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Submitted to the English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher

Training and Educational Sciences, Pakuan University, as a Partial Fulfillment of
Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Examination

Jihadul Falah Muharam







A. Background of the study

In modern usage, teaching has grown more complicated and

complex. Based on the mentioned teaching complexity that keeps

growing, the teachers need to engage students to study using a specific

concern, thus teaching strategies are needed. Teaching is considered

important within the classroom, so it should not be pushed aside when

addressing the range of teaching strategies. To facilitate the students'

progress in particular area-specific knowledge and skills may need to be

taught to the students. Moreover, this often provides tools that students can

use to assist them in their learning and can be evident in all areas of the


Considering what teachers need with the aim of teaching, and what

might be going on for them, is one of the primary things that makes

education different from indoctrination. As Smith 2015 quoted that

education can be pictured as learning cultivation with wisdom, hope, and

respect that is undertaken in conviction that everyone should have an

opportunity to share in life. As stated above, the process of education

elapses from the orientation of respect to respect of truth. Moreover, for

the teacher they must consider students’ need and wish now and in the

future, and also reflect what might be good for all. Teachers have to plan
their interventions accordingly. Following the third point of what teachers

must do, they can consider that the intervention is not the essence they can

take lightly because teaching is a complex process that needs preparations.

Since they can execute the teaching before the proper arrangement.

As appointed above regarding teaching, learning English in

Indonesian school has been a common thing that it can be found today

since English has been being taught from during the Dutch colonial period

at MULO (Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs) which is equivalent to

middle school and AMS (Algemeene Middlebare School) which is

equivalent to high school; moreover, to teach English, it is also necessary

to provide the teaching environment that has proper preparation and


One of the main skills in English is reading. Reading is considered

the complex cognitive process of decoding symbols to obtain meaning. It

is required analysis, coordination, and interpretation of a variety of sources

of information. It means that by doing a reading, the reader will do

consciously or subconsciously analyze, coordinate, and interpret the text to

get the information. It is also a form of language processing. Success in

the reading process can be considered as reading comprehension. It is also

a means to obtain language acquisition, communication, and sharing

information and ideas. It is also become the parameter to measure the

students’ ability in English subject. Teaching reading in English is also

needed decent preparation and approach as it is already known that reading

is a fully complex subject in English according to David Nunan (1989:33)

“Reading is not an invariant skill, that there are different types of reading

skills that correspond to the many different purposes we have for reading”.

Teaching reading subjects in English requires a teaching strategy to

get the subject delivered wholly during the learning period. it needs further

care to conduct. Gallery walk is one of the common strategies that teachers

use in class to teach several subjects, and it is also one of the strategies that

can be used to teach a reading subject in class effectively. Gallery walk is

a strategy that encourages all skills in English while it also offers students

the opportunity to out of their seats and become active participants in

nearly every stage of the lesson from creation through evaluation. Students

do not often have the opportunity to compare ideas, so the gallery walk

strategy allows students to get the opportunity to share their opinion and

ideas related to a particular topic that is being told. This strategy is a

discussion technique that allows the students to be actively engaged as

they walk throughout the classroom, and the students work together in a

small group to share ideas and respond to meaningful questions,

documents, images, problem-solving situations, or texts.

Moreover, in conducting this research, the writer found several

conducted studies related to this research to strengthen this research. The

researcher found two previous studies that are conducted related research

about Gallery Walk. The first research was conducted by Farrah Zakiyah

Anwar (2015) at SMA Muhammadiyah (plus) Salatiga in the academic

year 2014/2015 entitled “Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill through

Gallery Walk Technique”. The second research was conducted by Voni

Windarti (2019) at SMAN 1 Katibung South Lampung in the academic

year 2018/2019 entitled “The Influence Of Using Gallery Walk Strategy

Towards Students’ Reading Comprehension In Narrative Text”.

B. Reason for Choosing the Topic

Engaging students to study a certain subject will be complicated

likewise reading in English subject, so some of them will find the subject

to be difficult to learn if the teachers are not able to fully engage the

students in the learning process. Teaching strategies become the solution

to how the teachers can engage their students by applying the teaching

strategies, the learning process can proceed with both sides fulfilled their

role effectively.

