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ISSN 0215-093X Volume IV No.1, Januari 2002 Bidang Pertanian a Aktivitas Penghambatan Fusan Trichoderma Terhadap Jamur Patogen Tular Tanah Ganoderma spp. Secara In Vitro (S.M. Widyastuti, Sumardi dan Jvfa') ® Pertumbuhan Tanaman Padi pada Bahan Gambut yang Diperlakukan dengan Herbisida Paraquat, Kapur dan Pupuk NPK (Erni Martani, Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, Suci Handayani dan Agus Supriyo) = Pengaruh Substitusi Tempe Gembus Terhadap Zat Gizi, Tekstur dan Sifat Indrawi Mie Basah (Triyono, Dwivati Pujimulyani dan Sutardi) Bidang Kesehatan = Hubungan antara Perilaku Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri dan Personal Hygiene dengan Intensitas Infeksi Cacing Perut dan Status Gizi pada Pekezja Pengangkut Sampah di Kota Yogyakarta (Agus Widada, Soeyoko, dan Adi Heru Sutomo) = Hubungan antara Derajat Keganasan Histologis dengan Derajat Infiltrat Sel T Sitotoksile pada Adenokarsinoma Prostat (/rianéwati dan Harijadi) = Kajian Dosis Minimal Kurkumin Terhadap Daya Antiinflamasi Indometasin pada Tikus (Mavlina Diah) a Kualitas Airtanah untuk Air Irigasi di Daerah Pengasih Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Propinsi Daerah [stimewa Yogyakarta (Miftahussalam) u Condensation of Refrigerant R-407C Inside Horizontal Finned Tubes (Aguag Tit Wijayanea " Bidang Sosial Humaniora m Efektivitas Pelatihan Team Work Building Melalui Out Door Activities Dalam Meningkatkan Kapital Sosial (dvin Fadilla Heimi, Ira Paramastri, dan Adi Ciltk Piereawan) = Pengaruh Interferensi dan Rehearsal Terhadap Retensi Belajar Bahasa Indonesia (Purba Hardjito dan Asmadi Alsa) = Pluralisme [nformasi; Sebuah Jalan untuk Mencguhkan Pluralisme Masyarakat (Sebuah Studi Tentang Implementasi Undang-undang No. 40 Tahun 1999) (dna Nadhya Abrar) Gama Sains IV (1) Januari 2002 i Pembaca yang budiman, AMA SAINS merupakan jurnal penelitian yang diterbitkan olen Lembaga Penelitian Universitas jah Mada. Nama tersebut merupakan nama baru, menggantikan nama MEDIAGAMA yang sudah soit selama 3 tahun. Penggantian nama tersebut dipandang perlu untuk memberikan identitas gai jurnal ilmiah Sesual dengan fungsinya; Lembaga Penelitian menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian yang berhasil dipilih @2ri 18 fakultas yang bernaung di bawah Universitas Gadjah Mada, Disamping itu, dengan mengedepankan agar hasil penelitian tidak "kedalu makna" para penulis menginginkan agar dapat segera diterbitkan. Mempelajari imu secara lintas sektora! saat ini merupakan suatu keharusan dengan harapan agar hasil penelitian lebih berdaya guna dan dapat dibaca oleh peneliti lain sebagal salah satu acuan elem menimbulkan ide pemikiran baru. Menyadarl akan hal tersebut diatas, mulai terbitan Volume 1V, isi dan jurnal GAMA SAINS tidak lagi citerbitkan dalam nuansa tiap bidang seperti pada penerbitan sebelumnya tetapi semua bidang yang ada yaitu Bidang Sains dan Teknologi, Bidang Kesehatan, Bidang Pertanian dan Bidang Sosial Humaniora diterbitkan bersama-sama dalam satu periode penerbitan sehingga kesan seolah-olah sebagai jurnal *fakuitas" tidak akan tampak lagi. Periode penerbitan juga mengalami perubahan yang semula tiga kali dalam satu tahun, berubah menjadi dua kali yaitu penerbitan bulan Januari dan Juli. Dengan adanya perubahan-perubahan tersebut diharapkan dapat mengakomodasi keinginan para penulis naskah dan keinginan para pembaca, Selamat membaca dan bagi rekan yang berprofesi sebagai dosen selamat melaksanakan tugas mengajar pada tahun akademi 2002/2003 Salam hangat dari redaks| Pembina: Rektor Universitas Gadjah Mada Penanggungjawab: Ketua Lembaga Penelitian Redaksi; Ketua : Prof.Ir, Sukandarrumidi, M.Sc., Ph.O., Sekretaris : Dr.dr. Adi Heru Sutomo, M.Sc. D.Comm,Nutr.,DLSHTM., Anggota : Prof.dr. Sri Kadarsih Soejono, M.Sc., Ph.D., Prof.Or.Ir. Maria Astuti, M.Sc., Prof.Dr.Ir, Edhl Martono, M.Sc., Dr. Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan, M.Sc., Dr.Ir. Sutardi, M.App.Sc., Dr.Ir. Erni Martani, Dr. Purwo Santosa, M.A., Dr.drg. Pinandi Sri Pudyani, S.U., Dr. lip Izul Falah, Dr.Ir. Sutjipto A. Hadikusumo, Drs. 8. Sardjono, M.Sc., Ors. Asmadi Alsa, S.U., Pelaksana Teknis: Basyir, 8.Sc., Sri Junandi, A.Md., Alamat Redaksi: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Gadjah Mada, Gedung Pusat UGM, Lantai II, Sayap Selatan, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Telp. 0274 901963, 901972, 901973, 520669, 548159 Fax. 0274 520669. Email : cesearch, ket-lon@ugm,, Mitra Bestari + Prof.Dridr. Ida Bagus Agra (Fak. Teknik), Prof.Dr.1r. Prayoto, M.Sc. (Fak, MIPA), Prof.Or. Hari Purwanto (Fak. Iimu Budaya), Prof.Dr.Ir. Hasanu Simon, M.S. (Fak, Kehutanan), Prof.Dr. Issirep Sumardi (Fak. Biologi), Prof.Ors. Subanar, Ph.D. (Fak. MIPA), Dr. Supardi Wongsosupantio, Apt. (Fak. Farmasi), Susamto Somowiyarjo, M.Sc. (Fakultas Pertanian), Drdrg. Sudibyo, Sp.Per.,S.U, (Fak. Kedokteran Gigi), dan Noegroho Amien Soetlarso, S.H., M.SI (Fak. Hukum), imat dengan tidak merubah makna kal Redaksi berhak merubah, ataupun menyempurnakan susunan Diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta Gama Sains IV (1) Januari 2002 Pengantar Redaksi Daftar Isi Bidang Pertanian Aktivitas Penghambatan Fusan Trichoderma Terhadap Jamur Patogen Tular Tanah Ganoderma spp. Secara In Vitro (S.M. Widyastuti, Sumardi dan Irfa'f) Pertumbuhan Tanaman Padi Pada Bahan Gambut yang Diperlakukan dengan Herbisida Paraquat, Kapur dan Pupuk NPK (Erni Martani, Bambang Hendro Sunarminto, Suci Handayani dan Agus Supriyo) Pengaruh Substitus| Tempe Gembus Terhadap Zat Gizi, Tekstur dan Sifat Indrawi Mie Basah (Triyono, Owlyati Pujimulyani dan Sutardi) Bidang Kesehatan Hubungan antara Perilaku Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri dan Personal Hygiene dengan Intensitas Infeksi Cacing Perut dan Status Gizi pada Pekerja Pengangkut Sampah di Kota Yogyakarta (Agus Widada, Soeyoko, dan Adi Heru Sutomo) Hubungan antara Derajat Keganasan Histologis dengan Derajat Infiltrat Sel T Sitotoksik Pada Adenokarsinoma Prostat (Jrianiwati dan Harijad!) Kajian Dosis Minimal Kurkumin Terhadap Daya Antiinflamasi Indometasin Pada Tikus (Maulina Diah) Bidang Sains dan Teknologi kvalitas Airtanah untuk Air Irigasi di Daerah Pengasih Kabupaten Kulon Proga, Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Miftahussalem) Condensation of Refrigerant R-407C Inside Horizontal Finned Tubes (Agung Tri Wijayanta) Dial Distribution of Water Quality at Ranu Klindungan and Ranu Bedali in Pasuruan, East Java (Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan) Bidang Sosial Humaniora Efektivitas Pelatihan Team Work Building Melalul Out Door Activities Dalam Meningkatkan Kapital Sosial (Avin Fadilla Helmi, Ira Paramastri, dan Adi Cilik Piereawan) Pengaruh Interferensi dan Rehearsal Terhadap Retensi Belajar Bahasa Indonesia (Purba Hardjito dan Asmadi Alsa) Pluralisme Informasi: Sebuah Jalan untuk Meneguhkan Pluralisme Masyarakat (Sebuah Studi Tentang Implementasi Undang-undang No. 40 Tahun 1999) (Ana Nadhye Abrar) 35-33 34-39 40-44 45-52 53-64 65-73 74-82 83-86 87-96 Gama Sains IV (1) Januari 2002 65 DIAL DISTRIBUTION OF WATER QUALITY AT RANU KLINDUNGAN AND RANU BEDALI IN PASURUAN, EAST JAVA Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan" ABSTRACT ial distribution of temperature, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, salinity, and pH were studied at Renu Klindungan and Ranu Boda in East Java. Ranu Klindungan has 115 m depth and Ranu Bedali has 12 m depth. Ranu in local language means lake. Both Ranu are tropical lakes. The water samples were taken from different depths. This study wos carried out during 24 hour periods on August 1998. The results showed that Ranu Klindungan experienced stratified temperature, but Ranu Bedali, the whole lakes, experianced rixing- ‘Oxygen curve both lakes teried during a whole day, and might due to phytoplankton activities Thus Ranu Bedali teheved as warm polymictic lake and Ranu Klindungan as @ stratified lake INTRODUCTION ‘The purpose of this research was to study the water quality of two tropical lakes, Ranu Kiindengen and Ranu Bedali in Pasuruan, Eastern Java, The study was carried out during 24 hours, Weter quality conditions may change markedly within aquetic ecosystems during a 24 hour periods, Theses change due to the variation of solar radiation from high intensity, at ‘nidday to darkness. The chemical water, such as dissolved oxygen (D0), alkalinity, and pH may fluctuate between extremes of day and night. This conditions especially may occurs in shallow, littoral areas (Wetzel and Likens 1979). Renu Klindungan is in the lowland north of Gunung Bromo at 20 m a.s.l approximotely 2.5 km from the sea. Ranu means lake and gunung means mount in local language. Beuning (1986) reported that this lake was formed during an ancient eruption of Gunung Bromo, and has depth 115 m with area of 190 ha (Fig. 1). The south side fs surrounded by a relatively Tow explosion rim. The north side eppears to have virtually Me rim, except, @ dam so struction. ‘The littoral zone are dominated by aquatic macrophytes. The watershed are frostly euttivated by farm crop, with some intermittent forest, and also there are many Swallow construction houses. The lake does not have @ street inflow. The water enters to sveake trough the reinfall and seepage or ground water. The lake has been used intensively for aque culture with fish cage, keramba. Fig. 1. Locations of the studied ereas in East Java, Indonesia, A, Ranu Bedali, B. Ranu Klindungan _—_— ' Laboratory of Ecology, Faculty of Biology Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta 66 Gama Sains [V (1) Januari 2002 Ranu Bedali is a small volcanic cone lake setting at 150 ma. s. |. at west side of Gunung Lamongan, and approximately 20 km from the sea. The lake is in a deep explosion crater with very steep slopes approximately 150 high. Ranu Bedali is @ shallow, 12 m depth, and relatively circular lake with area of 12 ha (Fig. 1). The water enters the lake from a waterfalls at a southern side and direct rainfall in the surface. This lake does not has a direct water outflow. Water is lost by seepage, and through evaporation. The sandy beach area around the lake and indicates a drow-down of one ta two meters during the dry seasons. It is interesting to note that this lake together with Ranu Lamongan, Ranu Pakis, and Ranu Lading form almost a ring around Gunung Lamongan. Tropical lakes receive a greater degree of insulation than do the temperate lakes, The insulation might spreads over lower periods of the year, and functions as a source of heat. The heat has maximum effect on the surface of standing waters. In the tropics, insulation varies with season and is reflected in the temperature changes in the upper-water layers of lakes. However, the wind patterns, which exert a cooling effect, can modify this. In Africa, the temperature showed the shift from the cool season in January-February in northern latitudes to July-August in the south. Most tropical lake would normally experience high ambient temperature, how ever at high latitude usually the temperature is low (Payne 1986). The intensity and duration of sunlight in the tropics suggests that thermocline shows significant feature of many tropical lakes, However, the difference in the temperature is quite small compare to the temperate lakes. In the temperate lakes where the formation of the thermocline in the summer is marked by change of several degrees of centigrade across the discontinuity. In the tropics, such as lake Malawi, there is @ stable, enduring thermocline ‘at between 200 and 250 m depth. However, the temperature difference is only 1 °C. The small difference in the temperature is not only confined in a large lake, but also can be found in a small lakes, such as Subang Lake in Malaysia. In Subang lake, temperature discontinues ot the order of 0.5 *C at 3-5 m depth, and is sufficient to establish thermocline effect (Poyne 1986). OBJECTIVE As mentioned before, the purpose of this-research was to study the water quality of two tropical lakes. Ranu Klindungan and Ranu Bedali in Pasuruan, Eastern Java. Specifically this study focused on the dial distribution of dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, and alkalinity at different depths. This study was carried out to support the pollen profile study by Cushing at the same lakes on the same time of samplings. METHODS This study was conducted on August 1998. | collected the data from one index station almost in the middle of each lakes of Ranu Klindungan and Ranu Bedali. The index station set in the cieepest part of each lakes. The depth of the index