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Educ 200 Advance Method of Research

Chapter 1

Assignment exercises:

Part I: Answer the following:

1. What do we mean by research?

Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection
of, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that aligns an individual’s speculation
with reality. – Mark N. Abadiano Ph.D.

Research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of
knowledge (Shuttleworth, Martin(2008).

Research in Daily Life 1: Qualitative Research Method, Mark N. Abadiano Ph.D.

2. Why do we do research?
Purpose of Research is to:
1. Solve problems
2. Make a sound decision; is very vital to our everyday decision making.
3. Obtain academic degrees
4. Unveil the truth
5. Acquaint with the facts/happening
6. Find out casual/underlying relationships

3. What is a theory?

A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that explains or

predicts events or situations by specifying relations among variables.

4. What makes a good theory?

It is argued that good theories, though imagined, should to be viewed as real in that they
offer a valuable viewpoint for solving practical problems. They expand the real world of
the practitioner rather than existing in some ivory tower outside that world. A different
sort of imagination, however, is required to move from an abstract theory to an
intervention that can be implemented in the real world. Good theory can be highly
practical but it requires separating research designed to build and test theory from
research designed to evaluate the efficacy of theory-inspired interventions to real world
5. What is a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction. It describes in concrete terms what you

expect will happen in a certain circumstance. Your hypothesis may have been, 'If not
studying lowers test performance and I do not study, then I will get a low grade on the test.'

6. What are research questions?

A research question is an inquisitive statement posted by a researcher to serve as guide

to what the purpose and objectives of a research study are when slithering through a
research work. It is the fulcrum in a research study upon which the a study is touch
- Justus ALFRED LEBURA Sor-Aniabari

7. What is the difference between research question and hypothesis?

• Though research question and hypothesis serve the same purpose, their differences
necessitate using either in a particular research type. In general, quantitative research
favors the hypothesis while research question is preferred in qualitative research
• Hypothesis is predictive in nature and predicts relationship between variables
• Hypothesis is more specific than research question
• Research question poses a question while hypothesis predicts the outcome of the

8. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative data is not countable. It’s chunks of text, photos, videos, and so on. Quantitative
data can be counted as it’s numerical. Qualitative data is usually unstructured, which means
it’s not ordered or grouped logically. You can turn qualitative data into structured
quantitative data through analysis methods like coding.

Most of the time qualitative data will be collected from a smaller sample size than
quantitative data, because generally you’re not looking for statistical significance with
qualitative research.

Qualitative data is quite rich, and can give you directional insights about people’s thoughts,
feelings, emotions, and so on. Quantitative data can help to give you more confidence
about a trend, and allow you to derive numerical facts.

Part II: Outcome based output:

1. Formulate your own Research Process examples of your own interest as per example found
on page 4.

Defining the problem

Review the literature

Theoretical formulation of the research


Research Design (Planning)

Data Collection

Data Analysis

Theoretical interpretation of the results

2. Create your own Consent form letter in conducting a topic of your choice.

I have read the Information Sheet and have had the details of
the study explained to me. My questions have been answered
to my satisfaction, and I may ask further questions at any

I understand I have the right to withdraw from the study at

any time and decline to answer any particular questions.

I agree to provide information to the researcher(s) on the

understanding that my name will not be used without my

I agree/do not agree to the interview being recorded


I understand that I have the right to ask for the tape to be

turned off at any time during the interview.
___________________ _____________ ________
Name Signature Date
Chapter 2:

Assignment Exercises:

Instructions: Students are encourage to use books, electronic books and internet.

Every materials they used must be properly cited with attached resources.

Part 1. Research and Answer the following:

1. What are the similarities between Grounded theory and Inductive Thematic Analysis?

It is usually draws on inductive analytical methods same as Grounded Theory. It also

undertake on identifying and coding emergent themes within data.

Research in Daily Life 1: Qualitative Research Method, Mark N. Abadiano Ph.D.

2. Differentiate Phenomenology to Ethnography?

Ethnography and phenomenology are two detailed, qualitative research studies that are
used in the field of social sciences. Ethnography is the systematic study of people and
cultures whereas phenomenology is the study of subjective, lived experiences and
perspectives of participants. The main difference between ethnography and phenomenology
is that ethnography focuses on the collective experiences within a certain culture whereas
phenomenology focuses on the individual experiences.

3. Compare Case Study to Historical Research.

In Case Study, the researcher provide a detailed account of one or more cases; while the
Historical Research, the researcher need not provide the details but rather collects the data
from people, places and events that had happened in the past.

Research in Daily Life 1: Qualitative Research Method, Mark N. Abadiano Ph.D.

4. Differentiate Qualitative Research Methods to Quantitative research Methods

Qualitative Methods Qualitative Methods

Methods include focus groups, in-depth Surveys, structured interviews &
interviews, and reviews of documents for types observations, and reviews of records
of themes or documents for numeric information
Primarily inductive process used to formulate Primarily deductive process used to
theory or hypotheses test pre-specified concepts,
constructs, and hypotheses that make
up a theory
More subjective: describes a problem or More objective: provides observed
condition from the point of view of those effects (interpreted by researchers) of
experiencing it a program on a problem or condition
Text-based Number-based
More in-depth information on a few cases Less in-depth but more breadth of
information across a large number of
Unstructured or semi-structured response Fixed response options
No statistical tests Statistical tests are used for analysis
Can be valid and reliable: largely depends on Can be valid and reliable: largely
skill and rigor of the researcher depends on the measurement device
or instrument used
Time expenditure lighter on the planning end Time expenditure heavier on the
and heavier during the analysis phase planning phase and lighter on the
analysis phase
Less generalizable More generalizable

5. Differentiate Mixed Methods and Discourse Analysis.

Mixed-Methods is an integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods in one

study. Through analytical approaches and different theoretical approaches the researchers
will specify up front and in detail, how, why, and when this two methods fully mixed. On the
other hand, Discourse Analysis is a study of “naturally occurring discourse”.

Research in Daily Life 1: Qualitative Research Method, Mark N. Abadiano Ph.D.

Part 2: Outcomes based output:

1. Research 3 examples of each Historical Research, Science Research and any of the research
which you find interesting.

(1) The Representation of External Threats. From the Middle Ages to the Modern World -
(2) Proposed Conservation Management Plan: Puerta al Quartel de Banderas in Intramuros,
(3) Beyond Aquino and Marcos: Reimagining the People Power

(1) Effective ways of reducing air pollution.
(2) How did climate change in the recent 30 years?
(3) How does global warming alter wildlife?


(1) Various laws on abortion around the world.
(2) Exploring the possibility of Unicorns.
(3) Is alien abduction real? Has it ever taken place?

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