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Body Magnetism, Electricity & Yoga-Wisdom of Bhagavad Gita

Article · February 2019

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Akshara Vr
P.K.Das Institute of Medical Sciences


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Body Magnetism, Electricity & Yoga-Wisdom of
Bhagavad Gita
V.R. Akshara,
Department of Anatomy, P.K Das Institute of Medical Sciences.

Abstract--- The sun, the moon, the stars, the mind, body and soul. Human magnetism depends upon the
planets, the earth and all the beings are held processed inner self. Those who are doing constant the
together or bonded together in this galaxy by means spiritual practices, purification of thoughts and high
of one principle called magnetism. Human lives and thinking have wonderful magnetic personality because
health were influenced by the magnetic emanations their each cell will be permeated by the subtle magnetic
of this wonderful universe. Man is a miniature form currents. These yogis will perform wonders by their
of this vast universe. Man himself is a magnet and healing touch or spoken words and cure ailments and
great electrical-auto machinery which is people are spontaneously drawn towards them due to
complicated . Magnetism and electricity are the two their enhanced magnetism.
branches of the same natural force which go hand
in hand. There is exchange of these forces in human II. BODY ELECTRICITY & MAGNETISM
body. Human body has magnetic sides similar to the Magnetic field will generate when electric impulses pass
North Pole and South Pole of earth. Earth is a through electric wire. Similarly when electrical impulses
natural magnet. So if we are doing any action, deed transmitted through the nerves and brain electromagnetic
or force in natural direction without disrupting fields are created. This is how body magnetism is
natural laws we are in tune with the universe and produced. Magnetic waves can travel outside and can exert
the result will be health, peace and happiness. That influence in others and surroundings. It can attract or
is the essence of Yoga which is defined as an art of repel which is the fundamental principle of magnetism. It
having harmony and dexterity in action. is proved that body of every human being contains some
element of electricity and associated magnetism right from
I. UNIVERSAL MAGNETISM the beginning to the end of the life. Individual nerve cells

are responsible for the production of the electricity. 20
VERYTHING in this universe is permeated by
watts of electricity is generated and operates in an adult.
magnetism, which originates from the infinite spirit.
The way to slow down the process of the electrical
Scientists long ago determined that electromagnetism-
discharge and corresponding decay of the body is to bring
which is responsible for interactions between charged
about a change in the process. The practice of yoga teaches
particles-is one of the key forces in the universe.
us this art. Great reservoir of electricity is earth. There is
Magnetism and electricity are two branches of the same
exchange of electricity and magnetism between earth and
natural force. Earth is also vast electrical reservoir. The
the man. That is why if we do a thing in natural direction
human body is also a miniature form of earth. There is
or according to earths electromagnetic field it turns to be
exchange of magnetism and electricity in human bodies.
good, otherwise adverse effects will be the result. Under
That is the reason why improvement in health occurs by
the influence of phases of moon, mood changes are there
walking on dew grass or by sleeping outdoors on newly
especially for lunatic’s symptoms which aggravate during
grown hay. Yogis believe in that mysterious ways by which
the new moon and full moon days. Women`s menstrual
power enters the body and restore the energy. We
cycle is calculated according to lunar cycle. Plants depend
appreciate that ancient wisdom which shows that health
on moon`s magnetic emanations. Body fluids is under the
will naturally improve if we are in tune with Nature. Sun is
influence of moon because moon rules over water and the
a powerful magnet which attracts all other planets. Sun
sun the fire. Experiments have shown that mollusks open
represents fire and moon rules over water. Heat light and
and close in rhythm with the movements of the moon.
moisture are necessary for all kinds of growth. Moon is
Here is the importance of our ancient wisdom of yoga
also great natural magnet which influences many bodily
which teach us the importance of breathing technique, also
functions, body fluids and diseases. Attractive power of
to control emotions, importance of food, and meditation to
moon is responsible for tidal waves in the sea, human body
prevent the emissions of unwanted electrical discharges
also contain seven seas. Medicinal plants depend on moon.
from the cells which results in the decay and ageing of this
Magnetism in human body should be well balanced with
wonderful machinery called body and to enhance the
the magnetism of this universe. Human entity is actually
human magnetism.
