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Week 7 Topic 2 – Circuits and Current Day 1 – 17.01.

Textbook Page 20:
Q1. Give two things that are necessary to make a current flow through a small
Ans: A complete circuit with a cell and conducting wires where electrons flow.
Q2. What do the following symbols mean?
Ans: cell
1. Ans: a switch

c. Ans: a bulb

Page 21:
Q3. In the circuit on the right, meters X and Y measure current.
a. What type of meter are X and Y? Ans: Ammeter
b. Would you expect the reading on meter Y to be more, less or the same as
that on meter X? Ans: Same

If the switch is opened….

c. Will bulb A stay on or go out? Ans: go out
d. Will bulb B stay on or go out? Ans: go out
e. What will happen to the reading on meter X? Ans: zero
f. What will happen to the reading on meter Y? Ans: zero

Q4. The current through a small torch bulb is 0.2 A. What is this in milliAmperes?
Ans: 0.2 A = 0.2 x 1000 mA = 200 mA

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