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Moments of Enlightenment Day 2

B. Nyanabhadra
Meditasi Duduk Dipandu
Dengarkan Panduannya
“Ketika ia berjalan maka ia tahu sedang berjalan, ketika berdiri
ia tahu sedang berdiri, ketika duduk ia tahu sedang duduk, dan
ketika berbaring ia tahu sedang berbaring.”

–Dīgha Nikāya II:290, Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta

Changing Persepective
1. Meditation starts with relaxing whole body by using breathing
2. Meditation is not about stopping thoughts or eliminating feeling
3. The Ideas is just watching thoughts & feelings come and go, then return to the
breathing again and again
4. The restlesness (不安) is always lead you keep doing No. 2, then what you have to repeat is
5. Changing perspective with the passing thoughts & feelings by No. 3 then they will naturally
6. Meditation / Mindfulness also means REMEMBER (Remember Breathing, Training muscles)
7. Distracted again? No. 6, then you can return to No.3 easily.
8. Then, No. 5 will give rise to clarity, concentration, and new perspective to body, feeling, and
thought give rise to new wisdom
Mental Health, Rewire Your Brain, Neuroplasticity

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