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Useful phrases/sayings

己所不欲(yu4),勿施于人: what you don’t want others to do to you, don’t do

onto others
不因善小而不为,勿从恶小而为之: don’t neglect good because it is
insignificant, don’t commit evil because it is small
非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动: see no evil, hear no evil, say
no evil, do no evil
失之毫厘,谬(miu4)以千里: a small difference can make a big change
蝼(lou3)蚁尚有求存的权利: everyone has the right to live
善有善报,恶有恶报 [如果不报,时辰不到]: all things come around
健康就是财富: health is wealth
病从口入,祸从口出高: sickness often comes from careless eating,
disaster comes from careless speaking (warning against spreading false
黑暗即将过去,黎(li2)明就在眼前: the dark before the dawn
说千道万,不如做事一件: actions speak louder than words
事实胜于雄辩(xiong2 bian4): actions speak louder than words
危机即转机: A crisis gives rise to an opportunity
众人拾柴(chai2)火焰(yan4)高: everybody needs to work together
忍得一时之气,免得百日之忧: one should withhold saying a word so that
he need not worry for a hundred days after - watch your words (can be
used regarding controlling oneself when angry, or simply watching one’s
有意栽(zai1)花花不发,无心插柳柳(liu3 liu3)成荫(yin4): let nature take its
course; one may reap benefits from doing so.
黑发不知勤(qin2)学早,看看又是白头翁(weng1): one who is not studious
when young shall regret it when it is too late.
人不劝不善,钟不打不鸣(ming2): the bell does not ring if it is not struck -
one must put in work to have success
口说不如身逢(feng2),耳闻不如目见: hearing someone’s recount cannot
be compared to first-hand experience; hearing rumors cannot be compared
to seeing it
但行好事,莫问前程: one should not do good deeds and expect repayment
来说是非者,必是是非人: worry about your own life instead of worrying
about others’
良言一句暖三冬,恶语伤人六月寒: don’t be over critical; don’t be harsh with
one’s words
贫居闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲: the world loves the rich and hates the
(ru3),知止常止,终身不耻(chi3)。: Even good things can be bad if one
lets it go to his head; everything is a double-edged sword; moderation is
水太清则无鱼,人太察则无谋(mou2): don’t be over-critical; embrace
differences amongst one’s selves; don’t be overbearing.
有茶有酒多兄弟,急难何曾见一人: “friends” are plentiful when in times of
peace, but in times of turmoil only true friends remain. (used when referring
to making friends, can also be used when talking about being a good friend
and seeing people through thick and thin)
马行无力皆(jie1)因瘦,人不风流只为贫: one should not find excuses for
their inabilities/deficits
长江(jiang1)后浪推前浪,世上新人赶旧人: times change quickly
4R and 10C
Responsibility: 责任感
Relationship: 人与人之间的关系 / 人际关系
Respect: 尊敬
Reflection: 反省
Communication: 交流
Cross-Culture Understanding: 跨(kua4)文化理解
Collaboration: 合作能力
Creative Thinking: 创造力
Critical Thinking: 批判性思考
Citizenship: 公民身份 (the state of being a citizen and having rights); 公民义务
(citizenship as more of a value)
Confidence: 信心
Commitment: 承诺 (to do something); 献身 (to something)
Courage: 勇气
Government Terms
URA (Urban Redevelopment Authority): ​市区重建局
HDB (Housing & Development Board): 建屋发展局
Community Centre: 民众联络所
Community Club: 民众俱乐部
Neighbourhood Police Center (NPC): 邻里警局
Singapore Police Force (SPF): 新加坡警察部队
Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF): 新加坡民防部队
Ministry of Education (MOE): 教育部
Ministry of Manpower (MOM): 人力部
Ministry of Defense (MINDEF): 国防部
National Environment Agency (NEA): 国家环境局
Public Utility Board (PUB): 公用事业局
National Parks Board (NPARKS): 国家公园局
Full-time National Serviceman (NSF): 全职国民服役人员
National Service (NS): 国民服役
Basic Military Training (BMT): 基本军事训练
Passing-Out-Parade (POP): 结业典礼
Operationally Ready Date (ORD): 战备服役日
Criminal Records: 犯罪记录
Changi JEWEL: 星耀樟宜
Useful words
陋习 (lou4 ~): bad habits
跨 (kua4): step; ride; span
遗产: legacy
权威 (quan2 wei1): authority; authoritative power
象征: symbolise; symbol
生态: ecology
濒临 (bin1 lin2): almost; border (metaphorical and lit.)
