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What Would You Do If…? Survey

If you had only 24 hours to Isabella says that she Sharon says Valeria says he Villa says he Alejandro says: I
live, what would you do? would go to a farm with she enjoys would be with would play would spend time
her boyfriend and her her family his family and LOL with my family
mother and be with and friends to friends
them, and then she the fullest
would ride a horse and
want to die watching
the sunset
If a classmate asked you for Isabella says she thinks Sharon says Valeria says she Villa says: I Alejandro says: It
the answer to a question she just ignores him and she would tell would give her won’t give depends on how
during an exam while the shakes her head no him the the answer you a copy much of a friend
teacher was not looking, answer, as he is
what would you do? long as he
studied and
forgot the
If someone's underwear Isabella would tell the Sharon says Valeria says she Villa says: Of Alejandro says:
was showing, would you tell person, but it depends that if I would would give her course No, because I
them? on who the person is tell him but in would be sorry to
private, so tell you
that he does
not feel sorry
If one song were to describe Isabella says what a Sharon says it Drivers Lincense Leave the city Alejandro says:
your life, what song would it great question and that would be any There is no song
be? she really doesn't know song that describes me

If you could ask God any Isabella says that the Sharon says Valeria says that Villa says: The Alejandro says: I
one question, what would it question she would ask she would ask she would ask covid really would ask him
be? her would be that God if he will her what her exist? what life is
because she never always be purpose in life is
answered, that that is a with her
great question she has
If you could be an animal, Isabella says that he Sharon says it Valeria says it Villa says: Alejandro says: A
what animal would you be? would be a lion, because would be a would be a dog Hamster lion
of his bravery and dog to
strength, that she loves accompany

that the man

If you could be another Isabella says that she Sharon says it Valeria says it Villa says a Alejandro says:
person for a day, who would would not be anyone, would be her would be Kylie famous Someone famous
you be? that she would not like mom Jenner person
to have someone else's
If you could be invisible for Isabella says that if she Sharon says Valeria says that Villa says: see Alejandro says:
a day what would you do would be invisible, that she would what she would my friends Walking around
and why? she would do everything travel do is see what the world and not
without people say worrying about
anyone about her when being seen
knowing she is not there
because she is
If you could date a celebrity, Isabella says she would Sharon says Valeria says she Villa says: Alejandro says:
who would you choose? go out with her she doesn't would date Elizabeth Tini Stoessel
boyfriend, that he plays know which Adam Sandler Olsen
her game celebrity
If you could travel back in Isabella says she thinks Sharon says Valeria says that Villa says: Alejandro says: I
time, where would you go? she would leave on the she would she would travel 80’s would travel to
day she met her travel to back in time to the beginning of
boyfriend when she the year 1957 the universe to
fulfilled her witness it and see
dreams or to the dinosaurs xd
the future

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