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I was born on the spring morning of October, 6th of 1992 in Jesus Maria at Rebagliatti͛s
Hospital, being the youngest child and the only daughter in my family. For my parents and my
brothers, I͛ve been their baby since the day I born, they͛ve always tried to protect me, that͛s
why I grew up being a conceited girl, although they͛ve taught to appreciate everything what I
have. So far my life͛s been pretty nice; till nowadays I keep enjoying of all the memories I
have of each stage of my life, like no other.

My childhood was so funny, and full of mischief, I remember I used to spend my whole
afternoons in parks playing with my friends. When I was three, I went to the kinder garden for
the first time; my mom told me that I was so scared the 1st day of classes that I didn͛t want to
stay there, so I started crying, but it only happened that day because Then, I realized the
school was a train of adventures, and I keep thinking the same. After finishing the kinder
garden, I started Elementary School in a new one. This was going to be the 1st time I was
studying away of home; at the beginning, I felt scared, but the sacrifice was worth it because
there I met my best friends. Years passed, and before I noticed it, I was already studying the
sixth grade, the last year of the elementary school; that year, many things happened to me,
such as I traveled around Peru, meanwhile I represented my high school in many mathematic
contests, and at the same time I fell in love for first time, and I knew what a kiss was.

My Puberty started with a new adventure, High School; everything was completely
new for me: new friends, parties, walk. Every year there was madness. I learned a lot of
things, since academic subjects, and how to organize my priorities, while enjoying every
minute till how it feels when someone breaks your heart. 2008 was my last year in high
school. It was the greatest one, I know I would never forget what happened then, and without
care how many tears and how many laughs we shared, we͛ll always say it was best year of our

After finishing High school, I realized it was the perfect moment to achieve my first
goal. I wanted to apply for a university, actually, I just wanted to get a vacancy at San Marcos
University; there was no other for me, and I knew there was a lot of competition, so since
January 1st, 2009, I started studying to take the admission test that would be in March. When
the moment came, I got what I wanted; I felt really excited, but I couldn͛t enjoy neither my
happiness nor my vacations because my classes started a week later.

Two years after, I keep enjoying of this new adventure. I͛m studying the fourth cycle of
Industrial Engineering at UNMSM, doing my best effort to achieve every goal I have, and to
give my family everything they deserve. I know It will be hard, but what it͛s not, I believe in
myself, and if I really want it I know I͛ll get it.

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