绝种: to go extinct
太阳能: solar energy; solar power(ed)
循环 (xun2 huan2): recycle
着手 (zhuo2 ~): to set about doing something
综上所述 (zong1 ~ ~ shu4): in conclusion
一言以蔽之 (~ ~ ~ bi4 ~): in conclusion; in short
垂手可得 (chui2 ~ ~ ~): easy to obtain
误区: misconceptions; misunderstanding
应用学习 (ying4 yong4 xue2 xi2): applied learning
辽阔 (liao2 kuo4): vast
浩大 (hao4 da4): large scale or number
领域 (ling3 yu4): district; field (of study)
佳音 (jia1 yin1): good news
山洞 (shan1 dong4) / 洞穴 (dong4 xue2): cave
理智 (li3 zhi4): rational; rationality
搜索 (sou1 suo3): to search for
踊跃 (yong3 yue4): eager (adj); leap (v)
概念 (gai4 nian4): concept
枯萎 (ku1 wei3): wither
优势 (you1 shi4): advantage
内核 (nei4 he2): core; fundamental (ideals; values; techniques; skills)
志向 (zhi4 xiang4): ambition
陶冶 (tao2 ye3): mould; nurture
园艺 (~ yi4): gardening
地步 (di4 bu4): extent
滥用 (lan4 yong4): abuse; misuse
刻不容缓 (ke4 by4 rong2 huan3): demands immediate action
杀生: to kill (not kill smth, kill in general)
极端主义: extremist (ideals; person is 极端主义分子); alt. 恐怖主义
网络健康: cyberwellness
大使: ambassador
一窍不通 (~ qiao4 ~ ~): to not know anything about smth
触动: to be moved
炉火纯青 (lu4 ~ chun2 ~): to attain perfection
愉悦 (yu2 yue4): elated
匪 (fei3): cannot (when used alone); robber/thief (when paired - 劫匪)
因公殉职 (~ ~ xun4 zhi2): to die in the line of duty
打岔 (~ cha4): interrupt
义工代表: volunteer
义工计划: volunteer work
运动组别代表: house captain (form. 体育~~积分)
碳足迹 (tan4 zu2 ji1): carbon footprint
酝酿 (yun4 niang4): brew (lit. and metaphorically)
糙米 (cao1 ~): brown rice
温室效应: greenhouse effect
松懈 (~ xie4): relaxed; lax
讽刺 (feng3 ci4): irony (not in a literary sense); ridicule; satire
明讽 (~ feng3): direct satire
讥讽 (ji1 feng3): sarcasm
反讽 (fan3 feng3): irony
处境反讽: situational irony
口头反讽: verbal irony
暗讽 (an4 feng3): innuendo; allusion (negative)
射影: innuendo
言之无理: non-sequitur
赤裸裸 (chi4 luo3 luo3): naked and exposed (lit. and metaphorically)
溺水 (ni4 ~): to drown
溺毙: to drown to death
契机 (qi2 ~): opportunity; turning point
人工智能: AI
鸡皮疙瘩 (~ ~ ge1 da5): goosebumps
耽误 (dan1 ~): delay; stall for time
煎炸油腻 (jian1 zha2 you2 ni4): fried and oily (food)
高血压: high blood pressure
高血糖: high blood sugar
高血脂 (~ ~ ni4): high blood cholesterol
饮食: diet
中风: stroke
慢性病: chronic disease
急性病: acute disease
遗传 (yi2 chuan2): pass on; hereditary
摇撼 (yao2 han4): give a violent shake to
腾空: rise to the sky
伶俐 (ling2 li4): clever; quick-witted
濒临 (bin1 lin2): border (literal and metaphorical); on the verge of
削弱 (xue1 ruo4): to weaken
隔绝: isolate
晶体: crystal
诞生 (dan4 sheng1): to be born
彻底 (che4 di3): thorough
咎由自取 (jiu4 you2 zi4 qu3): only have oneself to blame
缩影: epitome
寻呼机: beeper
传呼机: pager
频繁: frequent; frequency
米其林星: Michelin Star
通报: notification
科技: science and technology
培训: train (~员工)
二维码 (er4 wei2 ma3): QR code
通风: ventilation
舒适: comfortable; cozy
系统: system; manner
双刃剑: double-edged sword
线上会议平台: online communication platform
应用程序: (internet/phone) applications
足不出户: without taking a step out of one’s house
治标 (zhi4 biao1): short-term solution
治本 (zhi4 ben3): long-term solution
谷歌: Google
居家学习: HBL
新常态: “new normal”
互联网: internet
网络连接: internet connection
网路速度: internet speed
风雨同舟 (feng1 yu3 tong2 zhou1): to work together to overcome a
日常生活用品: daily necessities
传播: transmit
世界卫生组织: World Health organisation
人与人之间: inter-person; person-to-person
潜伏期: incubation period
打喷嚏 (da3 pen1 ti4): to sneeze
液滴: droplets (referring to sneeze, saliva, etc.)