III. BIOMAGNETISM Yoga & Pranayama to Increase Prana and thus
Biomagnetism is the phenomenon of study of magnetic
fields produced by living organisms especially by the Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices
human body. The biomagnetic fields of the body, though or disciplines which originated in ancient India. The Great
extremely tiny, have been measured with techniques Divine Sage Patanjali has defined Yoga & Meditation as”
including magnetoencephalography (MEG) and CHITTVRITI – NIRODHA, i.e. , stilling the Frequency,
magnetocardiography (MCG). These techniques measure Vibration & Energy of Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche).
the magnetic fields produced by the electrical activity in Pranayama means the control of Prana. Pranayama is not
the body. Human and animal bodies contain trace amounts breathing, but controlling that muscular power which
of magnetite, one of the most magnetically-sensitive moves the lungs. That muscular power which goes out
minerals on Earth. This causes the brain to be both a through the nerves to the muscles and from them to the
receiver and a transmitter of energy and signals, and is one lungs, making them move in a certain manner, is the Prana,
of the foundations for the biological effects magnetic fields which we have to control in the practice of Pranayama.
have on the human body Electric and magnetic fields When the Prana has become controlled, then we shall
control our chemistry by changing and influencing the immediately find that all the other actions of the Prana in
motion of charged particles. This movement stimulates a the body will slowly come under control. He who has
vast array of chemical and electric actions in tissues, grasped the Prana has grasped all the forces of the
helping them rebalance or heal themselves where universe, mental or physical because the Prana is the
necessary. generalized manifestation of force. Every part of the body
can be filled with Prana, this vital force, and when you are
able to do that, you can control the whole body. All the
sickness and misery felt in the body will be perfectly
The sum total of all forces in the universe, mental or controlled; not only so, you will be able to control
physical, when resolved back to their original state, is another's body
called Prana. The fundamental energy of the universe
assumes a form which can be easily absorbed by living The Psychic Prana
things. This transformed energy is called life force or prana According to the Yogis, there are two nerve currents in the
or chi energy. When it is inside human body is called as spinal column, called Pingala and Ida, and a hollow canal
nerve force. Some amount of life energy is absorbed called Sushumna running through the spinal cord. At the
through fresh foods and water, but mainly through lower end of the hollow canal is what the Yogis call the
breathing this energy absorbs into the body and "Lotus of the Kundalini". They describe it as triangular in
transmitted into the special areas of brain and also to the form in which, in the symbolical language of the Yogis,
other parts of body. It is also transmitted to the there is a power called the Kundalini, coiled up. When that
nonphysical body of human called astral or subtle body Kundalini awakes, it tries to force a passage through this
which has its own energy system. If more prana is hollow canal, and as it rises step by step, as it were, layer
available, it will continuously flow through the nervous after layer of the mind becomes open and all the different
system more rapidly and creates human magnetism which visions and wonderful powers come to the Yogi. When it
can be transmitted and travel a long distance. Spiritual reaches the brain, the Yogi is perfectly detached from the
potential can be enhanced by properly utilizing this nerve body and mind; the soul finds itself free. The Yogi
force energy & magnetism will enhance.12 conceives of several centres, beginning with the
Muladhara, the basic, and ending with the Sahasrara, the
Macrocosm and Microcosm thousand-petalled lotus in the brain. From rhythmical
"Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha breathing comes a tendency of all the molecules in the
pinde…" body to move in the same direction. When mind changes
“As is the human body, so is the cosmic body, As is the into will, the nerve currents change into a motion similar
human mind, so is the cosmic mind. to electricity, because the nerves have been proved to
As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm, As is the atom, show polarity under the action of electric currents. This
so is the universe”.– The Upanishads shows that when the will is transformed into the nerve
currents, it is changed into something like electricity.
