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제34회 한국어능력시험 응시원서

The 34 Test of Proficiency in Korean Application Form
※접수번호 Registration No.

초급 Beginner □
①시험 수준 일반한국어
중급 Intermediate □ 해당 란에✔
Level Standard-TOPIK
고급 Advanced □
※②수험번호 (3㎝×4㎝)
Application No.
Testing Area

성명 성 + 이름 ⑥ 성별 ⑦ 국 적 ⑧직 업
Name Surname & Given Name Gender Nationality Occupation
한 글 □1.학 생(Student)

Korean □2.공무원(Civil Servant)
영 문 □1.남자 □3.회사원(Company Employee)

English <Male> □4.자영업(Self-employer)
□5.주 부(Housewife)
□2.여자 재외동포( ) □6.교 사(Teacher)
⑨생년월일 년 월 일(만 세)
<Female> Overseas □7.무 직(Inoccupation)
Date of Birth M/ D/ Y (Age: )
Korean □8.기 타(Other)
( )

Postal Code
⑩주 소
전화번호 자 택 핸드폰
Telephone Home Mobile

이메일 E-mail @
⑪응시동기 □ 1. 방송 Broadcasting □ 2. 신문 Newspaper □ 3. 잡지 Magazine
(접근매체) □ 4. 교육기관 Educational Institute □ 5. 포스터 Poster □ 6. 친지 Acquaintance
Motive of □ 7. 친구 Friend □ 8. 인터넷 Internet
Application □ 9. 기타 Other( )
⑫응시목적 □ 1. 유학 Study Abroad □ 2. 취업 Employment □ 3. 관광 Sightseeing
Purpose of □ 4. 학술연구 Research □ 5. 실력 확인 Examine Korean Language Ability
Application □ 6. 한국문화이해 Appreciation of Korean Cultures □ 7. 기타 Other( )

제34회 한국어능력시험 응시수험표 The 34th Identification Slip

ⓐ회차 ⓒ수험번호
34 Date of 2014. 4. 20
Installment Application

ⓓ시험종류 ⓔ시험수준 ⓕ응시지역 ⓖ시험장

Test Classification Test Difficulty Testing Area Testing Place

(3cm x 4cm) ⓖ성명 ⓘ성별 ⓙ생년월일
Name M/F Date of Birth

1.접수번호 및 수험번호 란을 제외한 모든 란을 기입 하십시오 Please complete all of this form except '※'
2.①, ⑥, ⑧, ⑪, ⑫란은 해당란 ✔표를 하십시오 Please check as appropriate for ①, ⑥, ⑧, ⑪ and ⑫
3.응시수험표는 시험 당일 반드시 지참 하십시오 You must bring this sheet on the test date.
4.응시수험표는 시험결과 통지 시까지 보관 하십시오 You must keep this sheet until the test results are announced
Instructions on how to fill out application form
<Upper part>
1. The registration numbers on application form would be given during the registration. Do
not write anything on the blanks.
2. Check □ with ✔ according to the test levels on ①. Check only one of Beginner,
Intermediate, or Advanced.
3. ②, the application number, would be also given during the registration. Do not write
anything on the blanks.
4. Write the province where you take the test on ③.
5. Photos sized 3 × 4㎝ and printed on photo paper must be attached on both designated
places. The photos must be recognizable. Photos in black and white are not accepted.
6. Fill ④ with name in Korean character from surname to given name. If you don’t have
Korean name, you don’t have to write down.
7. Write a name in capital in ⑤. The name must be written exactly as it appears on passports
or official identification cards. Write down from your surname to given name.
8. For ⑥, check □ with ✔ according to the gender of the applicant.
9. Write the nationality in English on ⑦. Check ( ) with ✔ if you are a Korean living
10. For ⑧, check □ with ✔ according to the profession of the applicant.
11. Write the date of birth with the format (yyyy/mm/dd) in ⑨ and write the age in ( ).
12. Write the address and contact number on ⑩.
13. For ⑪, check □ with ✔ according to the medium through which the applicants learned
about TOPIK.
14. For ⑫, check □ with ✔ according to the purpose in taking the TOPIK.

<Identification (application) slip>

1. Identification (application) slip must be filled out with the same information with the upper
part of application form.
2. Write the installment in ⓐ.
3. For ⓑ~ ⓙ,Write the same as in the application form.

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