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It Couldn’t be Done

Edward Guest

This is a beautiful poem which describes a very common attitude towards

difficult tasks, It Could not be Done. However, after a task has been done,
everybody is ready to declare it easy. One reason why people fear to start a great
task is that they see all the difficulties at once rather than one at a time. One can
achieve any purpose if one meets each problem as it arises and by keeping the
assurance that it can be done.

The poem also shows us a way to begin the task with positive attitude and
confidence so one put himself to the task with a smile.

In the third stanza, the poet tells us about the people who make fun of those
who try to achieve what they think impossible. The poet advises that we should
not pay heed towards such people but we must be influenced by those who start
their work with high heads and confidence. There may come thousands in our
way who would restrict us. They will predict future and will warn of dangers on
the way.

In the end, the poet advises us that we should not listen to such people but be
ready with a smile and tackle the task happily with confidence.


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