飞沫 (fei1 mo4): ejected droplets
肥皂 (fei2 zao4): soap
(洗手)消毒液: hand sanitiser
监控: monitor (condition)
检查: screening
遮掩 (zhe1 yan1): to cover
冠病19: COVID-19
自我隔离: self-isolation
新型冠状病毒: Novel coronavirus
流行: epidemic
大流行: pandemic
人畜共患病 (ren2 chu4 gong4 huan4 bing4): zoonotic disease - from
animals to humans
生物体: organism
因素: factor
接触: contact
接触者追查: contact tracing
易感者: vulnerable/susceptible person
排泄物 (pai2 xie4 wu4): excrement
泌物 (mi4 wu4): secretions
引起: initiate; trigger (​引发传染病​)
疾病 (ji4 bing4): disease
症状 (cheng4 zhuang4): symptom
一线员工: frontline workers
责任感: responsibility
传染性的: infectious
流鼻涕: runny nose
咳嗽: cough
口罩: mask
发热 or 发高烧: have a fever
凌驾 (ling2 jia4): look down on
狂妄自大 (kuang1 wang4 zi4 da4): to be conceited
轻举妄动 (qing1 ju3 wang4 dong4): to act rashly
残酷 (can2 ku4): brutal
嫁祸 (jia4 huo4): to blame sb else
与其 (yu3 qi2): rather than
大肆 (da4 si4): without restraint
肆意 (si4 yi4): wantonly; to do sth with no care or concern
伤势 (shang1 shi2): condition of an injury
崛起 (jue2 qi3): to rise suddenly suddenly, to spring up (referring to
landforms - mountains, or numeric data)
否认 (fou3 ren4): to deny
事态 (shi4 tai4): situation
骇人听闻 (hai4 ren2 ting1 wen2): to be appalling; to be shocking
地步 (di4 bu4): extent
低估 (di1 gu1): to underestimate
拖延(tuo1 yan2): to delay
消耗 (xiao1 hao4): to consume; to deplete (intangible, not referring to food
unless it’s referring to the food source as a whole)
平白无故 (ping2 bai2 wu2 gu4): for no reason
基层组织 (ji1 ceng2 zu3 zhi1): grassroots
市镇理会 (shi4 zhen4 li3 hui4): town council
成百上千 or 成千上万: numerous (depending on magnitude, choose either
于此: as a result of this
门径 (men2 jing4): the key to smth (通向知识的​门径​是学习)
公认: acknowledge
力求: to strive to
有鉴于此 (you3 jian4 yu2 ci3): in view of this
百姓: the (common) people
浩劫 (hao4 jie2): catastrophe; great calamity
历来: always; since a long time ago
短促 (duan3 cu4): very brief
辈子 (bei4 zi3): lifetime
来函 (lai2 han4): incoming letter (这次来函)
取缔 (qu3 di4): ban/outlaw
摄像机 (she4 xiang4 ji1): camera
凌虐 (ling2 nüe4): abuse/maltreat
职衔 (zhi2 xian2): position / post and rank
变态 (bian4 tai4): abnormal
纸上谈兵: all talk no walk
憧憬 (chong2 jing3): goal; dream wish
融洽 (rong2 qia4): harmonious; close to sb
纠纷 (jiu1 fen1): disagreements
阻吓 (zu3 he4): deter people from doing smth through “scaring” them
行踪 (xing2 zong4): whereabouts
急躁 (ji2 zao4): impatient
贸然 (mao4 ran2): rashly
庐山真面目 (lu4 - - - -): true colors
消散: dissipate
频繁 (pin1 fan2): frequently
擅长 (shan4 chang2): be skilled in
忏悔 (chan4 hui3): repent
鲁莽 (lu3 mang3): rash; without thought
谣言 (yao2 yan3): rumour
不屑 (bu2 xie4): think that something is not worth doing
缤纷 (bin1 fen1): colourful; a lot of colours
肥沃 (fei2 wo4): fertile
虚伪 (xu1 wei3): hypocritical
狡猾 (jiao3 hua2): cunning
胀大 (zhang4 da4): expand
享誉 (xiang3 yu4): enjoy good fame
清晰 (qing xi1): clear; not blurry
推卸 (tui1 xie4): shirk (responsibility)
