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Writing for quiz 3

Name: Christian Alexander Otero Rodríguez

Date: 20/01/2021
Teacher: Trevor Hewitt
Are you superstitious? If you are, what superstitions do you follow, and why? Do you
believe in good-luck charms? Do you engage in any rituals before a big game, test or
performance that you hope will help you triumph?
I don't consider myself a superstitious person, because I believe in God and I don't believe in the
different superstitions that make a person have bad luck such as: walking under a ladder,
crossing a black cat, opening an umbrella inside my house, breaking a mirror, pouring salt or
spilling it on the table, etc. I also don't believe that wearing an amulet can bring good luck.
I think that luck is generated by each person, because each one is the master of his destiny and
should not depend on certain superstitions that determine his good or bad luck, but only trust in
Therefore, I believe that everyone in life has to face good and bad times, but we should not
blame some superstitions for all our ills, as this is just a way of running away from reality. We
should face our problems and enjoy the good times and be strong when we have to face life's

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