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! ! ! ! Presented by Functional Bodybuilding and Revival Strength

Now that you’ve learned the ideas behind Functional Bodybuilding, it’s time
to put them into practice. Here is a three week training program from
Awaken Training Series 1.0 so you can feel the effects of starting simply and
progressively adding complexity, as well as experimenting with loading and
time under tension.
For more information on reading the tempo and superset prescriptions in
these workouts, as well as substitution ideas and other helpful tips, please
The full Awaken Training Series program is a twelve-week progressive online
group program built on Functional Bodybuilding principles that includes five
workouts per week, plus two additional rest day assignments. Registration
opens to new participants after each current cycle completes - for more
information please visit

Day One! Day Two Day Three

Warmup: ! Warmup:! Warmup:!

4 Sets - Focus on control of each movement - move Get your breathing up a little bit and use the speed 3 Sets - Focus on control of each movement - move slow and

slow and deliberately!

6-8 Half Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press/arm!

of the movements to wake up the hips. !

EMOM x 12mins!

10 Quadruped Hip Ext/leg!

rest 30sec! 1st - 5 Seated Box Jumps (increase height each rest 15sec!
12 Lateral Band Walks! round)! 30sec Forearm Plank!
rest 30sec! 2nd - 8 2-arm KB Hang Cleans (moderate weight)! rest 15sec!
12 Scapular Push Ups on Elbows!

rest 60sec! !
3rd - Row 30sec @ moderate effort!

A) Segmented Clean Deadlift: 3131; 5,5,4,4,3; rest

10 Side Plank Rotations/side!
rest 15sec!
10 Jefferson Curls!
A1) Dumbbell Bench Press: (semi supinated grip)
30X1; 6-8reps; rest 60sec x 3!
A2) Dual Dumbbell Prone Row: 2111; 6-8reps; rest
2-3mins between sets!

B) Deadlift From Blocks: (pull from just above

rest 60-90sec!

A) Back Squat: 32X1; 6,6,5,5,4; rest 2-3mins (focus on great

60sec x 3 sets!

B1) Ring Row: 2020 Tempo; Max Reps at the

knee); 5,5,5,5; rest 2-3mins!

C) 5 Sets with Increasing Effort Per Set: !

positions this week - maintain strict tempo)!

B1) RNT Split Squat: (Dumbbell Loaded at sides) 20X1; 6-8/leg;

prescribed tempo; rest 60sec x 3! 12 Russian KBS! rest 60sec x 3 sets!

B2) Ring Plank: 30-60sec unbroken; rest 60sec x 3!

C) 5 Sets Not for Time: !

rest 15sec!
30sec Hollow Hold!
rest 15sec!
B2) Strict Ring Pull Up: 21X1; 4-6reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C1) Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: 2011; 6-8/leg; rest

30sec Wall Sit! 8 Tall Box Jump (step down)! 60sec x 3 sets (DB Touches Outside of opposite foot)!
10 Push Ups @ 2111 tempo! rest 15sec! C2) Single Arm Dumbbell Press: 2112; 6-8reps/arm; rest 60sec
30 Double Unders!
rest 60sec between sets
Row 60sec (must increase the effort of each row)!
rest 90sec !
x 3 sets!

D) 9min Continuous Grind - Move with purpose: Sled Push 20m

5 Renegade Rows (choose moderate DB weight)!
5 Strict Toes to Bar!
20sec Wall Facing Handstand Hold!


Day One! Day Two Day Three

Warmup: ! Warmup:! Warmup:!

4 Sets - Control of each movement is most Feel free to add another 3mins if you feel you 3-4 Sets - Move slowly and with intention through all of the following
important. Keep loads light and really
focus on feeling what small muscles are
need the added time to get sweaty and breathing

well. ! !
movements. !

working for you.!

40m Dual Kettlebell Rack Carry!

EMOM x 12mins!
1st - 5 Broad Jumps (jump for distance each rep)!
10 Bird Dog/side!
rest 15sec!
30sec Ring Plank!
rest 30sec! 2nd - 12 Russian Kettlebell Swings (moderate to rest 15sec!
20 Banded Clamshells/side! heavy weight)! 30sec Plank March!
rest 30sec!
15 Scapular Push Ups! !
3rd - Row 35sec @ Moderate Effort! rest 15sec!
5 Plank Walk Outs!

rest 60sec!

A1) Dumbbell Bench Press: 30X1; 6-8reps

A) Segmented Clean Deadlift: 3131; 4,4,3,3,2; rest

2-3mins between sets
rest 60-90sec!

A) Back Squat: 32X1; 5,5,4,4,3; rest 2-3mins (strict tempo - build slightly
x 2 sets; 4-6reps x 2 sets; rest 45sec
(Semi-supinated grip)!
A2) Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 2111;
B) Deadlift From Blocks: (Set up blocks just above

the knee); 3,3,3,3 rest 2-3mins
from last week's loads)!