赏赐 (shang3 ci4): award (monetary) - NB: only can be used when person
of higher rank is giving the award
赏认 (shang3 ren4): award (recognition) - NB: only can be used when
person of higher rank is giving the award
泛滥 (fan4 lan4): flood (literal and metaphorical); to be in overflow
湍急 (tuan1 ji2): rapid current
茁壮 (zhuo2 zhuang4): healthy and strong (plants, animals)
骄纵 (jiao1 zong4): arrogant and undisciplined
奢侈 (she1 chi3): extravagant; expensive; luxurious (not negative
connotation by itself)
高档 (gao1 dang4): high quality; top grade (抵挡 and 中档 also exist)
挥霍 (hui1 huo4): to squander money
娇纵 (jiao1 zong4): indulgence; spoiling
骄恣 (jiao1 zi4): to do what one wants; undisciplined
赞颂 (zan4 song4): to praise greatly (not person)
编码 (bian4 ma3): programming code
乳酪 (ru3 lao4): cheese
化石 (hua4 shi3): fossil
乳酸菌 (ru3 suan1 jun1): yoghurt
寿命 (shou4 ming4): life expectancy
隐形 (yin3 xing2): stealth; concealed
演化 (yan3 hua4): evolve
强迫 (qiang2 po4): to force
揭开 (jie2 kai1): uncover (a secret or literal)
江河 (jiang1 he2): rivers (usually referring to rivers in general; the rivers of
the earth)
资格 (zi1 ge2): qualifications
估计 (gu1 ji4): [informal] to reckon
况且: besides
给予 (ji3 yu3): to give
毕竟 (bi4 jing4): actually
特殊 (te4 shu2): special
仁慈 (ren2 ci2): benevolent; kind; merciful
活跃 (huo2 yue4): invigorated; active; to enliven; to invigorate
等级: grade (of smth, not school grades)
极度: extremely
低等: inferior
小菜一碟: [slang] a piece of cake
升学: to further one’s study
活物: living being
待机 (dai4 ji1): to be on standby; to await; computer standby
研究(yan2 jiu1): to research; to discuss
惩罚 (cheng2 fa2): to punish
构成 (gou4 cheng2): to constitute; structure
Good to know words (makes compo more interesting, but not
applicable in all cases):
魁 (kui4): first (魁首,夺魁, etc.); well-built (身魁力状)
黑魆魆 (~ xu1 xu1): dark
矍铄 (jue2 shuo4): to still be sharp and full of vigor even in age
莘莘学子 (shen1 shen1 ~ ~): a great number of students
灌输 (guan4 shu1): indoctrinate
袅(niao3): slender and delicate; graceful (usu. of a woman) [adj] OR sway
水势 (shui3 shi4): (water) current
淼淼 (miao3 miao3): raging currents (rare)
淼渺 (miao3 miao3): boundlessness of the sea; how the sea covers
everything with no gaps; smth unachievable
淼漫 (miao3 man4): the vastness of the sea
淼漭 (miao3 mang3): the vastness of the sea
无涯 (wu2 ya4): boundless; endless
间隙 (jian4 xi4): gap (time)
间歇 (jian4 xie1): intermission
燚 (yi4): fierce (fire)
焱 (yan4): a flame; a sparkle
(man4): great currents (rare)
玲珑 (ling2 long2): exquisite; nimble
八面玲珑 (~ ~ ling2 long2): to be smooth
远离尘嚣 (yuan2 li3 chen2 xiao1): isolated; remote; removed from society
开辟 (kai1 pi4): develop
叮嘱 (ding1 zhu3): to warn
赞咏 (~ yong3): chant praises
风雅 (~ ya3): refined; sophisticated
盛 (cheng2): to ladle out; to contain
囡囡 (nan1 nan1): little darling (term of endearment for a child)
何谓: what is
