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Discuss the connection between listening to Mozart’s

music and children’s intellectual capacity.

All children are genius by their nature. Why just some of them seem to
be talented and others not? The point is that a lot depends on the
correct development of a child, what priorities his parents have. The
magnificent effect of the classical music on the comprehensive
development of a kid was discussed a lot. The scientists highlight the
beneficial effect of Mozart’s music. This is not surprising, because
Mozart was a genius himself. As we know, he started to compose when
he was just 4 years old.
The beneficial effect of the Mozart’s work on the intellectual capacity of
a kid is explained by many factors. First of all, it was found out that the
melodies of Mozart’s compositions coincide with the biorhythms of our
brain. Of course, we all know that the music beats can affect our mood
and can change our heart rate, increasing or decreasing it.

As for Mozart, it’s recommended to play his compositions to the

babies, which are in the womb. This is the moment, when the brain is
actively evolving. Listening to the Mozart’s music in early childhood is
also beneficial for the development of cognitive potential of a child. The
sound of this music activates the part of the brain which is responsible
for creativity and the brain secrets the special hormones which
stimulate the development of that part.
Why does the Mozart’s music have this magical effect only on kids? The
reason is that the brain of a child is actively evolving, neural
connections have not yet been strengthened, which means that
activating various parts of the brain, this music is able to form new
neural circuits. As for the adults, their brain is already formed and the
new neural connections are created in a different way.

We can see the beneficial effect of Mozart’s music also when we play it
on the background during the lessons. It makes a kid more
concentrated, evolves his memory and attention.
It is clear, that listening to Mozart’s music contributes the development
of both brain hemispheres, it creates more solid bonds between them.
If you want to raise a genius kid it’s not necessary to take him to
different classes and exhausting activities, to make some efforts on
developing his innate talents is enough. And the magical Mozart’s
compositions will help the parents to do this.

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