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Polar Bears - an endangered species

Did you know the world's most concerning recent issue is polar bears.
Yes, a group of mammals called polar bears in the arctic region! What if I
say, they are responsible for this anxiety, they hit their own foot with their
axe. Global warming is the reason for this worry. The blame is upon them
not on us because we were already aware before. This speech will tell you
how global warming is the biggest factor of extinction of polar bears.

We all know global warming is a sudden change in temperature. Recent

research of arctic region temperature reveals that 7°C temperature
increase, it is normal for us but in arctic region massive destructions like
large glaciers melting within a day. As a result polar bears living are being
squashed and trapped. Also, the water level is increasing, they might think
“it is good that water level is increasing” geography books will remove the
phrase “conserve water.” No, instead it will flood all low lying countries.
Already melted ice has drowned 2/10th of Antarctica is drowned under sea
level. As water level is increased we must note that it is salty water and salt
acts as a catalyst to melt more ice. Soon we can assume ½ of Antarctica
drowning within 3 months. Besides the regional effect, habits of polar bear
problem also arise. They no longer feel cold instead feel so much hot. A
video shot showing polar bears digging ice to go underground and to
prevent this heat. Global warming is not the last factor for endangering their
lives, additional actions are involved too.

People nowadays are polluting rivers, pools and sea water with plastics.
These plastics are either eaten by fishes or travel to the Arctic region and
they eat it as food. Another video shot which went viral on social media
showed rubbish and dead fishes are floating on water near the arctic
region. In 2018, it was reported that a shipwreck leaked all oil that
surrounded half of the arctic region, making the water toxic. Who knows,
there might be another shipwreck causing massive damage. People around
the world started capturing Africa for new organisations, imagine no space
left there, the last and only option will be Antartica. People will be
destroying polar bear’s home for a new establishment. Besides everything,
common crime ‘illegal hunting’ will be continued in Antarctica too, either
taking them to zoo or circus for audience’s entertainment and their money.
Money will drive them crazy to destroy Antarctica but they don’t know polar
bears are so significant.

Science says, Large mammals like polar bears are part of the arctic
ecosystem. They balance the population of animals in the region. The small
mammals like arctic foxes and penguins are dependent on polar bear food.
Polar bears hunt other large mammals like seagulls and some remains are
eaten by them. Thus polar bears are significant to ensure that other arctic
animals don't become extinct. Thus hunting also maintains the population.
Moreover, don't you love their cuteness, they are so much more unique
than us. Do you know polar bears swim 6.2 miles per hour, where I don't
know swimming. They can store food for lengthy periods, especially from
the beginning of winter months. Do you wish them to be extinct?

All problems have a solution, yes they can be saved. One voice and action
can change the perspective of anyone. If we care about the environment,
global warming will be minimised. To prevent those hunting and building up
of organisation can be prevented if governments around realize their
significance and take action but our job is to protect nature. If these tasks
are successfully done, we can see the mountains again standing firm and
polar bears safely roaming and living in the caves, NEVER EVER this topic
will arise again.

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