臭气熏天 (~ ~ xun1 ~): stink to the heavens
默契 (mo4 qi4): tacit agreement (mutually understood without needing to
explicitly state)
踉跄 (lang4 qiang4): stagger
暂且 (zan4 qie3): for the moment
跋扈 (ba2 hu4): domineering
摇曳 (yao2 ye4): flicker; sway
瑕疵 (xia2 ci1): flaw; blemish
胸襟 (xiong1 jin1): -mindedness; breadth of mind (敞开胸襟,胸襟宽大,胸
皙 (xi1): clear-skinned; fair-skinned
蜥 (xi1): chameleon
楷模 (kai3 mo2): model; example
博览 (bo2 lan3): read extensively
膨胀 (peng2 zhang4): expand
佳肴 (jia1 yao2): delicacy
凋谢 (diao1 xie4): wither and fall (plants)
贫瘠 (pin2 ji2): infertile
轻率 (qing1 shuai4): hasty
斑斓 (ban1 lan2): colourful
蠕动 (ru2 dong4): wriggle
聪颖 (song1 ying3): clever; bright
貂 (diao1): marten
秃 (tu1): barren; bare
严峻 (yan2 jun4): severe
裁剪 (cai2 jian3): cut out a garment
混沌 (hun2 dun4): chaotic
嗜血 (shi4 xue4): bloodthirsty
残留 (can3 liu2): to remain (-ve tone)
稍纵即逝 (shao1 zong4 ji2 shi4): fleeting
岛屿 (dao3 yu3): island
坑骗 (keng1 pian4): to cheat someone; to swindle someone
坑 (keng1) or 坑洞 (keng1 dong4): hole
坠落 (zhui4 luo4): tall
轨迹 (gui3 ji4): trajectory
巅峰 (dian1 feng1): pinnacle; top; peak
虐杀 (nüe4 sha1): slaughter
杀戮 (sha1 lu4): massacre (livestock or people)
霓虹 (ni2 hong2): neon (loanword); secondary rainbow
天赋 (tian1 fu4): innate gift
侵蚀 (qin1 shi2): erode
腐蚀 (fu3 shi2): corrode
赐 (ci4): bestow; gift; grant; confer
幽冥 (you1 ming2): dark; gloomy
汹涌 (xiong1 yong3): surging; turbulent (of water or intangible)
屈居 (qu1 ju1): to be forced to take a lower position
岩浆 (yan1 jiang1): magma
残酷 (can2 ku4): brutal
丛林 (cong1 lin2): same as 森林
崭新 (zhan3 xin1): brand-new
编织 (bian1 zhi2): weave; knit
蠢货 (chun2 huo4): [derogatory] dunce; idiot
掠夺 (lüe4 duo2): to plunder; prey on; get smth forcefully
痴情 (chi1 qing2): infatuation
汪洋 (wang1 yang2): an expanse of water; a large water body
海域 (hai3 yu4): sea area or sea (sea or ocean)
登峰造极 (deng1 feng1 zao4 ji2): to attain the height of perfection
塚 (zhong3): burial mound; grave; tomb mound
渺 (miao3): distant; tiny
催眠 (cui1 mian2): to hypnotise
驾驭 (jia4 yu4): to control (a vehicle, animal or a person)
傀儡 (kui3 lei3): a puppet; sb’s toy; sb’s plaything
并肩 (bing4 jian1): side by side
酷爱 (ku4 ai4): to be passionate about smth
烹饪 (peng1 ren4): to cook
酿 (niang1): alcohol (in general, or any non-specific alcoholic drink); to brew
庞然大物 (pang2 ran2 da4 wu4): giant (can also refer to something that
appears to be strong but is weak)
庞然悠远 (pang2 ran2 you1 yuan3): vast
宇宙 (yu3 zhou4): universe
啁啾 (zhou1 jiu1): referring to the chirping made by birds
庞大 (pang2 da4): huge
扩散 (kuo4 san3): to spread; to disperse
蔓延 (man4 yan2): to spread out; to creep (as in vegetation)
桎梏 (zhi4 gu4): shackles; manacles
枷锁 (jia1 suo3): chains
咆哮 (pao2 xiao4): to roar
执行 (zhi2 xing2): to carry out (a plan)
兼并 (jian4 bing4): to acquire
大规模: to a large extent (​not​ agreeing to a large extent); a large scale
