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WORDS OF LIFE SERIES 54 comes near to you now and waits to cleanse and forgive you if you will

ear to you now and waits to cleanse and forgive you if you will turn
BIBLE STUDY NOTES OUR LORD’S away from your sin and fall at His feet in confession and contrition – look up
INTERVIEWS Proverbs 28:13; and compare Jeremiah 31:3.
by Francis W. Dixon
2. He talked with her because He sought her salvation.
This woman was lost, and she knew it (Luke 19:10). Nobody needed to tell her
Study 4 WITH THE WOMAN AT SYCHAR’S WELL that she was a sinner needing salvation. She knew it. Many people do not know
(Scripture Portion: John 4:1-42) of their lost condition in God’s sight, even though they are as lost as this woman
was. Was she lost because she had broken the seventh commandment? No,
We have this beautiful record of the Lord’s interview with the Samaritan not primarily. It was because she had never been saved by the Lord Jesus
woman. Please read the whole of John 4, and then come back to verse 27, Christ, and this is the same for any of us. Look up 1 Timothy 1:15. Notice:-
which is our point of departure for this study. The Lord Jesus had purposely
passed through Samaria and had come as far as Jacob’s Well so that He might 1. Jesus wanted to reveal her sinful condition and need. He spoke with such
speak with the sinful Samaritan women whom He knew would be there drawing conviction about the sinful life she was living – see verses 16-18.
2. Jesus wanted to forgive her sin. Yes, He was ready to forgive and to say to her
water. He was tired from the journey! Although He was truly God He was also
what He said to a similar women on another occasion (Luke 7:48).
man, and as man was subject to physical tiredness. He sat by Sychar’s Well, 3. Jesus wanted to cleanse her from her impurity (1 John 1:7,9).
and this poor sinful woman came to draw water. The disciples were away in the 4. Jesus wanted to break her appetite for sin in her life (Matthew 1:21; John 8:36).
city buying food, and when they returned and saw Jesus speaking to the
woman they wanted to ask Him ‘Why are you talking to her?’ – but none of All these things He waits to do for you. Thank God for Matthew 9:13; John 6:37!
them actually asked Him the question. Why were they so surprised? For at
least three reasons:- first, according to Jewish Law, no rabbi (teacher) must 3. He talked with her because He longed to satisfy her.
ever hold a conversation with a woman alone; second, the Lord Jesus was a Read Psalm 107:9. This woman longed for satisfaction, as John 4:13-15
man, and for a man to engage in serious conversation with a woman, and a assures us. Is there anyone, anywhere, who does not long for a deep-down
strange woman at that - and to do this in the open - was a very improper thing heart satisfaction? Nothing on this earth that is material or temporal can really
2000 years ago; third, Jesus was a Jew (see verse 9). But notice three further satisfy the deepest needs of our hearts. Things we can handle or see may bring
things:- temporary relief and pleasure, but soon we “thirst again” (verse 13). Money, a
beautiful home, an excellent job; these do not satisfy if God is left out (Psalm
1. The Lord really did speak to this woman. 16:11), and Jesus longs to give full satisfaction (Matthew 11:28-30; John 10:9).
2. What He said was with authority because of who He is – see vs. 10,14 and 25-26.
3. What He said to the woman resulted in the complete transformation of her life.
4. He talked with her because He wanted to use her.
Now these three facts are true in relation to ourselves, and these things apply We see this in John 4:28,29,30,39. This is Jesus’ method for spreading the
to us in the same way. But let us ask these questions: Why did Jesus seek this gospel. He saves and satisfies men and women, and they go out to tell others
interview with the woman? Why did He talk to her? Why does He speak to us? about all that He has done for them. The woman preached no sermon, but she
There are four answers to these questions:- gave a testimony; she would have gone back to the very men with whom she
had committed adultery and told them that the Lord loved her, had saved and
1. He talked with her because He loved her. satisfied her, and that He would do the same for them if they would trust Him.
Please invest this word “love” with all the dignity and glory that it deserves. She became an instrument in the Lord’s hands, a true ambassador for Christ (2
Think who He was – the eternal Son of God, the Saviour of the world – look up Corinthians 5:20), a vital witness to Him (Acts 1:8); and she had the joy of
John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 8:9; Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 5:25 – and compare seeing many people brought to Christ through her simple testimony.
John 4:42 (last five words). And who was she? A poor peasant woman
engaged in menial work, a woman who had broken God’s laws and in particular What an amazing interview Jesus had with this woman at Sychar’s Well! He is
the seventh commandment. She had given way to passion and had sold her waiting and willing to use you in the same way, and bring others to know of His
life to sin. Probably she never meant to do this, but now she was living in sin. saving grace through your witness.
She was a prostitute, yet Jesus loved her. She was a fallen woman – and
Jesus loved her! Are you like that? – a fallen man?....or woman? Do learn from PO Box 334, EASTLEIGH, SO53 2UB, UK
this study that Jesus loves you; whoever you are and whatever your sin; He

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