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What do your dreams mean?

I bet that each and every one of us has had the

same dreams: the plane crash, teeth falling out,
walking on air, missing that train, falling,
drowning, running naked through the streets,
being chased…The list goes on.
But, have your dreams been more vivid since the
lockdown? Social media and online forums are
awash with stories of vivid dreams and even
nightmares. Experts are claiming that there is a
lot of truth in this phenonemon. People are
sleeping longer and this allows more time for
dreaming. In addition, the more boring your life,
the more your night time brain activity tries to
recompense and the more exciting your dreams
However, what do those dreams mean? Experts
refute that dreams can predict events, but they
can help us interpret our feelings. The events in dreams are symbolic. For
example, missing that train might indicate that you are feeling left behind, or
simply that you are anxious. Walking on air shows that you feel invincible and
capable of anything. If you dream that your teeth are falling our or crumbling, you
have bitten off more than you can chew. Slow down and do less! Dreaming of
natural disasters – earthquales, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions can be intense
and terrifying. They show that you are feeling frightened by events outside of your
control, like the coronavirus.
It is worthwhile to try and decipher your dreams, as this can help you interpret your feelings. One way
to do this is by association. If you dream about people, ask: what does this person mean to me? If you
dream about, let’s say birds – think: do you love birds or do they make you nervous?
Some people claim they never dream; well, they do, but they just forget. It may be useful when you
wake up, to try to recall your dreams – they might be telling you something important.

Answer TRUE or FALSE. Answer the questions.

1) __ Everyone experiences similar a. What does the author claim about people and
dreams. dreams?
2) __ There are reports on social media
that people’s dreams have become b. What are social media sites saying about
more intense. dreams?
3) __ Dreams have become more
interesting because life is duller since c. What do experts cite as the reasons for this
the lockdown. phenomenon?
4) __ Experts agree that dreams can
foretell the future. d. How can dreams help us, according to the
5) __ Events in dreams are based on experts?
6) __ Walking on air indicates that you are e. Why should you make the effort to think about
aiming too high and should be less what your dreams mean?
7) __ Dreaming of dental issues suggests
that you should eat more. Over to you:
8) __ Dreaming about natural disasters
 Have your dreams become more vivid since
indicates that you are happy about the
the lockdown? Describe one of your dreams.
situation around you.
9) __ It is a useful exercise to try and  Do you agree that analysing our dreams can
interpret your dreams. be beneficial? Explain.
10) __ Some people never dream.  Have you ever kept a ‘dream diary’? Would
11) __ You should spend a few moments you consider it? Give your reasons for or
after waking up to mull over your against.


Answer TRUE or FALSE

1) True: «each and every one of us has had the same dreams» (l.1)

2) True: «Social media and online forums are awash with stories of vivid dreams and even nightmares.»

3) True: «In addition, the more boring your life, the more your night time brain activity tries to
recompense and the more exciting your dreams become.» (l.13)

4) False: «Experts refute that dreams can predict events, but they can help us interpret our feelings.»

5) True: « The events in dreams are symbolic.» (l.18)

6) False: «Walking on air shows that you feel invincible and capable of anything.» (l.20)

7) False: «If you dream that your teeth are falling our or crumbling, you have bitten off more than you
can chew. Slow down and do less!» (l.21)

8) False: «They show that you are feeling frightened by events outside of your control, like the
coronavirus.» (l.24)

9) False: «It is worthwhile to try and decipher your dreams, as this can help you interpret your
feelings.» (l.26)

10) False: «Some people claim they never dream; well, they do, but they just forget.» (l.29)

11) True: «It may be useful when you wake up, to try to recall your dreams – they might be telling you
something important.» (l.29)

Answer the questions

a. The author claims, that everyone dreams and that everyone dreams about the same thing at
different times of their lives for emotional reasons. He also talks about the fact that since
confinement, people express their abundant dreams and nightmares, which can be explained by
the fact that their sleeping time has lengthened.

b. Social media sites tell dreams, they flood their sites: “Social media and online forums are awash
with stories of vivid dreams and even nightmares.”

c. Experts say that there is a lot of truth in this phenomenon. They explain, that with confinement
people sleep longer and that it gives them more time to dream. They say that the less active you
are, the more your nocturnal brain activity tries to reward you and the more exciting your dreams

d. According to experts, dreams help us interpret our feelings. Each dream can have a meaning
related to our emotional state.

e. It may help to think about the meaning of our dreams because they can tell us something
important. Sometimes we may be anxious or scared without really realizing it. Finding out the
meaning of our dreams may therefore help us to work on managing our feelings and understand
what is wrong.
Over to you:

● I don't think my dreams have become more vivid since the confinement, however I am one of
those people who rarely remember their dreams. The last dream I remember was a car chase with
a psycho killer. That dream takes place in a variety of settings. We were at home with my family
(in the dream my home and family were not the same as in real life). So we hid as best we could
from this psychopath for several days while trying to catch him. When I woke up, he had killed
two people that was not familiar to me, and we were waiting for him to come to our house, we
had called a huge family friend to help us intercept him. I woke up before he came into our house.

● Yes, I think that analyzing dreams can be a good thing, to be able to become aware of what we
feel and especially to try to understand why we have this feeling.

● I've never kept a diary of my dreams or my private life. Moreover, I think that even if I wanted to, I
would have difficulties keeping it because very often, even though I think as soon as I wake up, it
is impossible for me to remember what I dreamt during the night. However, I have friends who
have incredible dreams and for whom I think it would be beneficial to have one.

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