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WORDS OF LIFE SERIES 54 impressive passages in scripture is John 13:1-17.

A proud Christian is really a

BIBLE STUDY NOTES OUR LORD’S contradiction; a Christian is a follower of Christ, the “gentle and humble” One.
INTERVIEWS 3. John the Baptist witnessed the public dedication of the Lord Jesus to
by Francis W. Dixon His supreme purpose for which He had come into the world.
This was His public inauguration to the redeeming work He had come to do. In
one sense He certainly did not need to be baptised because He had no sins to
Study 1 WITH JOHN AT THE RIVER JORDAN confess or of which to repent, but in order to identify Himself with sinful man
(Scripture Portion: Matthew 3:13-17) and lay His spotless life at the disposal of the Father, He submitted to this rite.
This series of ten studies consists of a selection from the four Gospels of This was His offering of Himself as God’s Lamb (John 1:29), and showing His
instances where Jesus met individuals or groups of people and revealed willingness to give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).
Himself and His truth to them. Two things may be said: first, He revealed
4. John the Baptist knew the way in which the Saviour’s redemptive work
Himself to them; and second, they were never the same again after their
was to be accomplished.
interview with Him. Because our Lord Jesus Christ is our risen, living and
It seems clear from the record that Jesus, when He was baptised, was
exalted Lord, these things can be true of us (Hebrews 13:8).
immersed. (1) The Greek word “baptizo” signifies this. (2) Matthew 3:16 and
The first interview marks the beginning of His public ministry, the occasion Mark 1:9-10 surely imply immersion (notice “coming up out of the water”).
when He went to the banks of Jordan where John the Baptist was baptising, (3) look up John 3:23; and (4) compare Romans 6:4. Baptism is a picture of
and asked that He might be baptised – compare Mark 1:1-11; Luke 3:21-23; death, burial and resurrection. Now read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and compare
John 1:31-34. We know little about Jesus’ early days in Nazareth, but look up Paul’s description of the Gospel. Our redemption was secured by His death,
Luke 2:40 and compare Mark 6:3, where we are told that He was a carpenter. burial and resurrection, so His baptism shows the manner of His redemptive
When Jesus was about thirty years old great crowds were attending John the work.
Baptist’s ministry (Matthew 3:5-6), and when Jesus came and asked John to
5. John the Baptist saw the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus and
baptise Him, John at once recognised the Lord. How was this? It must have
anointing Him for His earthly ministry.
been (1) because of the radiance of His personality, (2) being first cousins they
Compare Luke 3:21-22; Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38. How deeply significant this
would have met previously in Jerusalem at the annual feast; or (3) he may have
anointing was! See Hebrews 9:14. Before we are ready for service we must
known Him by divine discernment. What lessons can we learn from the Lord’s
have the same anointing – Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8 – and see what Zechariah 4:6
interview with John the Baptist? What lessons must John have learned about
tells us. If the Lord Jesus needed this holy anointing before He began His public
the Lord’s submission to the ordinance of baptism?
ministry, how much more do we!
1. John the Baptist heard a declaration from heaven that Jesus was God’s
Son. 6. John the Baptist saw a picture of the way all believers should follow
This declaration could not have been given on any higher authority, because Christ.
God Himself gave testimony to the absolute deity of His Son (Matthew 3:17). Jesus was baptised in order to “fulfil all righteousness” (Matthew 3:15), or, in
Compare Matthew 17:5; John 12:28. Years before, the prophet Isaiah had order to do what was pleasing in God’s eyes; His word to us is “Follow Me!” –
written – Isaiah 9:6; at the Annunciation to Mary, the angel had said – Luke compare John 21:22 with 1 Peter 2:21, then look up Matthew 28:19 and Mark
1:35. After His baptism, John said – John 1:34. Notice that the Trinity is 16:15-16. Baptism is not a denominational matter; it is a New Testament matter
revealed in this baptismal scene: the Son is being baptised, the Spirit is – compare again these two last references, then trace the following references
descending as a dove, and the Father is speaking from heaven. to baptismal services in the Book of Acts:-
Acts 2:37-47; Acts 8:12; Acts 8:36-39; Acts 9:17-18; Acts 10:44-48; Acts 16:14-
2. John the Baptist saw a demonstration of the truth of Jesus’ words, “I 15; Acts 16:30-34; Acts 18:8; Acts 19:1-7.
am gentle and humble in heart.”
7. John the Baptist learned the most important lesson of all.
(Matthew 11:29). Jesus was God’s beloved Son, yet He voluntarily submitted to
That lesson is this – the full blessing of God can only be experienced when we
this ordinance of baptism. He asked John to baptise Him (compare Matthew
are ready and willing to obey Him absolutely. It is only in response to such
3:11,15). Now read carefully Matthew 20:27-28; Philippians 2:5-8; 1 Peter 3:4.
complete obedience and full surrender that He says, “I am well pleased.”
Do we possess this priceless quality of humility (1 Peter 5:5)? One of the most

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