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Name : Ghina Nur Azizah

NIM : 22001101038

Assignment : Create your own idea about the important of immunization for the virus in
human life. do you think it is effective or not? give your own explanation! write in paragraph
of 100 words and post here!

Immunization is important for our bodies because as we all know that immunization is
useful for increasing our immunity so that our bodies have self-protection from viruses, bacteria,
and so on. Immunization is also important, not only for children but also for adults. Because
attacks carried out by bacteria / viruses don’t consider age restrictions. Therefore, everyone
needs immunizations.

Lately, we have seen many cases of adults infected with a disease. One of the causes is
due to poor / decreased immunity. Because when our immune system decreases, it means that
our self protection decreases so that it’s not strong enough to fight the attack from the virus /
bacteria. So someone gets sick easily, even that person can die. Therefore, we need to form
protection within ourselves, one of which is immunization.

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