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shove - to push someone or something ; to put something somewhere carelessly or

roughly ;
a strong push

dissection - the action of dissecting ; very detailed analysis of a text or an idea

vengeful - possessing hard and strong desire of revenge

whimper - say something in a low voice that express fear , pain or unhappiness

intricate - very complicated , difficult to resolve or analyze

consonance - agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions

corpus - the main body or mass of a structure

condominium - a building or complex of buildings containing a number of
individually owned
apartment or houses ; individual ownership of a unit in a multi-unit
joint rules by two or more states
precarious - unknown conditions , uncertain
inebriated - intoxicated ; high on alcohol
exacerbate - to worsen
funambulist - tight rope walker
guffaw - extensive laughter (LOL)
loathe - hatred , disgusting , abominable
gesticulate -
obliterate - to destroy or to wipe out completely
scrimmage -
turbid - murky , opaque , unclear
corpulent - obese
ramification - the resulting consequence of a decision
ramify - to spread or branch out
ramus - a branchlike part
pentarch - a govmt. by 5 people
pentathlon - an athletic contest that includes 5 events
phonetic - relating to human speech sounds
retroactive -
pyrotechnics - the art of making fireworks
pyrometer - a thermometer for measuring high temperature
pyretic - relating to or producing fever
pseudoscience - theories presumed without proof of a scientific nature
pseudo-intellectual - a person who pretends an interest in intellectual matters for
of status
circumnavigate - to travel around in a ship or a plane
peevish - showing an irritable disposition ; synonyms (cranky,fractious,grumpy)
mountebank - synonyms (fraudster,impostor,hoaxer,trickster,charlatan)
antonyms (honest,truthful)
ersatz - synonyms (adulterated,fabricated,spurious,unnatural,synthetic) antonyms
hyperbole - synonyms (amplification,exaggeration,embellishment,overstatement)
antonyms (mitigation,belittlement,abatement)
cajole - flatter,tempt,beguile,sweet-talk,compliment
parochial - synonyms (comservative,myopics,intolerant,marrow-minded)
antonyms (liberal,tolerant,benevolent,magnanimous)
trepidation - synonyms (alarm,apprehension,foreboding,consternation)
antonyms (calm,contentment,equanimity)
lugubrious - antonyms(cheerful,mirth,merry,jolly)
tumultuous - synonyms(violent,thunderous,obstreperous,rowdy) antonyms
languish - weaken , deteriorate , wither , droop , fade

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