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Scrip Introducing Myself

assalamualaikum wr wb saya nakita Indira kali ini saya akan memperkenalkan diri dengan
bahasa inggris menggunakan kalimat formal

On this occation, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Nakita Indira Elfariani, but you
can call me Nakita. I was born on May 31st 2001 now I am twenty years old. I live in Jakarta. I
study at Polytechnic health ministry of health Jakarta 3 majoring in mid wifery now I’m in
semester 4. I am the first of two siblings, my young sister named susan, we are 5 years apart. My
hobies are reading some novel, listening music on spotify and watching drama korea I’m
interesting in editing photo, and sometimes recook resepy from tiktok. thankyou

Hy! I’m Nakita Indira Elfariani, please call me Nakita. I live in Jakarta with my parent and my
sister. I study at Polytechnic health ministry of health Jakarta 3 majoring in mid wifery now I’m
in semester 4. my goal is to bikam a Creative and inovatif midwife. btw You know sate padang?
yaa sate padang is my favorite food. My hobies are listening music on spotify and watching film
or drama korea. My faforite genre is fantacy for movie and pop for music. My current favorite
singer is di overtune they have a sweet voice and the song is relateable for me is it the reason
why I like them well that’ sit from me. thank you and have a nice day

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