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Esta parte de la prueba consta de 5 preguntas, de la 1 a la 5.

A continuación se le presentan dos textos que usted deberá leer con atención y,
exclusivamente con base en ellos, contestará las preguntas de esta parte.

Tauris is a great and noble city, situated in a great province called Iraq, in which
there are many other important towns and villages. However, as Tauris is the most
noble, because it has been the strategic point for traveling toward China, I will tell you
about it.

The men of Tauris make their living by trade and handicrafts, for they weave
many kinds of beautiful and valuable items of silk and gold. The city has such a good
position that now merchandise is brought there from India, Bagdad, Cremesor, and
many other regions; and that attracts many Latin merchants, especially Genoese, to
buy goods and to transact other business there; besides being a great market for
precious stones. In fact, it is a city where local merchants make large profits.

The people of the place are themselves poor creatures. There are Armenians,
Nestorians, Jacobites, Georgians, Persians, and finally the natives of the City
themselves, who are worshippers of Muhammad. They are known as the Taurizi. The
city is completely surrounded by lovely gardens, full of many varieties of large and
excellent fruits and flowers.

from The Travels of Marco Polo


1. Latin traders were attracted to Tauris because it was

A) an active commercial center.

B) the most noble city of Iraq.
C) the Muhammadan religious center.
D) a mixture of rich towns and villages

2. The city’s original importance was due mainly to its

A) nobility.
B) location.
C) handicrafts.
D) importations.

A) ran
B) run
C) past
D) passed

A) Cut a hole in the ice.

B) Found air to breath.
C) Was an excellent swimmer.
D) Was carried away by the river.

A) Houdini frequently did the handcuffs trick.
B) Houdini seldom got out of handcuffs very fast.
C) Houdini was admired for his ability to hold his breath.
D) Houdini was remembered as the best magician in the world.


Esta parte de la prueba consta de 25 preguntas, de la 6 a la 30, en las cuales deberá

elegir la opción que complete correcta y lógicamente las expresiones o diálogos
incompletos que se le presentan.

El tipo de pregunta que usted encontrará en esta prueba se ilustra con el siguiente

b) likewise
6. she _____________ seen her father c) therefore
this week, ___________ ? d) nevertheless

a) hasn´t / has she

b) din´t / she did
c) didn´t / did she
d) hasn´t / she has 9. The car _________ out ________
7. _________ working
______________ I quit last week. A) ran /of
B) got /of
a) am / anymore C) ran /from
b) am / already D) got / from
c) am not / already
d) am not / anymore 10. Mary __________ rather come
early, __________ she?
8. we must finish our homework;
__________ we will have to postpone a) must / musn´t
going to the movies. b) musn´t / musn´t
c) would / wouldn´t
a) also d) wouldn´t / wouldn´t

17. Jane __________ here
11. Frank and Jane are not coming ___________
tonight, and ______________ Peter.
a) is / yet
a) is either b) is / still
b) either is c) isn´t / yet
c) is neither d) isn´t / still
d) neither is
18. John didn´t like the film ______ I
12. Dad scolded Sue and told her to
________ out ___________ the room. a) but / did
b) but / didn´t
a) get / of c) either / did
b) get / off d) either / didn´t
c) take/ of
d) take / off

13. We have to keep the medicine in a

fresh place; _________ it will spoil.

a) besides
b) otherwise
c) accordingly
d) nevertheless a) how / be giving

14. The teacher punish me b) when / be given

________________ my bad temper.
c) how / been giving
a) because d) when / been given
b) although
c) as though 20. I will attend the exposition
d) because of _____________ Fred ___________ he
´s out of town.
15. you __________ go to the movies
last night, _________ you? a) but / will

a) didn´t / did b) nor / will

b) weren´t / were
c) didn´t / didn´t c) but / won´t
d) weren´t / weren´t
d) nor / won´t
16. The documents ____________ not
______________ before crossing the 21. your car ___________ repaired
border. ____________ .

a) is / yet
a) have / check
b) are / checked b) has / already
c) have / to checked
d) are / checking c) isn´t / yet

d) hasn´t / already

26. the refrigerator ____________ not.

22. I wanted to make an apple pie The repair job is very expensive.
____________ I don´t have any
apples. a) does / repaired

a) so b) does / repairing

b) and c) has / been repaired

c) but d) has / been repairing

d) nor
27. all our merchandise is
_____________ to south America.
23. Sue is only 15 years old, and in
spite ______________ her youth, she a) been exporting
´s very responsible.
b) able to export
a) of
c) being exported
b) from
d) going to export
c) that

d) thought 28. will that chapter __________ been

____________ before the exam?

24. Rose is weak after her hepatitis, a) have / concluded

but ____________ she studies hard
every day. b) has / concluded

a) still c) are / concluding

b) hence d) is / concluding

c) otherwise

d) therefore

25. Before deciding to buy the house,

Peter had ______ his economical
29.__________ book has Jane
situation ______ well.
Been ___________about?
a) call / up

b) get / out

c) bring / up

d) think / over

a) what / asked

b) whom / asked

c) what / asking

d) whom / asking

30. you look very tired ____________

your baby on the bed.

A) Set

B) Lie

C) Lay

D) Sit


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