覆盖 (fu4 gai4): cover
骨骼 (gu3 gu2): skeleton
新陈代谢 (xin1 chen2 dai4 xie4): metabolism
凝聚 (ning2 ju4): to condense; to bind together
捷足先登 (jie2 zu2 xian1 deng1): the early bird catches the worm
凑巧 (cou4 qiao2): luckily, fortunately
知晓 (zhi1 xiao3): to know
走漏 (zou3 lou4): to leak (water)
嫩 (nen4): soft; tender, naive
幻境 (huan4 jing4): dreamland
罕有 (han3 you3) or 罕见 (han3 jian4): rare
锋利 (feng1 li4): sharp (referring to tools or words - incisive tone)
刃 (ren4): blade
摧 (cui1): to break; to destroy
坚不可摧 (jian1 bu4 ke3 cui1): indestructible
冰霜 (bing1 shuang1): frost
稀有 (xi1 you3): rare
潜伏 (qian2 fu2): to lurk
屏障 (ping2 zhang4): barrier
行贿 (xing2 hui4): bribery
浩瀚 (hao4 han4): cast; endless
企图: to plan to; to attempt to
停滞 (ting2 zhi4): to stagnate; to come to a halt; to be bogged down to a
机缘 (ji1 yuan2): a stroke of good luck; an opportunity
途径 (tu2 jing4): a way; an approach (to do smth or to obtain smth)
类型: type
底细: ins and outs of smth
机械 (ji1 xie4): to be rigid; machinery (general machinery)
厮杀 (si1 sha1): to fight in close quarters; hand to hand combat
包涵 (bao1 han2): to forgive
报酬 (bao4 chou2): compensation; repayment
困倦: to be drowsy
崩溃 (ben1 kui4): collapse; crumble (intangible)
淋漓尽致 (lin2 li2 jin4 zhi4): thoroughly; to express something in great
detail; to describe fully (她的眼神把她的赞美和喜悦表现得​淋漓尽致​)
饕餮 (tao1 tie4): gluttony
专横: domineering
霸道: overbearing
流氓 (liu2 mang2): hooligan; rouge
群殴 (qun2 ou1): to brawl
积攒 (ji1 zan3): to accumulate bit by bit
贪婪 (tan1 lan2): greedy
丑陋 (chou3 lou4): ugly
擅长 (shan4 chang2): to be skilled in
侥幸 (jiao3 xing4): luckily
邋遢 (la1 ta1): to be a drab; to be scruffy and dishevelled
娘兮兮 (niang2 xi1 xi1): [derogatory] sissy
澎湃 (peng2 pai4): racing; surging (of water)
漪澜 (yi1 lan2): waves
操纵 (cao1 zong4): to manipulate; to control (a machine; sb else - a person,
a company, another entity)
荣誉 (rong2 yu4): glory; honor
起誓 (qi3 shi4): to swear
萎靡 (wei2 mi3): downhearted; in low spirits (精神萎靡)
聪慧 (cong1 hui4): smart; intelligent
魅力 (mei4 li4): charm
神魂颠倒 (shen2 hun2 dian1 dao3): to be infatuated (with someone)
撬动 (qiao4 doing4): to pry
覆盖 (fu4 gai4): to cover
洁白无瑕 (jie2 bai2 wu2 xia2): spotlessly white
孱弱 (chan2 ruo4): frail
隧道 (sui4 dao4): tunnel
抑郁 (yi4 yu4): depressed
切忌: be sure to avoid; to guard against
鬼门关: gates of hell; jaws of death
破绽 (po4 zhan4): a hole in someone’s plans; a weak point; a tell
矗立 (chu4 li4): to stand majestically
屹立 (yi4 li4): to stand
藏匿 (cang2 ni4): to conceal
锋芒 (feng1 mang2): cutting edge; spearhead; ability; talent
认怂 (ren4 song3): admit; confess
霆 (ting2): thunderclap
恣意妄为 (zi4 yi4 wang4 wei2): unconscionable; to run wild
炽 (chi4): ablaze; fiery
焚 (fen2): to burn
灼 (zhuo4): to burn; bright
焚毁 (fen2 hui3): to burn down; to destroy by fire
纯粹 (chun2 chui4): pure; purely (like in “purely for”)
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