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Nutritionist Julie Daniluk, RHN, hosts warming up your body’s core. Inspired
Healthy Gourmet, a reality cooking show by hot yoga practices and backed by 600
that looks at the ongoing battle between peer-reviewed scientific studies, Julie’s
taste and nutrition. Her award-winning detox system will help your body to gently
bestseller, Meals That Heal Inflammation, rid many of the toxins you experience in
has helped over 100,000 people enjoy our modern world.
allergy-free foods that taste great and
assist their body in the healing process. Her Julie has appeared on hundreds of
second bestseller, Slimming Meals That television and radio shows, including The
Heal, explores why inflammation causes Dr. Oz Show, and is a resident expert for
weight gain and how anti-inflammatory The Marilyn Denis Show (CTV).
superfoods shed pounds without dieting.
Check out amazing recipes and nutrition
Julie’s latest book, Hot Detox, embraces tips at and connect
the ancient wisdom of India and Asia, directly with Julie on Facebook or tagging
applying the time-tested intelligence of @juliedaniluk on Instagram and Twitter.

The balance of gut bacteria can influence behavior and even cause depression.
According to scientists at McMaster University your gut bacteria communicate with
your brain, and can have a profound impact on making you feel happy or sad.

In stressful situations, your body releases stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline
and nor-adrenaline. When stressed mice were fed a broth containing some Lactobacillus
rhamnosus bacteria (a bacteria found in yogurt) they became significantly less anxious
and had lower levels of stress hormones in their blood.

The researchers determined that the bacteria were communicating via the vagus nerve,
which is a very important neural two-way highway that connects your brain with all of
the organs of your body. The bacteria are also found to influence the GABA receptors
in the brain allowing you to relax.

• Alcohol and caffeine can irritate the gut wall. Eliminate all processed foods, refined
sugars, and refined white flours from the diet.

• Food poisoning caused by contaminated foods contaminated by parasites (pork,

chicken, farmed fish). Ingestion of animal products that have been given hormonal
and antibiotic treatments, especially red meat and dairy products can cause an
overgrowth of yeast in the gut due to the immune suppression that occurs.

• E. coli and salmonella can develop due to poor food handling. Negative bacteria
and yeast out crowd good bacteria and cause gut damage.

• Red candy, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and soy sauce are example of
processed and fermented foods that contain food dyes and preservatives.

• White bread and white sugar or other foods high in refined sugars and other
carbohydrates (e.g. candy, cookies, sodas, processed foods and white bread).

• Allergy foods including corn, wheat, dairy, peanuts, potato, eggs, or any food
that you are allergic to and continue to eat can cause inflammation and intestinal
damage. Remove hard to digest proteins such as gluten and dairy from the diet.

You can address nutritional deficiencies by focusing on increasing your antioxidant
intake. Eat a rainbow of vegetables and fruit. These foods contain carotenoids, B
complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and selenium. They also contain phytonutrients
such as quercetin, catechin, hesperidin, rutin and proanthocyanidins, pycnogonals,
and plant sterols.

A great example of a healing anti-inflammatory food is cranberries, which is known for

preventing bacteria in the digestive tract. H. pylori is the bacterium that is often the
cause of disorders of the stomach and intestines and can lead to inflammation and
infection and ultimately lead to ulcers. The compounds in cranberry don’t allow the
H. pylori to live in the gut, and if taken preventively, the bacteria can’t attach itself to
the lining of the stomach or intestines. Fruits like berries and veggies like kale contain
Vitamin C, which helps reduce allergic reactions as it helps to stabilize mast cells that
often trigger the release of histamine and other allergy mediating chemicals.

It is critical to re-establish healthy intestinal lining with probiotics. Probiotics help to
heal the gut and inhibits the growth of unwelcome bacteria and can also be helpful
in treating diarrhea, lactose intolerance, and inflammation in the gut. Take steps to
eliminate an overgrowth of candida (a yeast) by avoiding the damaging foods listed
above. People tolerant to dairy may eat fermented foods such naturally fermented
vegetables and yogurt or Kefir made from coconut.

Add in digestive enzymes alongside your meals to aid in proper food breakdown.
Betaine hydrochloride from beets, bromelain from pineapple, pepain from papaya
are excellent natural sources.


Increase consumption of essential fatty acids such from fish, hemp, flax and chia seeds.
Coldwater fish (tuna, salmon and halibut) is one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty
acids (one of the essential acids our body needs to function but can’t produce) and it
is necessary in order for the human body to function optimally.

Slippery Elm is used for coughs, sore throat, colic, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids,
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), cystitis, urinary tract infections, syphilis, herpes, and
for expelling tapeworms. It is also protects the digestive system from stomach and
duodenal ulcers, for colitis, diverticulitis, GI inflammation, and acidity. Topically, slippery
elm is used for wounds, burns, gout, rheumatism, cold sores, boils, abscesses, ulcers,
toothaches, sore throat, and as a lubricant to ease labor.

Marshmallow Root, Fennel, Fenugreek, Coriander, Ginger, and Turmeric are some of
the herbs that are powerfully anti-inflammatory.

By being mindful of what breaks down or builds up our gut microbiome, we can make
better choices for ultimate long-term health and juicy vitality!

Note: If you are unsure about where to start, we recommend getting some testing
done for vitamin deficiencies prior to starting a vigorous supplement regimen.


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