Reading is one of the basic skills or competency that is needed in

English. Reading in our country is not a very common and preferred

activity since our country ranked 17th out of 30 countries in terms of

literacy and reading according to a survey that was conducted by World

Culture Index Score in 2018. So the students will find it difficult to learn a

certain subject involving reading and literacy.

Gallery walk is a strategy that involves students being more active

in the learning process. In this strategy students can interact and synthesize

the concepts, making learning more effective than in a typical classroom

environment; moreover, they get to know about different perspectives of

the same topic, thus improving the learning opportunities.

The appropriate approach in teaching reading in English subject is

considered important since engaging students in learning this subject

require strategy. That is why the researcher is conducting this research in

order to find the use of a gallery walk strategy on students’ reading ability.

By conducting this research, the researcher intends to discover the

use and influence of the gallery walk strategy as a medium to teach

reading and uncover the connection between its use and the students’

reading ability.

C. Statement of the Problem

The researcher intends to discover the use of the gallery walk

strategy to improve students’ reading ability; therefore, the researcher

states the problem as follows: “Does the gallery walk strategy influence

students’ reading ability?”

D. Aim of the research

By conducting this research, the researcher has aims that need to be

achieved in the near future. this research aims to find out whether there is

any significant influence of using gallery walk on students’ reading ability.

By doing this research, the researcher also intends to get a result

that can widen the skill of teachers in facilitating the students using the
gallery walk strategy with the intention of improving their reading ability.

The result also can provide information to the teacher that the gallery walk

strategy has a positive effect on students’ reading ability; therefore, the

goal of learning could be achieved; moreover, It is expected that this

research could provide useful input in improving the quality of learning in

the school.

E. Hypothesis

In this research, information related to the significant influence of

gallery walk on students’ reading ability will be extracted. Therefore, it is

hypothesized that the use of gallery walk strategy has a significant or

prominent cause on students’ reading ability.

F. Limitation of The Problem

This research’s limitation fo the problem is that gallery walk strategy

as a strategy of teaching students reading subjects in order to discover the

use or influence of gallery walk strategy towards students’ reading ability

in recount text.

Learning reading in English is considered difficult for several

students in our country. Students may find it perplexing or confusing when

they learn to improve their reading. Gallery walk strategy can play a role

as a medium to teach reading. Therefore, by doing this research, the

researcher can discover the solution to students’ complications in learning

reading as the discovery of the use and influence of gallery walk strategy

on their learning reading.

G. Operational Definition

1. Gallery Walk Strategy

The discussion technique allows students to be actively engaged as

they walk throughout the classroom. They work together in small groups to

share ideas and respond to meaningful questions, documents, images,

problem-solving situations, or texts.

2. Reading

Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols with

the purpose to obtain meaning. It is also a medium for language acquisition,

communication, and the sharing of information and ideas. Reading also

develops our comprehension on teach a certain subject, that is why reading

becomes one of the strong pillars in learning English along with writing,

speaking, and listening.

In reading, there are five components that we need to be aware of

namely; phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and

comprehension. Phonemic awareness, it refers to the students’ ability to

focus on and manipulate these phonemes in spoken syllables and word.

Phonics is the relationship between the letters in written language and the

individual sounds in spoken language. Fluency is the ability to read as well

as we speak and to grasp the sense of a text without having to stop and
decode each word of it. Vocabulary is closely connected to comprehension.

The larger the reader’s vocabulary, the easier it is to comprehend the text.

Comprehension is the complex cognitive process readers use to understand

what they have read. The most important thing in reading is comprehension.

Comprehension is considered as power or strength in reading activity, and

also influenced by the experience of the reader.

H. Research Significant

By conducting this research, the researcher hopes that it will

contribute benefits for the teacher, students, school, and the readers as well.

And these are the benefits for each of them.

The teacher is able to consider the gallery walk as the main

strategy to use in order to teach and improve students’ reading ability;

moreover, for the students, they can be encouraged and engaged to learn

reading with a critical approach.

For the school, they can also take this strategy into consideration as

the main strategy in teaching, especially when delivering a reading lesson,

and as for the readers, they can discover the use of the gallery walk strategy

in students’ reading ability.

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