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Taha Farooq
Roll No: F2020381047
Section: C-56
Submitted to: Ma’am Mahak Muneer
Semester:. 1st semester (2020-2024
Program:. Clinical Psychology
Eleven years ago, all wizards rejoiced everywhere the planet , and muggles were confused. They
were celebrated because He-who-must-not-be-named was defeated. In other words, Voldemort
killed Potters, except for some strange reason, he couldn’t kill little baby Harry. Now Voldemort
seems to possess disappeared. Overnight, baby Harry has become a hero. “The Boy Who
Lived”. Having lost his family and residential , Harry also has become an orphan. Dumbledore,
who was the principal of Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcrafts. Professor McGonagall,
an educator at Hogwarts. And Hagrid, a groundskeeper at Hogwarts. Find a home for baby Harry
together with his Muggle relatives , the Dursleys.
To present day, Harry is now a ten years old boy, lives together with his super mean aunt and
uncle and their son Dudley. once they attend the zoo for Dudley’s birthday, Harry encounters a
sympathetic snake. He’s ready to speak to the friendly reptile and somehow seems to possess
removed the glass from its cage, so it can return to Brazil. After the trip to the zoo, mysterious
letters start arriving for Harry. His uncle, Mr. Dursley, is furious and tries to stay them from
Harry. But the letters keep arriving at such a rapid rate that, the evening before Harry’s eleventh
birthday, his uncle takes the entire family to a deserted island to flee away from all of the mail.
They can’t hide for long, though; Hagrid shows on Harry’s birthday to deliver the letter, and
therefore the news that Harry’s a wizard and has been admitted to the Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry. And next day he takes Harry to buy for his school supplies at Diagon
Alley, where Harry learns more about the wizarding world. He meets Malfoy and Hogwarts’ new
Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Quirrell. Harry also buys his first wand. Hagrid also
picks up a mysterious package at Gringotts, the goblin bank. Later that summer, Harry travels
to Hogwarts. He has to take a train from platform nine and three-quarters, a magical platform!
A family called the Weasleys helps him find his way, and he begins to form friends with one
among their sons, Ron.
He meets other first-year students like Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom. Upon their
arrival at Hogwarts, the primary years are Sorted into one among four houses. Harry, Ron,
Hermione, and Neville are all Gryffindor’s (a house known for bravery); Malfoy may be a
Slytherin (a house known for ambition, and infamous for producing dark wizards). they start
taking all types of classes in magic. Harry dislikes the Potions teacher, Snape, who is unfair and
type of mean.
Harry learns that there was an attempted robbery at Gringotts bank, but nothing was taken. He
guesses that the robbers were after what Hagrid picked up. Hagrid lets it slip that it's something
belong with someone called Nicolas Flamel. Malfoy becomes an enormous bully. During their
first broom-flying lesson, he teases Neville. In defending Neville, Harry realizes he’s a natural at
flying. He’s somebody on a broomstick. Although Harry’s broken rules by flying unsupervised,
Professor McGonagall rewards him by putting him on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as Seeker,
a vital position on the team.
Later, Malfoy and Harry have a fight, and Malfoy challenges Harry to a wizard duel in the dark .
Hermione and Ron accompany Harry, but Malfoy doesn’t show up as he was trying to urge them
in trouble for roaming the varsity while they ought to be in bed. As they hurry to urge back to the
dorm, the three friends stumble into a forbidden part of Hogwarts, where they encounter a three-
headed monster dog. Luckily, they escape within the safe time . Harry and Ron aren’t getting
along side Hermione, but structure once they rescue her from a troll that’s terrorizing the varsity .
Though they get in trouble to taking over the troll alone, they also show their bravery. Now the
three are inseparable.
As the first Quidditch match approaches, the three friends suspect Snape of wanting the package
from Gringotts. During the sport , Harry’s broom acts weird and seems to be hexed. Harry’s
saved, but his friends blame Snape for putting him in peril . During the winter break, Harry stays
at Hogwarts and is given an invisibility cloak that was once belonged to his dad. He uses it to
sneak round the castle and discovers the Mirror of Erised in one among Hogwarts’ many secret
rooms. When he looks into the mirror he sees his parents, but when he shares the mirror with
Ron, Ron sees himself as a hero. Dumbledore catches Harry with the mirror and explains that the
mirror shows you your heart’s desire. The wise old wizard then says he’s getting to take the
mirror away because it’s dangerous.
When classes resume after winter break, Harry, Ron, and Hermione find out who Flamel is , he
was an alchemist and therefore the only person within the world to possess the Sorcerer’s Stone,
which may provide immortality. They decide the Stone must be what was hidden at Gringotts
and is now being guarded by the three-headed dog. When trying not to unravel the mystery of
Nicholas Flamel, Harry is trying to balance Quidditch and faculty work. Gryffindor wins another
Quidditch game, which Snape referees, then Harry hears Snape and Quirrell arguing. Meanwhile,
Hagrid adopts a dragon, which is against the law . Ron, Hermione, and Harry need to convince
him that’s it’s just not practical to boost a baby dragon, and find how to smuggle the dragon out.
Malfoy spies on them and tries to show them in. When Harry and Hermione have successfully
sent the dragon call at the center of the night, they’re caught by McGonagall, along side Neville,
who was trying to warn them, and Malfoy, who tattled and are given really big detention.
Gryffindor moves to the last place within the house cup contest, and everybody is basically mad
at them. Harry, Hermione, Neville, and Malfoy have detention with Hagrid within the forest in
the dark . they're alleged to find out what’s killing unicorns and drinking their blood. Harry
runs into some centaurs who see trouble ahead within the stars. All of them realize that
Voldemort is trying to return which he’s the one killing unicorns.
After the first-year exams, Harry, Ron, and Hermione talk with Hagrid and realize that he said an
excessive amount of information about the Sorcerer’s Stone has given to the mysterious stranger
who gave him the dragon. Harry, Ron, and Hermione suspect that Snape is after it.
That night they struggle to retrieve the Stone. Neville attempts to prevent them, in order that
they need to temporarily paralyze him with magic. They travel by the three-headed dog by
playing it music, only to satisfy with another series of challenges. First, they’re trapped by a
Devil’s Snare plant, then they need to catch a flying key, then they need to play a life-size game
of wizard chess. The chess takes Ron out, leaving Harry and Hermione to unravel a logic puzzle
and drink potions to travel forward. There’s merely enough for one, so Harry moves on and
sends Hermione back for help. To Harry’s surprise, he runs into Quirrell, not Snape like he
thought he would. Quirrell reveals that Voldemort lives in him sort of a parasite. He tries to use
Harry to urge the Stone. He makes Harry use the Mirror of Erised, and Harry finds himself
holding the Stone and lying about it. Quirrell/Voldemort tries to kill Harry, but when he touches
Harry, he burns. Harry blacks out.
When Harry wakes up, he’s within the infirmary with Dumbledore, and Quirrell is dead.
Dumbledore explains that Harry defeated Quirrell/Voldemort through the protection of his
mother’s love. He also mentions that the Stone has been destroyed. Later, at the end-of-year
banquet, Dumbledore praises Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Neville for the parts they played in
defeating Quirrell. He rewards them by giving Gryffindor house tons of points. They win the
house cup for Gryffindor, and even pass all of their exams. Then, they leave Hogwarts for the
summer and part ways at the train station. Though it stinks to be returning to the Dursleys, Harry
explains how much easier his time with them will be now that he can do magic.

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