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2. Subject Code : BIR501
3. Study load : 4 Credit point
4. Semester : Even and Odd
5. Study Program : Profession of Veterinarian
6. Pre resquisite :-
7. Subject Description :The implementation of internship in Veterinary
Reproduction is carried out for 6 weeks. The material
provided consisted of 3 parts, namely: 1. Deepening
of veterinary reproductive material (30%) it carried
out face-to-face, each of which was carried out for 4
hours, including : Physiology of Reproduction,
Technology of Reproduction, Animal Obstetric and
Sterility, 2. Field and laboratory practical work
(50%), including: Technology of Reproduction
(estrous cycle, estrous synchronization, theory of
embryo transfer), pregnancy diagnosis, artificial
insemination, diagnosis of sterility, processing frozen
semen. 3. Deepening cases and therapy for
reproductive diseases (20%).

8. Lecture In Charge : Dr. Abdul Samik, Drh. MSi.

9. Lecturers 1. Prof.Dr. Ismudiono, drh., MS. 11. Dr. Tjuk Imam Restiadi, drh., M.Si.
2. Prof.Dr. PudjiSrianto, drh.,M.Kes. 12. Suzanita Utama, drh., MPhil., PhD.
3. Prof. Dr. Sri PantjaMadyawati, 13. Dr. Tita Damayanti Lestari, drh., MSc.
drh.,M.Si. 14. Prof.Dr.H.Mas’ud Hariadi, MPhil.,drh.
4. Dr. Abdul Samik, drh.,M.Si. 15. Prof. Dr. Wurlina, MS.,drh.
5. Dr. Erma Safitri, drh., M.Si. 16. Prof. Dr. Herry A. Hermadi,M.Si,drh.
6. Dr. Trilas Sardjito, drh., M.Si. 17. Dr. Budi Utomo, M.Si.,drh.
7. Dr. Tatik Hernawati, drh., M.Si. 18. Indah Norma Triana, M.Si.,drh.
8. Dr. Tri Wahyu Suprayogi, drh., M.Si. 19. Dr. Rimayanti, M.Kes.,drh.
9. Prof.Dr. Imam Mustofa, drh., M.Kes. 20. Dr. Hermin Ratnani, drh., MSi.
10. Dr. Sri Mulyati, drh., M.Kes.
10. Day/ Time/ Room : Every Work Day/ 08.00 – 15.00/Lab. room

11. Soft Skills : Honesty, communication, discipline

12. Learning Outcame : LO 10: Generate clinical diagnose of physiological,

abnormalities, metabolic and symptomatic diseases on
animals based on laboratory and clinical examination
to treat them correctly.
13. Subject learning outcome : After completing internship students are expected
to be able to do: diagnosis and treatment of
reproductive diseases, estrous synchronization, super
ovulation, embryo transfer, semen collection, semen
evaluation, various methods of processing semen,
artificial insemination techniques, pregnancy
diagnosis and delivery and handling reproductive

14. Topic learning outcome :

Students be able to diagnose and treat reproduction disease, estrous sincronization,
superovulasi, semen collection, semen evaluation, semen processing : chilled and frozen,
artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, handling parturition and treat reproduction

15. Subject benefits

Veterinary reproduction discusses specifically about normal reproduction, reproductive

disorders that occur in livestock and reproductive technology to improve reproductive
performance of livestock. The benefits obtained after implementing internship in
Veterinary Reproduction, students are able to carry out reproductive examination of
livestock as a whole, able to diagnose reproductive abnormalities in livestock and be able
to carry out reproductive technology (induction and synchronization of estrous, artificial
insemination, semen evaluation, processing semen, pregnancy examination,
superovulation and embryo transfer) and handling dystocia and diagnose of sterility.

16. Lecture strategy

Students are expected to read the teaching materials first in accordance with the topics
which will be discussed. Lecture gives guide line of the topics of subject then students are
expected to ask about subject materials and be able to answer the lecturer questions.
Students have twice quiz, middle semester exam and end semester exam.

17. Assessment including

 Structured assignment score (20 %)
 Practical work and Rectal Exploration score (30 %)
 Written Examination of internship material (50 %)

Score Score Value

≥ 86 A
80 – 85,9 AB
75 – 79,9 B
70 – 74,9 BC
65 – 69,9 C
60 – 64,9 D
< 59,9 E

18. Internship Schedule

NO. Subject Topic Sub Topic

1 2 3

In Ex Laboratory of Physiology of

1. Anatomi and Physiology of female Gonad, organ genetal , genetal external

reproduction organ

2. Endokrinology of reproduction History of hormon, definition of hormon,

hormonal gland, hormon mechanism, hormon
hyphothalamus, hyphofisis and gonad and their

3. Reproductive cycle in animal ovogenesis, puberty, estrous cycle, breeding

season, fertilisation, physiology of pregnancy
stages of parturition, phyisiology of parturition

4. Tecnology of reproduction Definition and hormon for Estrous

syncronization, application. Definition of
superovulasion, hormon for superovulasion,
preparation of donor & recipien, technic of
embryo collection, transfer embrio.

5. Structured assignment Presentation

In EX LAB. Artificial Insemination

6. Spermatogenenis dan management of AI Spermatogenesis, indicator of the succsses of AI

7. Frozen semen and its evaluation Processing frozen semen and examination of
sperm motility post thawing (PTM)

8. Technique AI in dog, cat and poultry Procedure AI in dog, cat, poultry

9. Structured assignment Presentation

In EX LAB Sterility

10. Reproduction disorder caused by Reproduction disease caused by bacteria, virus,

infectious disease mould
11. Reproduction disorder caused by Reproduction disease caused by hormon, feed
noninfectious disease and environment factors

12. Structured assignment Presentation

In EX LAB of Animal Obstetric

13. Detection of Pregnancy Explorasi rectal and USG

14. Dystocia fetalis Dystocya caused by Fetus

15. Dystocia Maternalis Dystocia caused by maternal

16. Structured Assignment Student Presentation

17. Practical work Vaginal smear, embryo flushing, Artificial

Insemination, Rectal Exploration, Pemeriksaan
ovariy examination, processing frozen semen

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