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Indian Christian Theology 30 marks

1. Write any 3 shorts notes 3X4=12
a. Explain Why Christ is The Crown of Hinduism?
b. What Is Understanding of Nehemiah Goreh on God and Church?
c. Explain the Brahmabandhav Upadyaya’s theological method?
d. Explain the understanding of Swami Vivekananda on Christ?
e. What are the more reason for Indian Christian theology?
2. Write any 2 Essay questions 9X2=18
a. What is India Christian theology? Explain the nature, purpose and methodology of
India Christian theology and trace out how is relevant or importance in theological
learning and ministry field today?
b. Trace Out Brief about Indian Renascent Engagement with the Gospel of Christ by
Raja Rammohan Roy and K.C Sen and explain their theology related to God, Christ
and salvation?
c. Trace out brief about Missionary Constructions of Indian Christian Theology and
elucidate the contribution of Roberto de Nobili and J.N. Farquar and trace out their
theology related to method of contextualization and fulfillment theology and give
your views is it essential for today missionaries?

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