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People, regardless of socioeconomic class and means, want high-quality healthcare and that they
will often choose higher quality care even if it is more expensive and less accessible. Moreover,
healthcare availability for everyone has always been one of the main goals of majority of countries
throughout the world but seemingly also one of the most neglected and highly overpriced. Amidst
the COVID 19 pandemic, people need a modern and relevant way of availing and paying for
special healthcare that is both affordable and accessible.
Under the World’s Health Organization’s definition of universal health coverage, all people and
communities can use the preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they
need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does
not expose the user to financial hardship.
The concept of quality has only recently been built into universal health coverage policies and has
not yet been sufficiently addressed. If health investments are to lead to the emergence of more
productive and equitable societies and economies, countries need to focus on improving quality.
The three priorities of health care delivery – cost, quality, and access – need not be at odds with
each other. Greater use of health care facilities due to lower costs and shorter distances to travel
will only lead to better health outcomes if quality of care is guaranteed. Therefore, we must make
high-quality healthcare services affordable and accessible in order to effectively implement
universal health coverage.
WELLHealth4U is a company that aims to serve the wellness and healthcare needs of every
individual to achieve healthy lifestyle and reduce financial burden for medical procedures,
laboratory tests, prescriptions, and vaccines. Likewise, we provide a broad range of services and
solutions that can help organizations facilitate change and reduce the cost of these procedures such
as the following:
 Appendectomy
 Breast Biopsy
 Carotid Endarterectomy
 Cataract surgery
 Caesarian section
 Cholecystectomy
 Coronary artery bypass
 Debridement of wound, burn or infection
 Dilation and curettage
 Hemorrhoidectomy
 Hysterectomy
 Hysteroscopy
 Inguinal hernia repair
 Low back pain surgery
 Mastectomy
 Partial colectomy
 Prostatectomy
 Skin graft
 Stress Test Echo
 Tonsillectomy

In WELLHealth4U, we believe that improving public health means focusing on both the
availability and the affordability of care.

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