B1) RNT Split Squat: (DB Loaded at sides) 20X1; 5-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3

6-8reps/arm; rest 90sec x 4 sets
 C) 5 Sets - Increase effort: !
10 Hang Power Cleans (unbroken reps - choose
B2) Strict Pronated Pull-up: 31X2; 3-5reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets (tempo must
B1) Supinated Ring Row: 21X2; 6-10reps;
rest 60sec x 3!
B2) Forearm Plank: 45sec unbroken (add
an appropriate weight)!
rest 15sec!
30sec Hollow Rocks!
be held strict)

C1) Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: 31X1; 5-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3
load to your back if 45sec feels easy); rest rest 15sec! sets!

60sec x 3

C) 4 Sets Not for Time: 40sec Wall Sit !

8 Seated Box Jumps Step Down (build height with
each set)!
rest 15sec!
C2) Single Arm Dumbbell Press: (Seated) 31X1; 6-8reps/arm; rest 60sec x

3 sets

12 Diamond Push Ups @ 2111 tempo! Row 300m/250m (increase the pace of your row D) 10min Continuous Grind: !
45 Heavy Rope Double Unders! each set) ! Reverse Sled Drag 30m Tough!

rest as needed between sets!

*The goal is not to rush here. Complete

rest 90sec!

*record your exact row times to ensure you are

8 Ring Rows (hold 1sec at the top of each rep)!
4 Strict Toes to Rings!
6 Kipping Toes to Rings!
the allotted reps at the right tempo. Move
with purpose and connect with the
muscles that are getting activated.
increasing your pace
2 Hollow Body Wall Walks!

*The goal is not to get the max number of reps in 10min that you can. The
goal is to perform all of these movements with great positions, attention to
quality, and keep moving continuously for the whole time. Breaks are
expected in order to complete some of the strict movements.

Day One Day Two Day Three

Warmup: ! Warmup: ! Warmup: !

4 Sets - Build load with each set of Feel free to add another 3mins if you feel you need the 3-4 Sets - Move slowly and with intention through all
weighted movements. Emphasis on added time to get sweaty and breathing well. ! of the following movements. !
stability. Stay in control.!
! !
EMOM x 12mins!
10 Quadruped Thoracic Rotation/side!
6-8 Half Kneeling Kettlebell Press (pause 1st - 3-4 Single Leg Box Jumps/Leg (Start off low and build rest 15sec!
2sec at the top of each rep)! only if you are confident)! 30sec Reverse Plank!
rest 30sec! 2nd - 6-8 Barbell Good Mornings (light loads - focus on rest 15sec!
15 Lateral Band Walks/side! stretching and activating your hamstrings and glutes)! 15m Quadruped Crawl (move very slow and
rest 30sec! 3rd - Row 20sec HARD (get that breathing going)! deliberately - get the shoulders warmed up)!
12 Side Plank Rotations/side!
rest 60sec!
A) Segmented Clean Deadlift: 3131; 3,3,3,2,2; rest 2-3mins
rest 15sec!
10 Jeffersons Curls Light!
A1) Glute Bridge Dumbbell Bench Press:
between sets (building from last week's loads - ensure that
with the heavier weights you are still focused on holding the
rest 60-90sec!
30X0; 6-8reps x 4 sets; rest 45sec! right positions)
 A) Back Squat: 32X1; 4,4,4,3,3; rest 2-3mins (strict
A2) Dual Dumbbell Prone Row: 20X2;
6-8reps; rest 90sec x 4 sets

B) Deadlift From Blocks: (New height this week - Set up
tempo - build slightly from last week's loads)

B1) Ring Face Pull : 21X0; 6-10reps; rest
blocks so that the bar rests just below the knee); 4,4,4,4 rest

B1) RNT Split Squat: DB Loaded at sides; 30X1;
5,5,5,5/leg; rest 60sec!
60sec x 3!
B2) Ring Plank: (elevate your feet on a
C) 5 Sets - Increase effort: !
B2) Lean Away Strict Ring Pull Up: 21X2; 3-4reps;
rest 60sec x 3 sets (tempo must be held strict - add
box) 30-45sec unbroken (add load to your 8 Power Cleans (unbroken Reps)! load hanging around waist if needed to scale up)

back if 45sec feels easy); rest 60sec x 3
(emphasize external rotation at your
rest 15sec!
20sec Side Star Plank R!
C1) Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift: 3011;
shoulders)! 20sec Side Star Plank L! 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets!
C) 4 Sets Not for Time: 50sec Wall Sit !
rest 15sec!
6 Box Jump Overs (Choose a tough height for you - clear the
C2) Seated Single Arm Arnold Press: 2112; 6-8reps/
arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

12 Ring Push Ups 20X1!
6-8 Single Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch/
entire box)!
rest 15sec!
D) 10min Continuous Grind: 30m Sled Push Tough!
arm! Assault Bike 60sec (increase the number of calories you get 15sec Ring Dip Support!
rest as needed between sets! on the bike each set - pace the first set accordingly) ! 6 Bent Over 2-arm Kettlebell Rows!
*Attempt to achieve all of these sets
rest 90sec!
! 10 Kipping Toes to Rings!
20sec Wall Facing Handstand Hold!
unbroken. It is ok to reset on the floor
between each rep of the DB Snatch. If you
*Record your exact calories on the bike to track your set
*Sustain for the whole 10mins. Start slow and build
cannot complete the sets unbroken then your pace as you go if you feel good. !
rest as needed to complete the sets.

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