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Activity #1. Analyze the situation. Answer what is being asked. (10points)
The Senior Market
In a study of the travel behavior patterns of Metro Manila senior citizens with retirement
benefits conducted by Christian Magno (2012), results indicated that the specific market
travels from one to their times a year. These senior citizens, since they have retirement
benefits and do not rely on their children for sustenance, can make their own travel
decisions. This market segment is an interesting segment to research, especially since
they have a lot of time in their hands to engage in leisure activities; tourism, being one
such activity. Data revealed that this type of market does not choose the most
expensive options available as long as differences in comfort and experience are not
that significant. The study further states that this group is considered midcentric, having
the qualities of both allocentric (adventure-seeking) and psychocentric (non-
adventurous). The results showed that seniors are willing to participate in new activities
and discover new destinations as long as there are no physical or financial constraints.
The Baby Boomers are willing to engage in some adventure tourism activities. They
also prefer to engage in ecotourism and watch more adventurous counterparts. They
also prefer buying packaged tours than preparing the trip on their own.
a. What are the unique characteristics of the Senior Market that make them a viable
market for tourism and hospitality products?
 Senior have retirement benefits and do not rely on their children for
sustenance, can make their own travel decisions. Also this group is
considered midcentric, having the qualities of both allocentric (adventure-
seeking and psychocentric (non-adventurous).
b. What tourism products can we sell to the Senior Market? Cite 3 products.
Cruise tour, because seniors can sight-seeing beautiful views while they are
Tour to Museum, Temples and Gardens.
Offer a transportation like Owning taxis or buses, so they can relax while going to
their destination, less hassle, less stress.

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