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Benefits and Complications of Noninvasive

Mechanical Ventilation for Acute Exacerbation of
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease*
Benefícios e Complicações da Ventilação Mecânica Não-Invasiva
na Exacerbação Aguda da Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica
Eduardo Rocha1, Élida Mara Carneiro2

SUMMARY obstructive pulmonary disease and noninvasive

mechanical ventilation. Inclusion criteria were arti-
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Chronic obs- cles published from 1995 to 2007; in English, Spa-
tructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is defined as nish and Portuguese; studies in the human model
a syndrome characterized by usually progressive and with no gender restriction.
chronic airflow limitation which is associated to a CONCLUSIONS: Noninvasive mechanical venti-
bronchial hyperresponsiveness and is partially re- lation can reduce partial pressure of carbon dio-
versible. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation is an xide, improve gas exchange, alleviate symptoms
alternative treatment for patients with COPD exa- as dyspnea caused by fatigue of the respiratory
cerbations. The objective of the literature reviews muscles, reduce duration of hospitalization, de-
was to verify noninvasive mechanical ventilation crease need for invasive mechanical ventilation,
benefits and complications in acute exacerbations reduce number of complications and also lessen
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in pa- hospital mortality. The main complications found
tients. were: facial skin erythema, claustrophobia, nasal
CONTENTS: This national and international’s congestion, face pain, eye irritation, aspiration
scientific literature review was developed accor- pneumonia, hypotension, pneumothorax, aeropha-
ding to criteria established for documentary rese- gia, hypercapnia, gastric insufflation, vomit, bron-
arch in the MedLine, LILACS, SciElo, PubMed and choaspiration, morning headaches, face injuries,
Cochrane, databases using the key words: chronic air embolism and, last but not least, discomfort
of the patient. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation
can be more effective in patients with moderate-
1. Physiotherapist Specialist in Hospital Physiotherapy by UNIUBE -
severe exacerbations of COPD and these compli-
Universidade de Uberaba
2. Physiotherapist, Doctor in Science by UNIFESP-EPM cations can be minimized by an adequate interface
also by the contribution of the physiotherapist ex-
*Received form the Post-Graduation Course in Hospital Physiothera- perience.
py of the Universidade de Uberaba, Uberaba, MG
• Conclusion of the Post-Graduate Course on Hospital Physio- Key Words: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disea-
therapy se, Noninvasive mechanical ventilation.

Submitted inn December 14, 2007

Accepted for publication in March 24, 2008

Address for correspondence: JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença pulmo-

Eduardo Rocha
nar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) é definida como uma
Rua José Luiz Diegues 283
38045-610, Uberaba, MG síndrome caracterizada por obstrução crônica ao
Phones: (34) 8857-9632 – 3314-0177 fluxo aéreo, geralmente progressiva, podendo ser
E-mail: acompanhada por hiper-responsividade brônquica
©Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira, 2008 e ser parcialmente reversível. A ventilação mecâ-

