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Total Quality Management

Case Study 1

Mr. Kumar is a self styled and coercive type leader and wants to control every activity of the
organization. Mr. Babu, the union leader appreciates the dedicated work of the chief executive.
Mr. Kumar with a reservation that he does not understand the process of scientific controlling.
Without understanding the realities in different situations, that Mr. Kumar finds fault with
employees for their inadequacies. Even though it appears Mr. Kumar is an effective leader,
employees are not happy with his performance. Any time there would be an emotional break
out Mr. Babu claims.

Q: Explain the controlling mechanism

Case Study 2

In the marketing office of the Tripati Manufacturing Company, two girls, Priya and Mary,
disliked each other. This fact was known to the marketing manager, who had observed that the
girls quarreled upon occasion. Although this lack of harmony in the office disturbed the
marketing manager, he did not consider the situation serious enough to warrant anything more
than a word of caution to the girls now and then. However as time went on the situation became
worse. Quarrels became more and more frequent. Each girl tried to hinder the other in her
work. They openly refused to cooperate with each other and began to lose a great deal of time
by going out of their way to interfere with each other’s work. One day, while the marketing
manager was sitting quietly at work, Priya rushed into his office, burst into tears, and exclaimed
that she could no longer continue to work unless Mary was transferred or discharged.

Q: If you were the marketing manager what would you do and why?

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