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SurfacePoints - create points on Civil surface(s)

(C)2020, CAD Studio s.r.o.

SurfacePoints a LISP utility for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2006, 2007,

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2015-2020 which generates
points (can be labeled) on the surface of Civil 3D terrain models (DTM).

Load the SurfacePoints.vlx file and start the SurfacePoints

command. Select the surface(s) to process. Points defining
the selected surface(s) will be created in the point group:
Names of the points start with "CST--".

Please note that the points are not linked to the original
surface so you have to regenerate them after you change your
DTM. Old points will be deleted if you confirm the prompt.

License: SurfacePoints is a free utility by CAD Studio,

do not publish it online on other than CAD Studio's
web servers, do not sell, lend or exchange it.

CAD Studio s.r.o.
Prazska 16, 370 04 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

SurfacePoints - vytv��� body na povrchu ter�nu v Civil 3D
(C)2020, CAD Studio s.r.o.

SurfacePoints je LISP utilita pro AutoCAD Civil 3D 2006, 2007,

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016-2020. Generuje body
(lze je ozna�it popiskami, k�tami) na povrchu modelu ter�nu v AutoCADu
Civil 3D.

Na�t�te soubor SurfacePoints.vlx a spus�te p��kaz SurfacePoints.

Vyberte povrch(y) pro zpracov�n�. Body definuj�c� dan� povrch
budou vytvo�eny ve skupin� bod�:
N�zvy bod� za��naj� �et�zcem "CST--".

Body nejsou sv�z�ny s p�vodn�m povrchem, tak�e po jeho p��padn�

zm�n� je pot�eba body p�egenerovat. Star� body ale mohou b�t
vymaz�ny potvrzen�m v�zvy aplikace.

Licence: SurfacePoints je bezplatn� utilita pro z�kazn�ky firmy

CAD Studio, nen� dovoleno ji d�le ���it, p�eprod�vat nebo vym��ovat.

CAD Studio s.r.o.
Pra�sk� 16, 370 04 �esk� Bud�jovice, �esk� republika

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