Macrocosm and microcosm refers to a vision When all the motions of the body have become perfectly
of cosmos where the part (microcosm) reflects the whole rhythmical, the body has, as it were, become a gigantic
(macrocosm) and vice versa. The symbolic equivalence of battery of will. It tends to bring a rhythmic action in the
microcosm of Jivapurusha and Kalapurusha can be treated body, and helps us, through the respiratory centre, to
as conformity of the individual body to the cosmic body. control the other centres.
According to this, a human being is a mirroring of the
universe. The structure of the body reflects the structure of The Importance of Conscious Breathing
the cosmos, so that one could pass from one to the other Breath is external manifestation of Prana, the vital force.
and find corresponding parts and functions. Breath like electricity, is gross Prana. Breath is Sthula,
gross. Prana is Sukshma, subtle. By exercising control over
this breathing you can control the subtle Prana inside. yoga:[139] Karma yoga: The yoga of action.[140] Bhakti
Control of Prana means control of mind. It is the Sukshma yoga: The yoga of devotion.[140] Jnana yoga: The yoga of
Prana or Psychic Prana that is intimately connected with knowledge.[141][142]. The Gita consists of 18 chapters
the mind. The process by which the Prana is controlled by and 700 shlokas (verses),[143] with each chapter named
regulation of external breath, is termed Pranayama. When as a different yoga, thus delineating eighteen different
our prana diminishes, sickness sets in, and when we have yogas.[143][144] .The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes
plenty of prana, every part of the body is in perfect health. repeatedly the importance of yoga, and hints more than
If we have an excess of prana, it can be transmitted to once at this highest of all yoga sciences. Indeed, the
others for healing or magnetism. The inner prana can be scientific aspect of enlightenment underlies every teaching
stimulated by the practice of pranayama and thereby in the Gita.
increased to a greater quantum. If we are not able to
manaḥ-prasādaḥ saumyatvaṁ maunam ātma-vinigrahaḥ
supply plenty of pranic fuel to the brain, the mind becomes bhāva-sanśhuddhir ity etat tapo mānasam uchyate || 16||
very restless and disturbed. When the brain is receiving a
deficient supply of prana, you suffer from nervous “Peace and tranquility of the mind, harmony and
depression or nervous breakdown. Then the whole body confidence in oneself, love, caring and gentleness towards
perspires, there is trembling in every organ, you can't others, and purity of the heart, are all the elements which
stand, your mind is unsteady and you are constantly create harmony of the mind.”
thinking negative thoughts. The frontal brain is the seat of Magnetism: The Power of Attraction
total consciousness. When you breathe without awareness,
the breath is registered in the posterior brain, but when Magnetism is the power by which you draw things to you:
you are aware that you are breathing and you are the right husband or wife, the right business, the right
consciously witnessing the whole process, then it is friends, and so on. Magnetism of every kind originates in
registered by the conscious brain, the frontal brain. The the Infinite Spirit. Each human being is a medium through
moment you become aware of your breathing and you which God's magnetism flows. All parts of the body that
begin to conduct and control the breath in a particular come in pairs--eyes, ears, hands, feet, etc.--form magnets of
fashion, immediately the frontal brain registers the greater or lesser power. Soul magnetism is expressed
influence. Conscious breathing has an entirely different through the eyes, weakly or strongly, depending on one's
effect on the brain than unconscious breathing. Through spiritual development. Some highly developed people are
unconscious breathing we are definitely able to feed the able to spiritualize or heal others solely by the magnetism
whole body with prana, but we cannot supply the brain of their eyes. Unless your magnetism is right, you will draw
with sufficient prana for its evolution and growth. the wrong people or things. Fear, for example, creates a
malignant magnetism by which a person attracts the very
Uniting with the Universal Prana object of his fear. The magnetism of humility, on the other
Prana is not only the life force, but also a very powerful hand, attracts the all-protecting presence of friends, saints,
healing force in the body that can even eradicate the most and God. 10
difficult physical problems. Moreover, the prana within us Strong and Weak Magnetism
is a part of the universal prana. In order to tune yourself to
this universal prana, you must be able to reach a high state Everyone possesses the power of magnetism, but very few
of meditation. When you control the breath, the mind is people are truly magnetic. Negative qualities such as
also controlled and the awareness becomes one-pointed. material desire, passivity, revenge, hatred, and feelings of
That one-pointed awareness is comprehended in the mid- inferiority obstruct that magnetic power. If you are absent-
eyebrow centre where the point is seen as a light. The light minded, thinking one thing while doing something else,
grows in intensity and becomes bigger and bigger until it your energy is divided and you have little magnetism.