184 Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva

Vol. 20 Nº 2, Abril/Junho, 2008

nica não-invasiva é uma alternativa de tratamen- 20 years. In the decade of the eighties, mortali-
to para pacientes com exacerbação da DPOC. O ty rate was 7.88/100,000 inhabitants increasing
objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os benefícios to 19.04/100,000 in the nineties, with a growth of
e as complicações da ventilação mecânica não- 340% although, in the last years COPD has been
invasiva em pacientes com exacerbação aguda da ranked between fourth and seventh among the
doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica. main causes of death in Brazil 4.
CONTEÚDO: Realizou-se revisão de literatura Patients with COPD are most often smokers with
científica nacional e internacional conforme os a history of at least one pack per day for at least
critérios estabelecidos para a pesquisa documen- twenty years and it is rarely found in non-smokers.
tal nas bases de dados MedLine, LILACS, SciE- Onset is typically in the fifth decade and often at-
lo, PubMed, Cochrane, com os unitermos: doença tention is called to a productive cough or acute
pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, ventilação mecânica respiratory disease. Although there may be whee-
não-invasiva. Os critérios de inclusão foram arti- zing, it is not an indicator of severity of the disease.
gos publicados no período de 1995-2007; nas lin- Disorders of gas exchange and dyspnea become
guagens inglesa, espanhola e portuguesa; estudos progressive and, erythrocytes and cyanosis may
em modelo humano e sem restrição de sexo. occur with hypoxemia. Development of morning
CONCLUSÕES: A ventilação mecânica não-inva- headaches may signal onset of significant reten-
siva pode diminuir a pressão parcial de dióxido de tion of carbon dioxide (CO 2.). In the advanced di-
carbono, melhorar a troca gasosa, aliviar sintomas sease, blood anomalies are severe, cor pulmonale
como dispnéia ocasionada pela fadiga da muscu- may manifest through peripheral edema and water
latura respiratória, reduzir as internações hospita- retention. Anxiety, depression and sleep disorders
lares, a necessidade de intubação, o número de are frequent 1,5,6. Main symptoms are effort dysp-
complicações, o tempo de internação e a morta- nea, wheezing and, usually productive cough 7.
lidade hospitalar. As principais complicações en- Clinical diagnosis of CPOD should be considered
contradas foram: eritema facial, claustrofobia, in patients with dyspnea, chronic cough or pulmo-
congestão nasal, dor facial, irritação nos olhos, nary hypersecretion, and/or a history of exposure
pneumonia aspirativa, hipotensão, pneumotórax, to risk factors for the disease, and may be confir-
aerofagia, hipercapnia, distensão abdominal, vô- med by spirometry. Presence, post-bronchodilator
mitos, broncoaspiração, dor de cabeça matinal, forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1) / forced
lesões compressivas de face, embolia gasosa e vital capacity (FVC) < 0.70 and FEV1 < 80% of the
não adaptação do paciente. A ventilação mecânica predicted, confirms presence of an airflow obs-
não-invasiva pode ser mais efetiva em pacientes truction that is not totally reversible 1,2 .
com moderada a grave exacerbação da DPOC e Symptoms found in CPOD are nonspecific findings
as complicações podem ser diminuídas pela utili- and may lead to diagnostic confusion. There are
zação de adequada interface e experiência do fi- various respiratory diseases that serve as differen-
sioterapeuta. tial diagnosis. They are: bronchial asthma, brochio-
Unitermos: Doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, litis, bronchioectasia, tuberculosis and congestive
Ventilação mecânica não-invasiva. heart failure 4.
The patient with CPOD has chronic and daily symp-
INTRODUCTION toms, even during the stable period. Exacerbation
crisis is defined by the presence of three signs or
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is symptoms: increase of dyspnea; greater volume of
defined as a syndrome characterized by chronic sputum and purulent sputum. A mild crisis means
obstruction to airways flow resulting from chronic presence of only one sign or symptom, moderate
bronchitis or emphysema. Obstruction of the ai- crisis when there are two of these manifestations
rways flow usually is progressive and may be ac- and severe crisis when the three manifestations
companied by bronchic hyperresponsiveness and are associated. Other clinical manifestations such
be partially reversible 1-3. as cough, wheezing and fever may be present,
In Brazil, there has been an increase in the num- but do not define or classify severity of the crisis.
ber of deaths in both genders by COPD in the last More recently, exacerbation crises, were also clas-

Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva 185

Vol. 20 Nº 2, Abril/Junho, 2008

sified according to presence of risk factors and of ratory rate of patients with acutely ill CPOD varied
chronic suppuration 8. Exacerbations represent an according to the severity of exacerbation.
enlargement of the inflammatory response in the According to Hill et al. 13 patients with protein alfa-1
airways of patients with CPOD and may be iden- antitrypsin deficiency present exacerbations with
tified by bacterial or viral infection or by environ- high concentrations and consistency of secretions
mental pollutants. During exacerbation, there is an with a significant number of neutrophils that are
increased hyperinssuflation and air retention with probably a result of the high concentration of IL-8
decrease of the expiratory flow, promoting incre- and LTB4. They also reported that elastase activity
ase of dyspena. There is also a worsening of the was present in most of the samples analyzed and
abnormality of the relation ventilation/perfusion that enzyme activity was probably due to severe
(V/Q) bringing about severe hypoxemia 2. The prin- factors including neutrophil recruitment.
cipal cause is infectious. Mucus is a material rich Standard treatment of acute exacerbation of CPOD
in carbohydrates and bacteria with polysacchari- consists of oxygen therapy, glucocorticoids, nebu-
des receptors may avidly adhere to mucus. This is lization with bronchodilators and antibiotic thera-
the case of Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococ- py 1,4,8,14,15.
cus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Pseu- After comparing NIMV to IMV, studies have shown
domonas aeruginosa. These bacteria may colonize that the early indication of NIMV reduces need for
the patient with CPOD in the stable period. After tracheal intubation, time of ICU stay and occur-
colonization, the epithelial barrier may be broken rence of ventilator associated pneumonia VAP and
as a result of release of bacterial products able to mortality of patients with respiratory failure due to
paralyze the cilliary movements and break the in- CPOD exacerbation. These studies further point to
tercellular junctions of the epithelium; however in- lesser need of intubation, lesser time of hospital
fection is superficial and restricted to the bronchial stay, decrease in the number of complications, de-
mucosa. Bacterial etiology corresponds to 50% of crease of PaCO 2, relief of symptoms such as dysp-
cases, and in the remainder are viruses, irritant and nea due to respiratory muscle fatigue 15-25.
allergic 7-9. As such, noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV)
Among the extrapulmonary factors of this decom- is a therapeutic alternative for patients with acute
pensation of non-infectious causes of CPOD, it CPOD 8.
should be noted that most patients are elderly, NIMV should be used for patients able to maintain
smokers and hypoxemic with a greater probability upper airways permeability, as well as integrity of
of presenting with coronary failure, heart dysrhyth- the swallow and the capacity to mobilize secre-
mias and heart failure in addition to other factors tions. Severe hemodynamic instability, characte-
such as the use of beta-blockers, opiods and other rized by use of vasopressor amines and complex
drugs. About 1/3 of the causes of severe exacer- dysrhythmias are considered contraindications for
bations are not identified 5,7,8. González et al. 10 sho- use of NIMV. NIMV should not be used in patients
wed that presence of cor pumonale, prolonged with abdominal distension or vomiting because of
oxygentherapy, hypercapnia and the increase of risk of aspiration. Immediate esophageal surgery
the inspiratory work raise the risk of hospital ad- postoperative, facial trauma, acute injury and/or
mission due to exacerbation. bleeding of the airways are also considered limita-
Yasuda et al. 11 disclosed that in stable conditions tions for use of NIVM 26.
and exacerbations, concentrations of carboxihe- The main objective of this study was to describe
moglobin in stage III patients is higher than in sta- benefits and complications of noninvasive mecha-
ge II patients while concentrations of carboxihe- nical ventilation in patients with acute exacerba-
moglobin of stage IV patients is higher than in sta- tion of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
ge III patients and, in patients with exacerbation
of CPOD, the carboxihemoglobin concentrations NIMV BENEFITS AND COMPLICATIONS IN ACU-
inversely correlate with FEV 1 and with partial oxy- TE EXACERBATION OF CPOD
gen pressure(PO 2).
However Franciosi et al. 12 reported in a review of Efficacy of NIMV in the treatment of acute exacer-
literature that arterial carbon dioxide and the respi- bation of CPOD was investigated by Brochard et

