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Continuous learning behind this pandemic

Year 2019, a new virus was reported by World Health Organization (WHO) and
has been declared as a global pandemic. January 22, 2020, the first suspected case here
in the Philippines were reported. Many people are not afraid about this virus because of
the eruption of the Taal Volcano.

As day goes by, 633 new cases were reported. Many people got quarantined
and prohibited to go outside to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19). In
addition to this, many people started panic buying.

Considering that we are all not allowed to go outside, the Department of

Education (DepEd) still wanted to continue the education of the students. The solution
they see is the continue of schooling through online. Since this is the only solution,
many schools adopted it and some sticks to the modular distance learning but still
taught online by their teachers.

At first many students were in trouble but as long as they get used to it, they
loved it. They can access it wherever they wanted it. It also has advantages to those
students with high internet connection.

Furthermore, there are many advantages that online learning gives. It taught us
how to manage our time precisely, it can also improve our virtual communication and
collaboration. Lastly it gave us new technical skills.

Online learning will help us not to be late in our school year, and also will help
us control the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) in our country. Online classes also
proved that education never stops.

A lot of people were saying that access to the internet should be prioritized, this
can help us through this crisis. We are grateful of having a pretty decent access on the
internet here in the Philippines so we should use that to make ourselves grow.

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