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Project Two 

: Waste Not, Want Not.

Sequence 02: developing Skills. I. Listening and Speaking.

your Turn P. 67(Adapted)

Task 01: Look at the picture, then, write a title for it.

Task 02: reorder the sentences below making reference to the picture

a. If consumers do that, the glass will (take) from the bin to a glass treatment
plant to (recycle).
b. the glass will (send) back to the shops ready to be used again.
c., it will (mould) into new products such as bottles and jars.
d. The glass should not (dispose of) randomly in forests and in the streets
because it can be recycled ecofriendly.
e. Or it may (use) for alternative purposes such as brick manufacture or
decorative uses.
f. It must (throw) into a recycling bin by the customer.
g. That way, it can’t be harmful to the environment.
h. the glass will (crush) and (melt)
i. Glass does not degrade through the recycling process, so it can (recycle)
again and again.
Task 03: Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in the correct form.

Task 04: rewrite the sentences in the form or a paragraph using the link
words: first, then, next, after that, finally.

Task 05: Read the paragraph aloud to your classmates .

task 01: the glass recycling process.

task 02:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
d f a h c b e i g

Task03\ 04:

The glass should not be disposed of randomly in forests and in

the streets because it can be recycled ecofriendly. First, It must be
thrown into a recycling bin by the customer. If consumers do that, the
glass will be taken from the bin to a glass treatment plant to be
recycled. Next, the glass will be crushed and melted. After that, it
will be moulded into new products such as bottles and jars. Or it may
be used for alternative purposes such as brick manufacture or
decorative uses. Finally, the glass will be sent back to the shops ready
to be used again. Glass does not degrade through the recycling process,
so it can be recycled again and again. That way, it can’t be harmful to
the environment

Task05: connected speech.

must be məsbi:

can’t be ka:mbi

should ‘t be ſµmbi

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