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Common mistakes 2
Look for mistakes (comma splice, run-on sentences or fragments) and correct them.

Some scholars and writers use the terms "classical" and "classic" interchangeably when it comes to literature.
however, each term actually has a separate meaning. The list of books that are considered classical versus
classic books differs greatly.
What Is Classical Literature?
Classical literature refers to the great masterpieces of Greek, Roman, and other ancient civilizations. The
works of Homer, Ovid, and Sophocles are all examples of classical literature. The term isn't just limited to
novels. It can also include epic, lyric, tragedy, comedy, pastoral, and other forms of writing.
What Is Classic Literature?
Classic literature covers a much wider array of works than classical literature. Older books that retain their
popularity are almost always considered to be among the classics. This means that the ancient Greek and
Roman authors of classical literature fall into this category as well. Is not just age that makes a book a classic,
however. Books that have a timeless quality are considered to be in this category.

Mistake 1: Line: 1 Mistake: comma splice

Correction: A period or a colon instead.

Mistake 2: Line: 5 Mistake: run-on

Correction: To split the sentence into smaller sentences using a period.

Mistake 3: Line ______ Mistake: _______

Correction: _______

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