completely envelops your consciousness. Then there is Doing everything with will power and one-pointed
illumination all around you, and at this point one can concentration greatly strengthens your magnetism. If you
connect yourself with the universal prana. The pranamaya are a slave to any of the senses, you are losing magnetism.
kosha is tuned with the universal prana. Your pranamaya If you have control over them, you are developing
kosha can be awakened by practising pranayama correctly, magnetism. Emotionalism is very de-magnetizing, whereas
by fasting or eating properly, and by perfecting meditation even-mindedness in the face of all difficulties leads to
on the mid-eyebrow centre. Then, when you are able to see magnetic living. In order to have magnetism, it is necessary
that great enveloping light, you become the medium of the to keep the body free from poisons that obstruct the flow
universal prana. Thereafter, you can distribute this prana of energy. Only with inner cleanliness can all of your
to those who are in short supply. energy be displayed through your eyes, face and body. We
exchange magnetism with our associates. We must be
Bhagavad Gita careful with whom we associate because we are
The Bhagavad Gita uses the term "yoga" extensively in a continually exchanging magnetism with people through
variety of ways. In addition to an entire chapter (ch. 6) our thoughts, shaking hands, and our eyes. We become like
dedicated to traditional yoga practice, including the people we mingle with, not through their conversation,
meditation,[138] it introduces three prominent types of but through the silent magnetic vibration that goes out of
their bodies. The stronger person gives his vibration to the infinite flowing through them. Entire universe will
weaker. attracted to them.
Physical Magnetism & Mental Magnetism Generating Your Spiritual Magnetism with the Help of a
One of the aspects of personal magnetism is physical Guru
magnetism, which has three kinds of attraction. One kind What differentiates a bar magnet from other bars of iron is
comes because the mechanism of the body is working that its molecules are turned in a single direction,
properly, regularly, when the circulation of the blood is producing a north-south polarity. It is only when the
right and when proper care is taken of the body; the next molecules are oriented in one direction that, with many of
depends on the attractiveness of the form and features them acting together, they acquire magnetic power.
with which a person is born; and the third is caused by Magnetism is generated, not created. Its presence is latent
harmonious movement. The person who lacks any of these in every piece of metal-indeed, on subtler levels of
three things will naturally lack magnetism. Physical human manifestation, in everything. Thus, people can be
magnetism is created by the nerve force energy flowing magnetic; their magnetism can cause others to feel toward
through the nervous system, which radiates out from the them a strong attraction or repulsion. Our individual
body. Physical magnetism can influence other people who qualities resemble the iron molecules in the sense that, if
are close by. If positive, other people are energized and they are focused on a single goal, they can produce
even their health can improve; if negative, their energy is seemingly miraculous results. On the other hand, when
drained. Physical magnetism can be seen by some people. they are directed haphazardly they can render us
People with special sensitive sight, e.g. some clairvoyants, ineffective. Magnetism is the key to success in everything.
can see human magnetism energy as colours surrounding We must transform our faults into virtues. Angry
the body; called the human aura.
