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WORDS OF LIFE SERIES 53 Sovereign – compare 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.

This then is the gospel: God has

BIBLE STUDY NOTES GREAT STATEMENTS OF THE sent Jesus Christ, His only Son, into this world to die on the Cross for our sins.
GOSPEL God raised Him from the dead, and He is now a living Saviour exalted at His
by Francis W. Dixon right hand (Hebrews 7:25-26). The gospel message is the declaration of the
glorious Person of Christ, of His finished work, and of His present saving power,
and it is exactly adapted to man’s need.
(Key verse: Romans 1:16) 3. THE SUFFICIENCY OF THE GOSPEL
It is “the power of God for…salvation…” Man’s first need is salvation – to be
This verse reveals the theme of the Letter to the Romans: “the gospel”. It runs reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:20), to be forgiven (Colossians 2:13), to be
through all scripture and will be the theme in heaven throughout eternity. justified (Romans 5:1), to receive eternal life (Titus 3:7); and the gospel is
sufficient because it is not simply good advice about something that man has to
The word ‘gospel’, which means ‘good news’, occurs many times in the New do in order to be saved, but it is the good news that God has done, in and
Testament. It is described as “the gospel of God” (Romans 1:1); “the gospel of through His Son, all that is necessary for our salvation. The gospel is God’s
Christ” (Romans 1:16); “the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:4); power to save and transform the sinner into a saint; to deliver us from “the
”the gospel of your salvation (Ephesians 1:13); “the gospel of peace” wrath of God” (verse 18), to clothe us with “righteousness” (verse 17). There is
(Ephesians 6:15). Paul was not ashamed of this gospel. How could he be? – no human need that the gospel cannot meet, and no sinner too sinful for the
because as the result of believing it he had been saved and his life had been gospel to save.
transformed. He was therefore able to say, “I am proud of the gospel”
(Weymouth’s translation) – proud to believe it as a man (Acts 27:25), to confess 4. THE SCOPE OF THE GOSPEL
it as a Christian (Romans 10:9-10), to proclaim it as a witness (Acts 22:15), to It is for “everyone” (verse 16) – for Jew and Gentile. There is no social, moral or
contend for it as a good soldier (Philippians 1:27), and to suffer and die for it as age barrier to hinder anyone from accepting the gospel (Matthew 11:28), so this
a martyr (2 Timothy 4:6-8). is good news for you.
There were many things that Paul could be proud of, but he counted all these 5. THE SIMPLICITY OF THE GOSPEL
things as rubbish compared with the knowledge he had received of his Lord The gospel is good news from God to man. To enter into the benefits we have
and Saviour through the gospel. Look up Philippians 3:3-8, and notice five to believe this good news, to receive it and to rejoice in it. We are saved by faith
facts:- by believing! Faith is simply acting upon God’s Word; He tells you that you are a
sinner, and you believe it, not only because of what your own heart tells you but
1. THE SOURCE OF THE GOSPEL because of what God tells you (Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:23). He tells you that He
What is its origin? It comes from God Himself (Romans 1:1), and literally reads put your sin on Christ and crucified Him in your place (Isaiah 53:5-6; 1 Peter
“the gospel out of God”. So the gospel is good news from God. We learn at 2:24), and you believe this; He tells you that He raised the Lord Jesus Christ
once the difference between the gospel of God and the religion of man. Man’s from the dead as a sign that by Him all who believe are justified (Romans 4:25),
religion always begins with man; God’s gospel always begins with God. The and you believe this. You rest completely on His word about the work that has
source of the gospel determines its character – it is God-like, noble, great, and been done for your salvation, and you trust the Saviour to save you, and as you
it is for our good to receive it. It is reliable and up-to-date, because anything do this you are saved.
God says never needs revising. The gospel is not a religion but a revelation
from God Himself – His complete and final word to man. Salvation is simply by believing? Do you believe? – look up and compare John
1:12; John 3:16; John 3:36; Acts 16:30-31; Romans 10:9-10. Now look up Acts
2. THE SUBJECTS OF THE GOSPEL 28:24 – to which class do you belong?
What is the gospel about? If it is good news, what is the news? Romans 1:3-4
answers this question for us. It is about “Jesus Christ our Lord”; it is God’s WORDS OF LIFE MINISTRIES
declaration concerning the Person and work of Christ. We have a statement PO Box 334, EASTLEIGH, SO53 2UB, UK
here concerning our Lord’s real humanity (verse 3), His deity (verse 4), and His
Name, “Jesus Christ our Lord”, declares Him to be our Saviour, Sanctifier and

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