station at Ranu Klindunuan was 114 m, and Ranu Bedali was 12 m, This study measured the water quality of DO, alkalinity: pH. temperature in each index station of Ranu Klindungan and Ranu Bedali at different time of day. At Ranu Klindungan in the low land, | also measured the water salinity. This measurement was conducted to make sure that there was no salinity intrusion from the coastal area which was close to the lake. The samples of water column were collected on August 8-9, 1998 at Ranu Klindungan from 13 different depths, and 4 times of day. At Ranu Klindungan samples were taken from 0m, 3m, 8m. 10m, 15m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m. 50 m, 70 m, 90 m, 100 m, and 114 m depth. Times collection were at 14.24, 17.02, 20.03, 23.05, 02.12, 05.20, 08.00, and 11.55. While at Ranu Bedali, samples of water were collected on August 10-11, 1998 from 5 different depths and 8 times of day. Water samples of Ranu Bedali were collected from 0 m. 3m. 8 m. 10m. and 12 m. and times Gama Sains IV (1) Januari 2002 67 collection were at 16.15 pm, 01.10 am, 06.55 am, 13.10 pm of the day. Each sample collection had two replicates. Water samples were collected using Vand Dorn apparatus from different depths. DO were measured using modification of Micro Winkler method, alkalinity was measured with modification of Lamotte-limnological kits, and temperature was measured using thermometer-Hg. Salinity was measured using hand-refractor, and light transparency was measured using Secchi's disk. Ranu Klindungan had Secchi's depth 139 cm, and Ranu Bedali had 182 cm. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Temperature At Renu Bedali the vertical temperatures in the water column were almost similar between surface to the bottom of the lake during 24 hours of study (Fig. 3). The temperature was around 30 °C. Therefore at Ranu Bedali on August 1998 did not have thermal stratification. It means that the lake was in mixing conditions. In contrast to Renu Bedali. at Ranu Klindungan. the temperatures at the surface water was higher than the deepest part of the lake. These temperatures varied between 33 °C and 32 °C. The temperatures then drops to 27 °C as the depth added (Fig. 2). It means that Ranu Klindungan experienced temperature stratification in water column, or in other word , the lake had thermocline condition. Based ‘on the difference of the temperature profiles from these two lakes, thus Ranu Bedali with small area and shallow could be category as warm polymictic lake. On the other hand, Ranu Klindungan was as a stratified lake. Ges 2 8 shew 30,16 am 1S 0pm ease Fig. 2. Vertical temperatur profiles in Renu Klindungan at cifferent times of the day. Thermoline varied with depth. It started between 3 to 6 meter depth. 68 Gama Sains IV (1) Januari 2002 Fig. 3. Vertical temperatur profiles in Ranu Bedali at different times of the day. The temperatures were almost similar at whole depths, except during late afternon at the surface of water was slightly warm. . At Ranu Klindungan, it is interesting, to note that jn this lake, the temperature at 100 m depth at mid night was increased from 28 °C to 30 °C, This increase, | assumed due to the seepage from the battom of the lake. But then the question is why then the temperature at the same time was slightly lower at 114 m depth ? During the morning sampling at 06. 55 am, there were a lot of bubbles at the surface. Due to the present of the bubbles. ! assume that the warm water seepage increased this ambient temperature. At figure 10 a and b show that die distribution of temperatures at the surface and at different depths of Ranu Bedali was almost similar between 31 to 30 °C. but at night the temperature was homothermous. This drop of temperature was due to the surface cooling at night. This trend also happened only at the surface water of Ranu Klindungan. However in contrast to Ranu Bedali, at Ranu klindungan in the water column at 10 m- 114m depth. the temperature decreased to 30 and 27 °C, This drop was due to the lake was very deep. This temperature different was around 4 °C, and was relatively big compare to Lake Valanzia. which was only 1.5 °C (Payne 1986). . Disolved oxygen At Ranu Klindungan, the most apparent