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Alumno: Leonel martino

Curso: 6° 2da
Read the following description and do the activities below.
Trinity College

With around 650 undergraduates and more than 400 graduates, many from
overseas, it is the largest (large) and most cosmopolitan (cosmopolitan) of the
Cambridge Colleges.
King Henry VIII founded Trinity College in 1546. In those days, it was (be) a
religious institution. The king didn’t want (not want) to use royal money so he
confiscated the university lands.
Back to the present, the main entrance to the College is at the Great Gate on
Trinity Street in the heart of the city. The courts and buildings beyond the
Great Gate are among the most beautiful in Cambridge. They include (include)
the famous library designed by Sir Christopher Wren.
Undergraduates can live in College throughout the full length of their course.
All rooms in College have Internet connections. Students can take their meals
in the dining hall or they can cook for themselves in their rooms.
There is a large student centre with common rooms and a bar. The Students’
Union organizes a variety of social events, and the College has its own facilities
for many sports. Trinity also has a special fund for students to pursue ‘life-
enhancing’ activities. The working library contains more than 80,000 volumes
and holds copies of essential books recommended for use in University
courses. Students love studying (study) there.

(a) Complete the blanks with the verb or adjective in brackets in the
right form. Don’t forget to add necessary words such as articles or
auxiliaries if necessary. (4 c/u) (24)

(b) Read the following definitions and complete them with the framed
words in the text above. There is an extra one. (2 c/u) (8)
1.Undergraduate: A university or college student who is studying for their first

2.Library: Building in which collections of books, CDs, newspapers, etc. are

kept for people to read, study or borrow.

3.The Student’s Union: A student organization present in many colleges and

universities, that fights for students’ rights.

4.Facilities: Buildings, services, equipment, etc. that are provided for a purpose.

(c) These sentences are all wrong. Provide the correct version from
the text or in your own words. (4 c/u) (16)
1. There is accommodation just for the staff.

2. Its rooms do not have internet connections.

3. Trinity College focuses only on cognitive skills.

4. The working library is not comprehensive.

1. There is accommodation for all the Undergraduates to live in the College

throughout the full length of their course if they want
2. All of the rooms in Trinity College have internet connections
3. Trinity has a special fund for students to pursue ‘life enhancing’ activities
4. The library contains more than 80.000 volumes and holds copies of essential
books recommended for use in University courses

(d) Imagine you want to study abroad. This dialogue is part of the
interview before you enroll. Can you complete it? (9 c/u) (54)
Interviewer: Good! You want to apply to Trinity College. Good for you! Are
there any questions that you’d like to ask me?
Is there people from other countries?
I: Yes. In fact, there are many students from overseas
Y: Your college has a library. Right?
I: Yes, it has the famous library designed by Sir Christopher Wren.
Y: I’ve read that King Henry VIII founded it
When was it founded?
I: Exactly in 1546. Now, let me ask you some questions about you. Where are
you living here in Oxford?
Y: Actually, not to far from here. I live in St John St.
I: What differences are there between this British university and the
universities in your country?
Y. Well, in my country we don’t have accommodation for the students, at least
not in the colleges that I know about. Also, the entire courses are based on
cognitive skills.
I. That’s interesting. Now, here at Trinity College we pay attention to students’
learning styles. What can you tell me about your learning style?
Y: I think I always look for a more logical approach to the subject that I’m
studying, I also like to work and be with my classmates while studying.


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