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Tips how to communicate with Americans

I never had the opportunity to communicate with a real American. I imagine that
these are completely different people, with a different culture, communication and
manners. They are not like us at all. But in English lessons, I learned some
information about communicating with Americans.

Americans are a melting-pot of many countries, cultures and nationalities. Many

frontiersmen from Europe immigrated there several centuries ago. At first,
Europeans and Native Americans did not understand each other, because there was
a different language for communication, so Americans said, "White man speaks
with a forked tongue."

Centuries later, many integrations took place between Native Americans and
Europeans, and understanding came between the two nationalities.

You need to remember that Americans communicate directly, openly and without
any secrets. For example, they do not hesitate to ask about privacy or financial
status. They will easily ask their companion "What do you make in a year?",
"What do you do for a living?". They do not consider such issues obscene. After
all, Americans consider their country as Land of Opportunity and that they are
richer than most. So they are proud of their earnings and like to converse about it
with each other. This is how they stand out from other nationalities. So this is one
of the tips for communicating with Americans.

Personally, I cannot be called an American because I am more modest in my

statements. I will not ask a person about his financial opportunities or personal life
on the first day of dating. I consider it private, so I'm not offended if someone
doesn't give me an answer. And I myself would not like to answer such questions
to a stranger. So, if you have the opportunity to communicate with an American,
do not be afraid of his questions, but just be prepared for open conversations.

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