outbursts, uncontrollable at first, need to be rechanneled
The second aspect of magnetism is the magnetism of mind. into positive behavior. One such method is described in
Mental magnetism is created by the nerve force energy Chapter 4, Verse 35, The Bhagavad Gita where Krishna
flowing in the brain, which radiates out from the body. tells Arjuna of the importance of the guru, or spiritual
Mental magnetism can influence the mood of other people savior. A guru is more than a mere teacher. The power of
who are close by. If positive, they feel more hopeful and the guru can transfer his magnetism to that disciple who
optimistic; if negative, they feel more depressed. Mental tunes in to his consciousness. Thus, his magnetism can
magnetism can transmit information; brain energy, or help to transform every fault in the disciple into its
thoughts, can be sent to other people; i.e. telepathy. By opposite virtue, by rechanneling the energy in the
developing and combining the two types of human disciple’s spine-in a sense realigning the “molecules” of
magnetism, you gain a personal magnetism energy that is tendencies and helping them, ever increasingly, to flow
extremely helpful for enhancing your potential for upward. When an un-magnetized bar of metal is placed
spiritual self-development. It Improves health, emotional next to a bar magnet, it gradually develops a magnetism of
well-being, and increases mind & body energy. It helps its own, as its molecules realign themselves, similarly, in a
other people; they become more energized and north-south direction. The part played by the guru is not to
emotionally positive when in your presence. make his disciples over in his own image, but, by sharing
his magnetism with them, to uplift their consciousness.
Developing the Right Kind of Magnetism
That influence helps to realign the “molecules” of energy in
The right kind of magnetic power has expanding, uplifting, their own bodies, and most particularly in the spine,
spiritual qualities. Some people are so magnetic that they toward the “north” of the spine at the spiritual eye and in
vibrate kindness and you love them immediately. This is the top of the head (the sahasrara).
the sort of magnetic power we should try to develop. Try
always to be dressed in the magnetic qualities of calmness, Magnetic Energy Healing
fair-mindedness, firmness, wisdom, and understanding. When the energy in your body moves through the central
Wherever you go, scatter kindness; let your eyes and heart energy channel and the 7 vortexes, it creates and
be charged with Peace and Divinity. One can develop electromagnetic field that surrounds your physical body.
spiritual magnetism through will power, regular This electromagnetic field is at the heart of magnetic
meditation, and thinking of God and saintly people. By energy healing. Whenever there is a blockage in the
visualizing and meditating on saintly people, one attracts movement of the energy through the channels or from the
their spiritual magnetism. By constant spiritual practices vortex, it causes disharmony, which further affects a
such as mediation, japa, pranayama, other austerities, specific part of the etheric human body. This energy
disciplined body and mind and eating fresh foods rich in blockage normally impacts the mental state, emotional,
prana every cell of yogi is permeated by subtle magnetism and physical state. The energy blockage is also one of the
which will flow through words, look and action and will causes of stress, anxiety, anger, depression, flu, joint pain
elevate each soul to the awareness and their touch, holy etc. You can feel the obstacles or blockages through cold or
ashes etc permeated by the magnetism will cause miracles warm spots and an increase in tingling sensation. Some of
and cure diseases with the help of magnetism of the the other symptoms of magnetic energy blockage include
goose bumps, light headedness, numbness in a particular mental clarity, improved decision making and increased
part of the body, etc. These blockages can lead to severe creativity and thus increased magnetism.
headaches, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the heart and
Grounding & Health
stomach, extreme sensitivity issues, and tiredness. This
clearing of a blockage and channelizing the flow is known Your Body Can Absorb Free Electrons from the Earth. The
as magnetic energy healing. This is the basis for magnetic Earth carries an enormous negative charge. It’s always
field therapy – affecting and improving basic cellular electron-rich and can serve as a powerful and abundant
function in order to combat a variety of health conditions supply of antioxidant and free-radical-busting electrons.