different of the thermocline is the great decrease of oxygen between 7 to 3.2 ppm = 3.5 cluring 24 hour periods ppm (Fig. 4). The results showed that there were oxygen maxima in the hypolimnion at different depth. At the 16.1 5 pm this lake hed oxygen maxima between 70 to 80 m depth. | assumed that there was oxygen-rich seepage inflow. Goldman and Horne (1983) reported that tropical lakes presented different problems in terms of its oxygen distribution. The high temperatures of tropical lakes prevented mixing if they were protected from wind, and set in low elevation, These type of lakes might had permanent hypolimnetic oxygen deficits and high concentration of methane and H,S. They also reported that some tropical lakes such as Lake Tanganyika in Africa never mixed or mixed on very rare occasion. During the date collection at 13.10 pm. Ranu Klindungan had very strong wind, but from temperature and dissolved oxygen measurement, this lake did not mix. Gama Sains IV (1) Januari 2002 Fig. 4. Vertical dissolved oxygen profil In contrast to Ranu Klindungan, at Ranu Bedall the hours (Fig. 5), The oxygen distribution positive heterograde curve et 17.02 pm. ond at 02.12 am had heterograde curve. But Concentration at all depths. This type oxygen varia cof phytoplankton. : At 20.03 had clinograde curve 41.55 am the oxygen had en profiles varied during twe at 14. ‘pm the lake experience’ oxyg' 3 oxygen due to the activity of tion photos: Fig. 5. Vertical dissolved oxy Alkalinity, pH. and salinity n of alkalinity at ons were high compare to Ranu (Fig. 7). This high concentration The concentration These concentrati 120 to 210 ppm Ranu Klindungan gen profiles in Ranu Bedali at different times of the varied betwe Bedali, which hed concentrations of alkalinity perhaps due to ‘the ty! 69 ies in Ranu Klindungan ‘at different times of the days. y four 24 pm, negative dnd maxima almost similar ynthesis days. en 180 to 300 ppm (Fig. 6). between pe of soil 0 Gama Sains TV (1) Januari 2002 surrounded the lakes and surface runoff that enter the lake This surface runoft.came from very, intensive cultivation activities in the watershed area. a : ‘ ae Fig. 7. Vertical alkalinity profiles in Ranu Bedali at different times of the day. It is interesting to note that pH profiles follow the temperature profiles at both of the lakes (Fig. 8 and 9). pH concentrations varied between 7.2 to 8.4. Alkalinity of many surface water is primarily a function af carbonate, bicarbonate and hydroxide content (APHA et al. 1976). Salinity at at Ranu Klindungan O to 0.3 %. and at Ranu Bedali was 0 %. (Fig. 11). It means that at Ranu Klindungan, there was no salinity intrusion from the coastal areas. Gama Sains IV (1) Januari 2002 Fig. 9. Vertical pH profiles in Ranu Bedali at different times of the day. mn 2 ‘Gama Sains IV (1) Januari 2002 Fig. 10. Diel changes in temperature (a,b), dissvolved oxygen (c,d) alkalinity {e,f) in Ranu Klindungan with Secchi depth 133 em, and Ranu Bedali with Secchi depth 188 cm, East Java. ; eee: eee? Fig. Vertical concentration of salinity in Ranu Klindungan. Gama Sains IV (1) Janus 2002 B CONCLUSION During the-August 1925: Facu Mincungen. = deep lake, was categorized as a stratified lake. In contrast Ranu Beda", susliow eee. ess in 3 warm polymictic lake condition. ACKNOWLEDGMENT | would like to thanks for Or. Egeers J Chusing from University of Minnesota for supporting this study. | also thanks t2 Me Swyere from Lab. of Ecology. Gadjah Mada University and my former student Aref Mostuies for helping me collecting data in the fields, Special thanks also go to Mr. Supe snc Mr. Naim of Grati and Mr. Mitu of Ranuyoso, Lumajang, East Java for their help in the Sets REFERENCE APHA, AWWA, and WPCF. 1375. Stmecert Methods. 14" edit. Beuning, K. R. M. 1996 Mocies= geiliee rein. vegetation and climate in lowland East Java, Indonesia. Goldman, C. R. and A.J. Horns. 1333. Limnology. McGraw. Hill, Inc. . Payne, A. |. 1986. The ecology of Sapicel lskes and rivers. John Wilay and Sons. Wetzel, RG. and G. E Likess 9227. Limroiogical analyses. 2™. ed. Springe-Verlag. New York . 1983. Limnology. 2 e¢ Seunders College Publ. Philadelphia.

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