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March is the third month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and one of the seven Gregorian months

with a duration of 31 days.

From an astronomical point of view, March begins with the sun in the constellation of Aquarius and
ends with the sun in the constellation of Pisces. In ancient astronomy, March begins with the sun in the
sign of Pisces and ends in the sign of Aries.

The name March (Latin: Martius) comes from the god Mars, the god of war in Roman mythology and
was considered a favorable month for the beginning of the war. Under the emperor Romulus of Rome,
the year begins with this month, only in the year 45 BC, Julius Caesar introduced the Julian Calendar and
the year beginning on January 1.

The Greeks called March Elaphebolion. In Romania, the popular month of March is called Martisor. In
March, plowing and sowing begins, the orchards and gardens are cleaned, the hives are removed from
the winter and the honeycombs used as medicine in folk medicine are "cut", etc.

March begins on the same day of the week as February except for leap years and as November every
year. The spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, respectively the autumn equinox in the southern
hemisphere, (the date when the day is equal to the night), is a date that varies from March 19 to March
21 (UTC).

1 Events in March
2 In the literature
3 Note
4 External links
Events in March
The month of apperception of colorectal cancer
Women's History Month in the USA
Part of the Solar System Year:
March 2011: Ancient Astronomers / Modern Tools: Celebrating Sun Day - Earth
March 2012: Shadows of the Sun.
March 1: Martisor in Romania and Moldova, and Martenita in Bulgaria
March 18 (var.): Sun-Earth Day (2011: March 19)
March 19, 20 or 21: The equinox, called the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere and the autumn
equinox in the southern hemisphere.
March 21-27: Week of solidarity with peoples in the fight against racism and racial discrimination (UN)
[1]. This week commemorates a bloody police crackdown in Sharpeville, South Africa, in 1960.

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