and when possible, prevent cellular damage from Your body is finely tuned to “work” with the Earth in the
happening in the first place.11 sense that there’s a constant flow of energy between your
body and the Earth. When you put your feet on the ground,
Magnetism of Divine Love you absorb large amounts of negative electrons through
Divine love, too, is a kind of magnetism. So also, on grosser the soles of your feet. The effect is sufficient to maintain
levels, are human love, and happiness, and hatred, and fear your body at the same negatively charged electrical
— in fact, every state of consciousness in active potential as the Earth. This simple process is called
manifestation. Love attracts love. Fear excites more fear. “grounding” or “earthing,” and its effect is one of the most
We influence others by our magnetism, and are in turn potent antioxidants we know of. Grounding has been
influenced by them. It is possible by negative thoughts to shown to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve
harm them, and similarly, in turn, to be harmed by them. sleep, and enhance wellbeing, and much more. Free
There must be openness to magnetism of any kind before radical stress from exposure to pollution, cigarettes,
one can receive it. It is also important to know how to close insecticides, pesticides, trans- fats, and radiation, just to
oneself against the wrong kinds of magnetism. It is name a few, continually deplete your body of electrons.
especially emotions that create weakness in one's Simply by getting outside, barefoot, touching the Earth,
magnetic "armor." Harmonize your emotions, therefore, by and allowing the excess charge in your body to discharge
deep meditation. Then, with a conscious effort of will, into the Earth, you can alleviate some of the stress
radiate harmonious feelings outward from your heart continually put on your system.
center in all directions to the world around you. A strong,
positive magnetic aura around your body will prevent not V. CONCLUSION
only people's negative thoughts from affecting you, but
Yoga can be defined as Harmony in the most simple
also prevent negative circumstances and happenings, even
manner. It’s the harmony between Individual, nature, and
disease, from coming to you. When you yourself are good,
God. Nature includes individual’s physical system, mental
only goodness will affect you.
system and spiritual system. When Harmony is obtained in
Emotional Health & Magnetism these systems in an Individual, this will directly lead to
Thought is energy. It follows that even our very intangible better physical and mental health which will then also lead
thoughts carry some quantifiable amount of energy as to increased body magnetism and electricity. The
electrical synapses fire in the brain. By merely thinking we individual will be able to affect his surrounding universe
have a magnetic effect in the material universe. The effects more than how individual is affected by the Universe. Thus
of magnets on cognitive processes have to make us wonder when, with the help of Yoga and meditation the individual
about how the earth’s natural electromagnetic field affects is able to bring harmony in his/her system, this will help in
our thinking and emotions. Brilliant research by Finnish bringing peace and highest creativity and happiness in the
scientists has mapped the areas of our body that are individual. And when lots of Individuals or collective
experiencing an increase or decrease in sensory humanity begins to bring harmony and peace and
activity when we experience a particular emotion. Each of increased body magnetism in to their lives, this will lead to
these areas also affects our aura. When we are aroused increased peace, co-operation and well being in this world
either by passion or anger then the heart speeds up and in which will lead to Universal Peace and happiness.
more quiet times or in meditation it slows down. This
electrical input to the AV and SA nodes from the brain REFERENCES
comes via the vagus nerve and is reflected in the ECG [1] Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali
patterns of the heart. Pranayama or breathing exercises [2] Mandukya Upanishad
can stimulate the vagus nerve and this could have a [3] Bhagavad Gita
[4] Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda
very beneficial effect both on the heart and gut. Similarly [5] Man’s Eternal Quest by Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
the chanting of mantras or deep throat singing as practised [6] Works of Swami Sivananda
by Buddhist Lamas also stimulates the vagus nerve. It has [7] Kundalini Yoga by Sathyananda Saraswathi
been show that this stimulation helps in reducing blood [8] Divine Discourses of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
[9] Magnetism: The Power of Attraction-Paramhansa Yogananda
pressure and improves the rhythm patterns of the heart. [10] Magnetism: How Human Energy Affects Things and People- J.
The neural information from both these activities Donald Walters
facilitates the cortical function and the effect is heightened [11] Spirituality and Health ,Magnetic energy healing-Massimo
[12] Spiritual garden. www.spiritual James Rabbitts.

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