186 Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva

Vol. 20 Nº 2, Abril/Junho, 2008

al. 16 in a randomized multicentric study carried out work and dyspnea 27-29.
in 85 patients with exacerbated CPOD, comparing Studies by Neme et al. 25 corroborated that use of
standard treatment (oxygen therapy and drugs) CPAP with 3 cmH 2O combined with ventilatory su-
with NIMV. During hospital admission procedures, pport pressure improved the respiratory pattern,
both groups disclosed similar characteristics. Use increased alveolar ventilation and reduced the res-
of NIMV significantly reduced need for trache- piratory work. For Cavalheiro 30 support pressure
al intubation: 11 of the 43 patients (26%) of the must be adjusted at levels that determine a tidal
NIMV group compared to 31 of 42 patients (74%) volume of 7 mL/kg.
of the control group whose statistical significan- Yosefy et al. 19 proved that use of BiPAP was effec-
ce was p< 0.001. Complications were significantly tive and well tolerated by patients with respiratory
lower statistically in the NIMV (16% versus 48%, disorder reducing tracheal intubation. However,
p = 0.001), as well as a statistically significant re- studies carried out by Lien et al. 17 corroborate
duction in mean hospital stay for patients of the that early use of BiPAP in severe exacerbations of
NIMV group (23 ± 17 days versus 35 ± 33 days, p = CPOD decreases activity of the accessory muscles
0.005). Hospital mortality rate was significantly lo- and improves respiratory drive, reduces respira-
wer in patients of the NIMV group (9% of the NIMV tory rate, improves blood gas and thoracoabdo-
group died in comparison of 29% of the control mial asynchrony.
group p = 0.02). NIMV may have some adverse effects and compli-
Celikel et al. 15, in a randomized study compared cations, such as discomfort, facial edema, claus-
use of NIMV with a control group. This study was trophobia, nasal congestion, facial pain, eye irri-
carried out in 30 patients divided into 2 groups tation, aspiration pneumonia, hypotension, and
(NIMV and of standard treatment groups). In the pneumothorax. Problems such as aerophagia,
standard treatment group only respiratory rate (RR). hypecapnia, abdominal distension, vomit, bron-
Showed a significant improvement However, in the choaspiration, morning headaches, face compres-
NNIMV group PCO 2, pH and RR improved signifi- sion injuries; gas embolism and lack of adjustment
cantly when compared with the standard treatment of patients are inherent to the method and may
group. Six hours after randomization, pH and RR of restrict use 1,29-35.
patients submitted to NIMV were significantly bet- Raghavan et al. 35 showed that patients with seve-
ter than in the standard treatment group. Hospital re CPOD treated with anticoagulants are at higher
stay was shorter for the NNIMV group (11.7 ± 3.5 potential risk of pulmonary barotraumas and he-
days versus 14.6 ± 4.7 days, p < 0.05). Only one morrhage during treatment with NIMV. The authors
of the NIMV group was intubated. Six of the stan- reported a clinical case of a patient who developed
dard treatment group presented with worsening hemopneumothorax as a NIMV complication.
of the clinical condition and received NIMV, which Wood et al. 36 reported that prolonged use of NIMV
was successful in four patients while the other two causes accretion of thick secretions.
were intubated. Keenan et al. 37 did not find important benefits that
Brochard et al. 18 reported that NIMV brings about justified routine use of NIMV for mild exacerbation
quicker resolution of the physiological disorder, re- of CPOD.
duces need for intubation, improves survival and Keenan et al. 21 showed that such benefits were
reduces infectious complications. However Ma- not demonstrated in patients with milder CPOD
tuska et al. 23, reported that there was only reduc- exacerbations, stressing the concept that NIMV is
tion of tracheal intubation in the group using NIMV indicated for patients with more severe exacerba-
and there was no difference in mortality between tions accompanied by hypercapnia and respiratory
NIMV and standard treatment groups. Carratu et acidosis. Hess 38, showed that NIMV is beneficial
al. 24 stated that NIMV reduces the need for intu- for reducing need of intubation and mortality in pa-
bation in 80% of patients with moderate to severe tients with CPOD exacerbation.
hypercapnic CPOD respiratory failure. In tables 1 and 2 some of the complications and
In patients with exacerbated CPOD use of CPAP benefits of NIMV in acute exacerbation of CPOD
with PEEP of 10-12 cmH 2O, reduced respiratory are described.

