eukaryotes cell

1. It is those cells which do 1.It is those cell having true
not have true nucleus Or nucleus or having membrane
don’t have membrane bounded nucleus
bounded nucleus.
2. These cells are simple 2. These cells are complex and
and smaller in size. larger in size.
3. Nucleoplasm is absent. 3. Nucleoplasm is present.

4. Double membrane 4. Double membrane bounded

bounded organelles are organelles are present.
Example; Bacteria and Example; Plants, animals,
cyanobacteria. fungi and algae.

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