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Table 1 – Summary of Complications of NIMV in Acute Exacerbation of CPOD

Authors Year N. of Patients Types of Study Complications
Jasmer et al.33 1997 - Review of literature Facial ulceration and gastric distention
Criner et al.31 1999 40 Clinical case Skin irritation, aerophagia and discomfort with the
Wood et al.36 2000 1 Case report Accrual of thick secretions in prolonged use.
Mehta e Hill28 2001 - Review of literature Discomfort, facial erythema, claustrophobia, nasal ul-
ceration, nasal congestion, pain, dry mouth, eye irri-
tation, gastric insufflation, brochoaspiration, hypoten-
sion, pneumothorax.
Hill32 2004 - Review of literature Nasal congestion, dry mouth, gastric insufflation irri-
tation to the conjunctive, sleep disorders, dyspnea,
fatigue, morning headaches
Raghavan et al.35 2004 1 Case report Pneumothorax, increase of respiratory work, gastric
distention, embolysm, barotrauma.

Table 2 – Summary of the Benefits Obtained by NIMV in Acute Exacerbation of CPOD

Authors Year N. of Patients Type of Study Complications
Brochard et al.16 1995 85 Randomized clinical trial Reduction of tracheal intubation, decrease of compli-
cations, decrease of hospital stay
Lien et al.17 1996 10 Clinical trial Decrease of accessory muscle activity and better
respiratory drive, reduction of respiratory rate, impro-
vement of blood gas and of thoraco-abdominal asyn-
Celikel et al.15 1998 30 Randomized clinical trial Improvement of PO2, of PCO2, of pH and RR, decrea-
sed hospital stay, decrease of tracheal intubation.
- Faster resolution of physiological disorder, lesser need
Brochard et al.18 2002 Literature review for intubation, increases survival and reduces infec-
tious complications.
Yosefy et al.19 2003 30 Clinical trial Decreases need for tracheal intubation..
Lightowler et al.20 Systematic review Decreases need for tracheal intubation, and reduces
2003 -
hospital mortality.
Keenan et al. Systematic review Decreases need for tracheal intubation and reduces
2003 -
mortality and hospital stay.
Ram et al.22 Systematic review Decreases need for tracheal intubation and reduces
2004 -
hospital mortality.
Carratu et al. 2005 122 Clinical trial Decreases need for tracheal intubation by 80%
Matuska et al.24 Randomized clinical trial Reduces tracheal intubation, no difference related to
2006 30
Neme et al.25 Clinical trial Improves respiratory pattern, increases alveolar venti-
2007 18
lation and reduces respiratory work.

CONCLUSION facial erythema, claustrophobia, nasal congestion,

facial pain, eye irritation, aspiration pneumonia,
Studies analyzed after this review disclosed that hypotension, pneumothorax, aerophagia, hiper-
NIMV seems to be more effective in moderate to capnia, abdominal distension, vomit, bronchoas-
severe exacerbation of CPOD. Main benefits were piration, morning headaches, face compression
better pulmonary gas exchange, reduction of dysp- injuries, gas embolism and lack of adaptation of
nea, less respiratory muscular work, less intuba- patients. However these complications may be re-
tion and invasive ventilatory support and decrease duced with the use of adequate interface and with
of mortality. The main complications found were the experience of the physiotherapist.

188 Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva

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